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Brewer Resources

Below are a set of RateBeer resources for brewers around the world. Bottle neckers and shelf talkers (aka shelf tags) provide a 100-point scale rating of the top beers at RateBeer. Preliminary reports are that our promotions reduce shelf time and increase beer sales volume dramatically. Any interested brewer is welcome to print RateBeer shelftags, licensing waived entirely, through December 2004. Educated beer consumers help everyone in the craft beer industry and we're happy to do our part!

Affiliate Yourself With Your Brewery

We appreciate your help in maintaining RateBeer's accuracy. We have a great way of making this happen. To edit your company's info and/or products
  • a) Log in to your account. If you don't have one, then create one
  • b) Go to your company's page by using the search bar at the top of this or any RateBeer page
  • c) Then click "Are you affiliated with this place/brewery?"
  • d) Then follow the instructions
After this you will be able to edit you company's information on RateBeer. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Cheers, Admin

Point of Sale Promotions

You can find shelf tags for your beers by looking up your brewery on our search page and then clicking the link at the bottom of the page for SHELF TALKERS.

Order Bottle Neckers

Bottle neckers are an easy and effective way to leverage the tremendous value of your RateBeer awards at the point of sale. Let us help you spread the word that your brewery makes great beer for beer people. Just send us your details. We'd be happy to send you professional quality customized, color, die cut bottle neckers on heavy card stock fully ready for your bottling line.

Shelf Tags

You can find shelf tags for your brewery's beers by looking up your brewery on our search page, and then clicking the link at the bottom of the page for SHELF TALKERS. These are a great, very low cost method of leveraging the tremendous value of your RateBeer awards at the point of sale. Best laminated.

Winner Statements

Remember, you don't want to say, "#39 In The World At RateBeer.com". There are myriad of other options. We've seen quite a number of excellent, creative applications of RateBeer Best awards -- below are several examples. Also, awards of first, second and third place are gold, silver and bronze awards respectively. BONUS: The use of our logo and mention of RateBeer Best is completely free through 2004. So take advantage of this any of the following statements.

"#1 Brewer In The Midwest!"
"Best Beer In Mexico"
"Florida's Top Brewer"
"Best Light Lager In America"
"Silver Medal, Canadian Wheat Beers"

Attribution: To be a valid statement, your RateBeer Best statement must include a date, as either the month and year or the RateBeer Best season and year, and a reference to RateBeer as either RateBeer, RateBeer.com or RateBeer Best. Valid examples are:

"RateBeer.com June 2004"
"RateBeer Best Summer 2004"
"RateBeer Winter '04"
"RateBeer 06/2003"
"RateBeer.com Aug '02"

Bonus Brewer Features

Send us your name and brewery with the feedback link, and we'll provide you privileges to add and update information on your beers and brewery, make public announcements and deliver press releases to our audience.

Beer Tasting Clinics

RateBeer offers private tasting clinics for all brewers and marketers that would benefit from a compiled report of constructive feedback from a sample of experienced beer tasters. Tastings can be either blind or not, and paired with food or served alone. The tasting report will include tasting components broken down into aroma, flavor and mouthfeel, a section on errors and probable causes, and the individual comments. Please contact Joe Tucker, Executive Director, at (+001) 302.476.2337 to arrange a tasting clinic anywhere in the world.

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