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Yeastie Boys His Majesty 2010

Brewer: Yeastie Boys
Style: Strong Ale - English
Alcohol Content: 6.8%
Seasonal: Special

WARNING: Contrary to what you might be thinking, the contents within this bottle are not the same as deliciously drinkable IPA we released under this label in 2009. It’s a "vintage" thing. This year’s model uses a base of English malt to give the beer a deep red hue and rich malty base, while a combination of UK and US hops lend a dazzling flavour and cracking bite. Lovingly brewed, conditioned to optimum ripeness, and bottled by our friends at Invercargill Brewery. Enjoy this beer, and all other great craft beer, in appreciation and moderation.

Yeastie Boys: specialists in all styles. Influenced by and respect to: Bookie; Anna; London; minimalism; Fritha; The Weetbix Emperor; fun; Greig; arts and craft; both Martins; 320km; Seinfeld; Steph; people who like animals; JoKing; adventures; Monk’s Habit; Jed; training pain; Hopsmacker; grunge; Nick; RealBeer; Steve; tramping; Northwest USA; BeerNZ; Matt Gould and, especially, the all the owners and staff of the bars and bottle stores we have loved. Slainte mhath, Stu and Sam.

Malt: Pale Malt, Crystal 90, Special B, Pale Chocolate
Hops: US Cascade, East Kent Golding
Yeast: London ESB

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