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Garage Project Cockswain's Courage Double Barrelled Edition

Brewer: Garage Project
Style: Porter - Imperial
Alcohol Content: 12.8%
Seasonal: No

Fancy yourself as a bit of a brewer? Then enlist today in His Majesty’s Colonial Brewing Corp. It’s damned thirsty work for the smashing chaps of the Earth’s Armed Forces. Spending your days up to your danglies in mud and razor wire, bringing a bit of civilizing influence to those ugly Venusian brutes can leave a chap parched. That’s where the Brewing Corp comes in. How’s your average tommy meant to go over the top if he hasn’t had a bloody good pint or two of warm bitter to get his ardor up! It’s brewing at the pointy end. Slogging up and down the mounts of Venus really takes it out of a chap. After a long day at it, his Lordship needs a special something to steady the legs. Drawn straight from his Lordships' own private reserve, this special batch of Cockswain's Porter has been brewed extra strong and aged in freshly emptied oak bourbon barrels for 18 months. The result is a powerful mahogany dark porter, redolent of bourbon, vanilla and raisins. Definitely not a tipple for the faint of heart, but then Lord Cockswain never could stand those 'soft types'. Enjoy Courage straight from the barrel - just the way Lord Cockswain likes it.

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