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Pilsner Urquell Nefiltrovaný

Brewer: Plzeňský Prazdroj (Asahi)
Style: Pilsener - Bohemian / Czech
Alcohol Content: 4.4%
Seasonal: No

Pilsner Urquell Nefiltrovaný (unfiltered) is available regularly only at Na Parkanu in Plzen and, every October at selected pubs under the Volba Sladků brand. A limited number of kegs were exported to Sweden and Finland for special events. Though the beer is not kvasnicovy (yeast beer), as there is no wort or young yeast added, it is unfiltered. Note that this is not the same as the more widespread tankovná (tank beer) or the unpasteurized (filtered) version, both of which are found throughout Prague and Czech Republic. all of these other versions should be reviewed under the regular Pilsner Urquell entry. Additionally, the 170 year Anniversary flip-top bottles should be reviewed under the regular Pilsner Urquell entry. The version of the beer available in the brewery cellars should be rated in its own entry.

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