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Baird Saison Sayuri

Brewer: Baird Brewing Co.
Style: Saison / Farmhouse / Grisette
Alcohol Content: 5.5%
Seasonal: Spring

Saison means "season" and this family of beers is thought to have originated in Wallonia in southern Belgium. Saisons were brewed in the winter at farmhouse breweries for the summer consumption by thirsty farmhands. While there is no exact flavor profile or processing technique that define Saison stylistically, common traits exist (e.g. relatively pale in color, moderate in alcohol, refreshing in a dry or sour type of way, etc.). Often spices and ingredients uncommon to beer but otherwise readily available on the farm are incorporated. Saisons are thus typically Belgian in their funkiness and individuality. Saison Sayuri is like its namesake -- a fascinating admixture of down-to-earth simplicity and understated complexity. Brewed entirely with pale base malts and Japanese candy sugar (except for a hint of roasted barely for color contribution), Saison Sayuri is relatively light in body and sprite in flavor. The nose is an immensely complex amalgam of aromas -- bubble gum-like phenolics from the Belgian yeast, floral and fruity notes from dry hopping, and a subtle hint of citrus and spice from the addition of Japanese daidai peels (daidai is a very sour type of Japanese orange). A splash of sour daidai juice also was added to the wort which manifests itself in a stealthily citric-sour finish.

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