Bucharest Beer Guide: Your Bucharest guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Bucharest

52 /100
The Hop (Bar)
“Spacious, with a covered terrace adjacent to street. Claims to have some 10 draught beers, about 30 international bottled beers and 20 from Romania. Service okay though I arrived on a wet Tuesday just after opening – I was one of 4 customers. A comfortable place to sit and chat and generally well-appointed. However, it fails to produce the interest for beer-lovers that adjacent Beer o’Clock and Bere si Bere manage, and its formulaic food (burgers, ribs etc) is not up to the standard of Craft si Draught nor Fabrica de Bere Buna. I opted for a cheeseburger but it was heavy, tough and rubbery, although the bun with its sunflower seeds promised more. The beer menu was notable mainly for those options that were “off” for my visit, though what they served was of good quality. Altogether a mediocre business and a poor also-ran in a street with of several craft-beer bars.“
Arctium_lappa 1654 days ago
86 /100 STR. GABROVENI 4
“Much smaller than the neighbouring The Hop and Beer o’Clock, spic and span (if a bit Spartan) and with very efficient friendly service, as well as a well-designed beer menu. This is a bar dedicated to sampling a range of good beers, from Romania (maybe 60 types in bottle and a handful on tap) and internationally (90 types of bottled beers and a couple (German & Belgian) on tap. In happy contrast to both its neighbours, everything I asked about on the menu was available and the two I tried (one bottle, one on tap) were excellent. One can eat here but only sandwiches and pizzas brought in from Ciao Napoli – though customers were taking advantage of this service at 1800 on a Tuesday evening. Somewhat disconcertingly, the piped music and the concerts being shown on TV were entirely unrelated – Paradise City by Guns ‘n’ Roses sounded odd coming with images of the blond moppets of ca 1980 Police. However, this is an excellent place to sample beers and talk. I would imagine its main problem is its small size (compared to the large hall of The Hop and at least 3 times the space in Beer o’Clock) – this might make taking a prime-time beer less pleasant than my early evening sample.“
Arctium_lappa 1654 days ago
62 /100
Becker Bräu (Restaurant)
“I first visited the Becker Brau beerhall in 2007 but it closed soon afterward and seems to have reopened early in 2019 - much smartened up but with the same basic layout. In a slightly surprising place just south of the Academia Romana building (part of the Centru Civic development). One enters past a large outdoor eating, drinking (& smoking) area and are greeted at a reception desk, where a waiter/waitress will see you to a table regardless of whether you're eating or not. The toilets are off the foyer and are fine & newly refurbished. The beerhall/ restaurant is on 2 levels with a performance area for bands at one end. Both in 2007 and today I used the gallery tables, but the bar downstairs has 6 taps, including the unfiltered Ursus la Tank and some from the Becker Brau brewery itself (in Ilfov), as well as a range of bottled beers, many wines, an interesting variety of Romanian spirits (palinca from different fruits etc including quince - gutui). The house beers by Ursus and Becker Brau are fairly ordinary (see separate reviews) but can be bought in huge volumes, should you be in a group. The menu is quite lengthy and. so long as you are a carnivore, quite varied - vegetarians, however, will have a hard time. The focus is on meat and sausages but the quality is very good and works well with the draught lager beer. Service was ok though not special. I came in mid afternoon to have a drink and a snack and Becker Brau was then quite quiet - offering promotional discounts such that 50 cl of draught beer cost only €1.46! However, I know the place livens up after work. The interior is now very attractive and the general ambience is one where a group can have a hearty meal, a few beers and maybe listen to a band in very pleasant surroundings. A venue, I think, to take a group of friends, rather than go as a couple or on one's own but as such worthwhile.“
Arctium_lappa 1716 days ago
72 /100 CALEA DOROBANȚI 31-33
“Very similar to & about 20 minutes away from its twin in Floreasca en route to city centre. The selection & number of bottled beers looks very similar to the other branch and I concur with Bryne & Gunnar (recent reviews) that the main distinguishing factors are the slightly better service at Floreasca & the more attractive sampling area - the Dorobanții branch has the advantage of more space but no decent views. Easy to find if you look for the Carrefour supermarket.“
Arctium_lappa 1717 days ago
“As in other Bucharest bars, the recent assessment by Gunnar & Bryne gives an excellent & accurate description. If my own impressions are less complimentary, that may be down to visiting the pub on a cold Monday afternoon immediately after the Christmas & New Year break - hence very quiet & with reduced beer options (about 15 bottled beers & a handful of taps working). I must stress the difficulty in finding it & add some guidance. From the SE slip road of the Soseaua Pipera, look for a gate with the number 44 (Compil Pipera) - by & just before United Motors. You may see through the gate a sign for Power Yoga. Walk past this yoga centre & at the end of the building, turn left. Look on the left hand side for a patio with tables & the odd large barrel. The blue metal & glass doors by this patio actually have a sign indicating no admittance except for authorised people - but you’re there to drink beer, which means you ARE authorised. The interior is bleak or was at such a time - industrial spartan. There is plenty of space & tables indoors as well as the patio under the trees. Though labelled a gastropub & with an obvious kitchen & service counter, there was no sign of menu or activity at my visit. One other feature worth mentioning is the toilets, clean & functioning with good washing facilities but with toilet paper missing from half the cubicles - check first! The beer range was moderate but probably better in season & the barman helpful, though this is one of the very few Romanian bars where I have had to pay upfront beer by beer, rather than run a tab & pay at the end. Beer quality was good (see separate reviews) a there is free WiFi. I will return (as it’s close to Aurel Vlaicu metro) but this was not as good a first impression as other recent reviewers had.“
Arctium_lappa 1718 days ago
“My impressions agree absolutely with the recent paired reviews by Bryne & Gunnar & there is little necessary to add. The selection of beers is confined to Romania but, for the foreigner or Romanian exploring their own beer culture, this could be a plus. I scored it highly on ambience as the tables by the window provide pleasant diversion on a sunny city day. The small shopping centre within which the Beer Institute is situated contains some “high end sophisticated” shops as well as eateries with somewhat inflated prices. However, the Institute supplies a pretty comprehensive selection of Romanian beers to take away or to sample in agreeable conditions.“
Arctium_lappa 1718 days ago
“Located at the bottom of old town, we had our hotel here, so we spotted this place on arrival in Bucharest. This place is like a modern coffe shop/cafe/deli/craft beer and clothing store with some good bottles in the fridge, we sat outside, enjoyed a couple of beers,, nice place for a relaxing beer (Visited October 12th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1736 days ago
80 /100
The Beers (Bar)
“Located out in the northern part of the city,, we were met by a small and narrow patio, but we headed inside up a small stair and was met by a very colourful interior, nice to see a place without the usual hipster paraphenila , long and narrow room inside as well, very long bar with an impressive tap selection, 33 taps if Bryne remembers right. I remember the colourful blackboards, not one, but several. Good bottle menu as well, sorted style wise. There was a second floor as well, looked like a popular place for the locals.(Visited October 12th 2019 with Bryne) ↓“
gunnar 1736 days ago
74 /100 CALEA DOROBANȚI 31-33
“19 minutes walk straight south from Beer Institute in Agora Floreasca We were spoilt by that one, so this shop seemed a bit outdated, mostly because of the location, almost inside a Carrefour store, not the same service either, but still a recommendable bottle store, close to the centre (Visited October 12th with Bryne)“
gunnar 1736 days ago
“14 min walk from "Stefan cel Mare" Metro station, went past the Dinamo stadium, and passed several small restaurants until we reached a new fancy shopping mall,2 stories high called Agora Floreasca. Take the central front facing entrance, and head upstairs. You are met by a big shop, Bryne counted 11 big fridges with beers, loaded with Romanian beers and from almost all Romanian brewers, we shared some good beer at the seating area behind the bar,, enjoyed the view to the street and the preparation for the race finish for a local oldtimer car race. Interior was nice, lot of pale wood, scandinavian look, very good service, a very good find out in the suburbs (Visited October 12th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1736 days ago
“We left Mikkeller and ventured further north by the Metro, this area consist og big office blocks, new, stylish and modern, just as 2 beer explorers on foot,, not easy to find this place, but Google Maps is spot on, you are met by a big patio and garden with lots ot threes providing shadow on those hot summer days, we had to wait a couple of minutes before they opened, but the wait was for sure worth it. Located in an old buliding which used to be a hangar hence the name, this is also the tap room for Ground Zero brewery, 10 beers on tap, splendid juicy and fruity beers, some of the best in the country, some good guest beers as well. Good and friendly service. Well worth a big detour this one (Visited October 12th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1736 days ago
82 /100
La 100 de Beri (Beer Store)
“Also centrally located in the old city, you are met by green wwalls as you enter from the main streey, could easy been in the UK somewhere, there ia also a seating area on the outside if you want to enjoy the sights, good beer selection inside, lots of locals to choose from and some classic EU stuff (Pannepot,Weihenstephaner, London Pride) (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne) ↓“
gunnar 1736 days ago
“Located in the middle of pedestrian/beer heaven, a place with high ceilings,, big informative blackboard with a good beer menu, flights available for 30 Lei ( 4 x 150ml) Beer of the month , if you are hungry, there is also a solution for that, burgers and hot dogs, recommendable place (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne) ↓“
gunnar 1736 days ago
80 /100 STR. GABROVENI 4
“Located in the old city close, a cluster of beer places located here,, this one had 7 taps + a very informative beer menu , 68 Romanian bottles, neatly sorted by style, very good and informative, also some good but expensive UK selection with Northern Monk, Verdant and Cloudwater. Large informative blackboard with beer menu as well, The worst part of this place got to be the fucked up speakers,, good music played on these sounded like a coffee grinder (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1736 days ago
64 /100
The Hop (Bar)
“Very close to Beer O'Clock 2. The Hop call themselves a beer house. 12 beers on tap, nothing exciting here, but the bottle selection was a level up,, with 25 Romanian craft beers,, we shared some local bottles . Outdoor seating here as well (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne) ↓“
gunnar 1737 days ago
“Located at the pedestrian zone in the old town, benches and tables outside. Dark wooden interior, beers only served in 50 cl, good bottle selection, service was so so (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1737 days ago
40 /100 ALEEA CAUZASI 57
“Strange located, not exactly easy to find, but that was soon forgotten as we sat down in the courtyard, we reached out for the menu on one of the free tables and ordered a beer each, sad to say the beers was totally off, light sour acidic, almost undrinkable, tried to get the bill several minutes before we finally was finished with this place,, not a recommendable place at all (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1737 days ago
76 /100
Becker Bräu (Restaurant)
“Our first beer stop in Bucharest after observing some large buildings and avenues, my first impression was that this looked and felt like a bavarian keller, very large outdoor seating area, and a big coal grill well looked after by the chef, preparing traditional grilled meat and sausages. 6 taps (2 from Becker) and 10 or more bottles (3 from Becker) Urus La Tank, fresh "Tankovna" beer seemed popular among the locals. We tried four beers from Becker Bräu and enjoyed a meal. Beer? Rather mediocre, but "It's Only Rock and Roll Baby" was a good APA. Very attentive service. Not a craft beer heaven but a more than decent first beer stop in Bucharest. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Bryne)“
gunnar 1741 days ago
“We spotted this bar from our hotel room window, advertising "Local Craft Beer" on the windows. This turned out to be our last stop before going early to bed. We had an early flight back home next morning. The Urbanist is a strange place; coffee shop, cafe, bar and urban clothing store playing weird, funky beatbox music. Nothing for middle aged men! But, there is nice outdoor seating in the pedestrian zone, that saved the ambiance score for me. Only one beer on tap, but 18 local craft bottles and 17 international bottles. The one on tap was a house beer: The Urbanist 1312, brewed by Three Happy Brewers. This beer was also available in bottles. We also shared a bottle from Ground Zero. (Visited October 12th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1741 days ago
80 /100
The Beers (Bar)
“A great place to spend some hours enjoying Romanian craft beers. 33 taps and about 115 bottles and cans. Seemed to focus on Romanian craft beers, but also some foreign beers too. Beer menu on a colorful blackboard but also available at tables in the bar. Not sure if they serve flights. We just shared a couple of 33 cl draught beers.The bottled menu was sorted by style. Pop/rock music played. Service was nice. This is a spacious bar with a large outdoor seating area.The long bar counter with 32 taps is what you see when you enter. Black interior, actually felt a bit too dark inside. I had problems reading the beer menu at our table... If I recall correct there was also a upstairs seating area. (Visited October 12th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1741 days ago
76 /100 CALEA DOROBANȚI 31-33
“This beer store has about the same selection as The Beer Institute in Floreasca Avenue. This one has a bit larger drinking area in the inner part of the store. Located adjacent to a Carrefour grocery store. Friendly service. (Visited October 12th with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1741 days ago
“We walked out here from "Stefan cel Mare" metro station. The Beer Institute is inside a small shopping center on first floor. 11 fridges with great selection of Romanian craft beers. The service minded man claimed that they had bottles or cans from almost all Romanian breweries. We shared four bottles in the small drinking area behind the bar. Four tables with high stools by the window overlooking the Floreasca Avenue. Bright wooden interior, everything looked brand new, which is also the case. Restrooms available around the corner in the shopping center. If you are hungry, there are lots of restaurants in the same building or nearby. I'm glad we did the walk out here! (Visited October 12th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1741 days ago
“From Mikkeller, the next metro station is Aurel Vlaicu, and then 5-10 minutes walking and you are at Hangar Gastropub. This neighborhood seems like a very unlikely place to host a craft beer bar! No signs leading to the door steps, but still easy to find, just trust your map. Hangar is very popular at lunch time and as a after work bar. Not crowded at all during the weekend. When we came, the place looked deserted. We sat down outside in the shadow of a tree and waited. After a while, a young man came and opened the bar, half an hour on overtime. This place is a typical, modern craft beer bar: old industrial building in a strange area mixed with new office buildings and old industry, varied seating with second hand furniture and other self made installations. Large patio as well. Very friendly service. Pay by card or cash. Tempting food options but we were not hungry this early. 10 beers from Ground Zero and 6 guests. 20 cl or 40 cl. 5 taps were off. Some bottles available too. Nice place and certainly worth the trek out from the city center. (Visited October 12th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1743 days ago
82 /100
La 100 de Beri (Beer Store)
“Worst thing first: damn speakers! What's wrong with the treble? Nuff said! Beer? Ohhh, that was far better! Many from Stone on tap and more than 50 Romanian bottles. Nice selection from Bereta, Capra Noastra, Oriel, Hophead, Hop Hooligans, Wicked Barrel and Perfektum. Walk past the bar and you will see the fridges and some more seating. I bought a few bottles for takeout. Friendly and helpful service. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1745 days ago
“After a a very needed evening meal at "City Grill" and two macro beers (New ones, of course!) just to adjust our palate, we were on the craft beer race again. Craft si Draft is also in Strada Gabroveni, which has to be THE beer street in Bucharest! 10 beers on tap, many from Sikaru. A flight was 4 x 15 cl for 30 Lei. Three screens showing sports or pop music (Corona, Oasis, Ricky Martin...) High bar stools and tables. Mini football table and billiards tables. Not bad at all, we enjoyed our stay. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1745 days ago
78 /100 STR. GABROVENI 4
“Just some steps since we left the previous pub, and here we go again! This is a craft beer bar with 7 taps and the most informative beer menu I saw in Bucharest. About 70 Romanian craft beer bottles sorted by style and with all the information about the beer a ticker needs. Great! The international beer menu was the same, but the beers were not too exciting. But, there was a section called "Our Specials" with rather expensive (45-66 Leu) English beers - Northern Monk, Verdant and Cloudwater. Brick and wooden walls and dark interior. Four stools by the bar. Simple seating outside in the pedestrian zone. Service was very good. The worst par? It has to be the speakers. The bass was totally fucked up and ruined the pop/rock music played. Great music from Van Halen, Queen, U2, Deep Blue Something, maybe from a Romanian pop and rock radio station with advertising breaks.... (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1745 days ago
64 /100
The Hop (Bar)
“Only some steps away from Beer O'Clock 2. The Hop is a beer house and kitchen with 12 uninteresting beers on tap, 40 bottled international beers (nothing special) and 25 Romanian craft beers. The Romanian bottles "saved this place" We shared four bottles from Three Happy Brewers, One Beer Later, Sikaru and Mystic Mash. Out door seating in front in the pedestrian zone, the inside bar is one large room with high ceilings. Rock music played (Foo Fighters, Scissors Sisters.....) A decent bar to visit, but I think you will find the craft beer bottles in other bars too. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1748 days ago
“Craft beer bar in the Old Town. Benches and tables outside in the pedestrian zone. Black, wooden interior. 9 taps with only beer name, no information about what brewery. Seemed to only offer 50 cl which is too much if you chose a 9.0% beer! Great bottled selection in fridges behind the bar. Easy visible. About 18 bottles from Hop Hooligans. In all, a nice place that could easily get even better. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1748 days ago
48 /100 ALEEA CAUZASI 57
“Nice place with a pleasant beer garden in the courtyard. Attentive service when we came. Sadly their beers were awful! Slow service when we were ready to pay. Brewery- and place tick. (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1748 days ago
76 /100
Becker Bräu (Restaurant)
“This Becker Bräu restaurant, part of City Grill restaurant group, reopened in may 2019. A bit strange location for tourists but easy to find. Large place, both the beer garden and the vaulted cellar inside. Well staffed and seemed to be popular at lunch time. 6 taps (2 from Becker) and 10 or more bottles (3 from Becker) Urus La Tank, fresh "Tankovna" beer seemed popular among the locals. We tried four beers from Becker Bräu and enjoyed a meal. I chose Becker Bräu Bavarian sausage, their own recipe from 1996. Beer? Rather mediocre, but "It's Only Rock and Roll Baby" was a good APA. Very attentive service. Not a craft beer heaven but a more than decent first beer stop in Bucharest. (Bucuresti in Norwegian) (Visited October 11th 2019 with Gunnar)“
Bryne 1748 days ago
“Large quiet bar just off the main street in the Old Town. 7/8 keg lines & menu with around 60 bottles & cans. Mostly Romanian craft. Around ½ the beers we chose off the menu weren't available but the guy behind the bar recommended alternatives. Nice to have a game of pool whilst having a beer. Keep the menu up to date guys!“
simontomlinson 1771 days ago
“Busy rowdy bar just off the main drag in the Old Town. Service was fast & friendly on 1st visit & awful on the 2nd visit. Large menu of beers laid out in an easy to follow order. Mainly Craft, Belgian, German & Romanian, bottles & can. “
simontomlinson 1771 days ago
86 /100 STR. GABROVENI 4
“Almost clinical looking room with small bar to one side in the busy Old Town area. Huge menu of Craft, Belgian, German & international beers all listed in a logical order. 5/6 draft & probably over 100 bottles & cans. Lots of Romanian craft on offer. Very cheap prices - compared to UK. Staff were friendly knowledgeable & recommended beers. A must in Bucharest“
simontomlinson 1771 days ago
84 /100
La 100 de Beri (Beer Store)
“Good location in the Old Town of Bucharest. Loads of craft bottle beers from Romania and also other countries. A lot of high rated beers. Also available for takeout.“
dantomlinson 1775 days ago
“Few beers in tap, a good bottle selection, Romanian and international craft beers. Billiards table available to use, good atmosphere and decent music“
dantomlinson 1775 days ago
“Very busy and loud! Great selection of beer and good, fast service.“
dantomlinson 1776 days ago
88 /100 STR. GABROVENI 4
“Loads of Romanian craft beers and also loads of international beers. Great selection of beers and good atmosphere.“
dantomlinson 1776 days ago
72 /100
The Hop (Bar)
“New bar joining the Old Town craft beer crawl. Tap selection has nothing interesting (just the usual lagers), but there is a decent craft selection in the fridge - local stuff such as Hop Hooligans, One Beer Later, Three Happy Brewers plus the classic English beers they love over here (Hobgoblin, Spitfire, Old Speckled Hen).“
dnelson 1819 days ago
“Ground Zero's new tap room replacing Beautyfood, located a little way out of the city centre in the business district. Trendy bar in an old warehouse building with extensive patio area and decent food offering. 18 taps (half GZ, half guests) but at least half were off when we visited, which was a little disappointing.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
“Sikaru brewery tap room in the Old Town on the same street as Bere si Bere, The Hop and Beer O'Clock. Mostly their own beers on tap as expected plus a couple of smaller breweries like Zburatorul. Decent bottle menu, mainly local but a few international choices too. Very reasonable prices and friendly staff.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
74 /100 CALEA VICTORIEI 91-92
“Trendy, modern craft bar in the city centre. 10 beers on tap, around half from Zaganu, plus bottles/cans from Hop Hooligans, Sikaru, etc. Worth a stop.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
70 /100
La 100 de Beri (Beer Store)
“Classic pub-style craft bar in the Old Town with an extensive bottle menu. Tap selection not too exciting but possible to find some rare-ish bottles. Focus is on variety rather than quality in my opinion but the prices are fairly reasonable.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
“Quiet pub in a residential district with pet cats (decide for yourself whether this is a good thing!). No beer on tap when we visited but plenty of craft bottles/cans in the fridge including Hop Hooligans and Bereta plus international beers from England and Germany.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
82 /100 CALEA DOROBANȚI 31-33
“Well-stocked bottle shop with a great range of Romanian beers at very decent prices. Plenty of Hop Hooligans, Bereta, Ground Zero, Double Drop, Oriel, Blackout and more. There are a couple of tables for tasting too.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
42 /100
Caru cu Bere (Restaurant)
“Tourist trap restaurant, but the interior is very nice. Beer selection fairly limited and the house beer was poor quality and not well-kept. Service very slow.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
70 /100
The Beers (Bar)
“32 beers on tap, mostly Romanian including Hop Hooligans, Ground Zero, Perfektum, etc. Maybe somewhat quantity over quality but when there are so many to choose from, at least a few are bound to be good. The outdoor seating area was nice.“
dnelson 1819 days ago
92 /100 STR. GABROVENI 4
“Great little craft bar in the heart of the Old Town. About 6 beers on tap (5 Romanian plus a German wheat beer) and at least 100 bottles/cans, mainly local but plenty from US/Ireland/UK too, including Verdant, Cloudwater, Evil Twin. Owner friendly and knowledgeable. Prices of local beers very reasonable, international ones can be pretty expensive.“
dnelson 1819 days ago