Miami Beer Guide: Your Miami guide to beer, beer bars, breweries and brewpubs

Latest reviews from Miami

74 /100 701 S MIAMI AVE, UNIT 412A
“Kind of a strange new addition to the Miami beer scene. This place is owned by Boon Rawd, a Thai macrobrewery that makes Singha etc. They have this Thai restaurant with a brewery that makes their own stuff, some from recipes from Thailand and some home based, as far as I can tell. Food is pretty good -- AKA great for regular standards, kind of slightly above average in terms of Thai places. Great open air mall patio. Cool décor. Service kind of hit or miss - we were in late and the server was wasted. They had also run out of basically everything.“
solidfunk 1188 days ago
86 /100
Sunset Corners (Beer Store)
“This place is a beer museum. Lots of old and discontinued beer to be found. Excellent selection, if you have the time to go hunting. Service was friendly. Good stop if you're in Miami.“
GregMooreNH 1368 days ago
92 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Smallish footprint in Wymwood. Cozy, with a friendly staff. Very solid selection of outstanding beer on draft and to-go. No food, so eat before you show up!“
GregMooreNH 1368 days ago
82 /100 5100 NW 72ND AVE A-1
“Big open space place in western Miami. Nice line up of beers, which are mostly above average with a few real gems. Food was great too – I had the gouda burger. Flights or 4oz pours available on everything. Service friendly enough. I can see this place being popular outside of quarantine-light times when I was there.“
solidfunk 1488 days ago
68 /100 7250 NW 11TH ST
“Dark place that seems to have little to do with what I was expecting – some sort of Jack Kerouac themed place. Just really a brewery with a few pictures on the wall and a lack of real character. Seems like it was built in an old Dennys and painted all black – in the parking lot of a cheap hotel. Beer is just ok. Dark stuff was decent, the rest most average.“
solidfunk 1488 days ago
78 /100 4178 SW 74TH CT
“Nice place down an alley by a motorcycle repair shop. Open and airy. Was pretty empty when I was here post quarantine times, but people were friendly. Lots of good beer here, all available in 4oz pours. Prices are definitely on the high side here – so much that I likely wouldn’t be eager to go back.“
solidfunk 1488 days ago
84 /100 4178 SW 74TH CT
“Bright airy space. You see it when you're getting off the Palmetto and it's deep in an industrial park, but it's still a nice space.I can walk there so that's like mega bonus points - nobody walks anywhere in Miami. I found the service attentive and solid. What I really liked was the beer. They understand how to do malts...and that shows especially in the IPAs and the lagers. Then the sours and wild ales are complex and balanced. To me, this is right now the best brewery in South Florida.“
Oakes 1637 days ago
80 /100 565 NW 24TH ST
“Medium sized taproom with a pub like feel to it. Lots of beers on. Friendly service. Flights available. We liked everything that we had. Our favourite was probably the Wynwood Fox imperial red ale. Well worth a look. “
UKBeerGeek 1752 days ago
78 /100 325 NW 24TH ST
“Rather large place with a big outdoor seating area. Relaxed atmosphere. Service friendly. Flights available, the beers that we tried were all good, apart from maybe the black IPA, which was OK. Best was the Mas Hops DIPA. Pricing reasonable. Well worth a look.“
UKBeerGeek 1755 days ago
“Smallish bar / restaurant, which was very busy and noisy on the Friday evening that we visited. Service was good. Tap list was decent and the house beer that I tried was good. Food was very good, had the Reuben and the Employee Dinner salad. More worth visiting for the food than the beer but worth a look.“
UKBeerGeek 1761 days ago
84 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Cool taproom with a Star Wars-y vibe in the heart of Wynwood. Service was friendly and knowledgeable. Lots of beers on. Flights available. Liked most the beers we tried, particularly liked the Gourdita imperial pumpkin ale. No food. Bit expensive. Still well worth a visit.“
UKBeerGeek 1768 days ago
100 /100
Boxelder (Bar)
“One of two must go to craft beer bars in Miami. Great selection and a fantastic staff.“
Brobb335 1995 days ago
100 /100 1547 SW 8TH ST,
“One of the two must go to craft beer bars in Miami. A great selection of beer and an awesome staff.“
Brobb335 1995 days ago
88 /100 325 NW 24TH ST
“On entering this large, airy brewpub, my expectations weren't very high. The ambience doesn't scream "high-quality beer" and the clientele were mostly sunburned 20-somethings, so I expected a lineup of crushable lagers and the like. But I was pleasantly surprised by their offerings. Their lower-gravity beers were pleasingly delicate with no off-flavors, including the Rose Ale (with sauvignon grapes) and the Suh-Wheat Ale (with blood orange, biscuity with a hint of fruit). The Pisco Sour was for me a much more balanced and approchable sour than anything brewed by Wakefield. The dark beers were less impressive (Sangre de Flor, a "hibiscus porter" in which I could detect no hibiscus, and Kilted Mule, a pepper-infused stout which lacked body and over-emphasized the peppers' heat). Their hop-forward offerings, the Sola IPA and the Mas Hops DIPA, were deliciously balanced and complex. I'll definitely visit again.“
JD_Walker 2011 days ago
70 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Having read other reviews, I was ready to be blown away by J. Wakefield. Maybe my expectations were too high, or their beer list just didn't agree with my taste. In any case I wasn't terribly impressed. I tried one of their fruit-flavored Berliner Weisse beers and an "orange dreamsicle" sour, both of which I thought played entirely on one super-puckery extremely sour note without letting any other flavors come out. The Resilience IPA was severely unbalanced even for a West Coast style. The boysenberry braggot may have been good -- I don't know how to appraise that sort of drink, which is a long way from beer -- but it was like brandy mixed with fruit juice. The Tank Tops saison was the best of the bunch for my taste, a peppery farmhouse with a nice undertone of orange-peel bitterness. At any rate, if you visit, be prepared for some challenging styles, and to drink a lot of beers (beverages) at 12% or above!“
JD_Walker 2011 days ago
56 /100 900 S MIAMI AVE, STE 130
“Llegamos antes de que abriesen, faltaba más de media hora hasta la apertura y nos movimos a otra parte, el local parecía muy guapo, seguro que este sitio mola, pero es una parte de la ciudad que no volvimos a pisar y nos quedamos con ganas de ver que se cocía por aquí, una lástima porque tenía buena pinta.“
Suco 2032 days ago
80 /100 165 NW 23RD ST
“Restaurante con carnicería propia, ¡y no veas q mostrador de carnaza! Local amplio tanto de interior como de exterior, decorado rollo con mucha banderita bávara pero con ese aire tropical de Miami, con mucho palmito, diferentes tipos de plantas de la zona y con muchas placas, tiradores y escudos de cerveceras. 18 surtidores divididos en las categorías de lupulizadas, ligeras, imperiales y afrutadas, nada de tonterías, Cigar City, Clown Shoes, M.I.A. Brewing, Funky Buddha, J. Wakefield… Buen sitio para comer en Wynwood, buena comida, trato amable y buenos precios.“
Suco 2032 days ago
84 /100 565 NW 24TH ST
“Auténtico brewpub de barrio, lleno de grafitis, techos altos, bancos corridos, cuadros y atmosfera 100% craft. Me moló mucho ver como el molturador de malta también estaba grafiteado. 15 surtidores, muy buenas todas las ipas, Magic City, Laces, Lock on, y la berliner de mango y fruta de la pasión también tenía gracia, la doppelbock Dig Oug y la belgian strong ale Father Francisco no te harán tirar a faltar ni Alemania ni Bélgica respectivamente. Parada obligatoria en Wynwood.“
Suco 2032 days ago
78 /100 55 NW 25TH ST
“Macro terraza, muy amplia y llena de sofás, el interior, abierto de par en par, es una barra muy larga, bastante espectacular y que luce mucho, al fondo la fábrica dividida por una cristalera gigante, estéticamente está muy cuidado el detalle. 15 surtidores, aquí tiramos de Sour, porque anteriormente en el mercado de Wynwood probamos su Guava Sour y estaba brutalísima, pues la Lolo Sour estaba genial pero la Pim Pam Pom Pomegranate Sour desprendía un hedor a diacetilo que tiraba para atrás, una lástima porque dudaba entre esa o alguno de los varios estilos que tenían con mango… La food track que tienen en la puerta, no se si era comida colombiana o venezolana, pero tenía muy buena pinta.“
Suco 2032 days ago
“Local muy rallante. Se divide en dos, el primero y principal es un restaurante, con burgers de buena calidad, ¡ah! ¡Tienen cocodrilo rebozado de entrante! Tanto el interior como el exterior son pequeños y están decorados con grafitis tipo comic, dedicados al Capitán Kush, que no he podido leer de que va su historia, pero por lo que vi es un superhéroe amante de la marihuana, mola mucho el rollo. 17 surtidores con birras top, durante nuestra estancia, Sixpoint, J. Wakefield, Collective Arts, Captain Lawrence, Tampa Bay... El segundo local es un zulillo, con rollete cubano y con tres mesas para jugar al dominó, donde puedes ir a tirar de nevera, hay unas 50 referencias de gama muy alta, el recelo nos pudo y nos apretamos una CBS en formato 750ml, como el primer local es pequeño, también utilizan este añexo para que esperes tu mesa y poder comer en el Kush. Muy atentos en el servicio. Un garito de los auténticos.“
Suco 2032 days ago
96 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Esto es otro nivel, J. Wakefield están en lo más alto a nivel mundial elaborando Berliner Weisse y Sour, juegan otra liga. Durante nuestra estancia en Miami nuestras visitas fueron innumerables. El local es mediano en su interior, y la verdad es que las barricas convertidas en taburetes no son muy cómodas, la terraza tampoco es muy grande pero está bien, la decoración es 100% de la guerra de las galaxias y mola mucho, así que si eres fan te gustará incluso más. En cuanto a la birra... esta peña manda muchísimo… unos 20 surtidores aproximadamente, cervezas como la Nice Kicks, Space odditty, Nuzzle, What’s in a name, Meet me halfway, A long Time Ago, I Believe in a thing called stout… son cervezas elaboradas al otro lado de la pared de los surtidores y son auténticos trallazos con un nivel de complejidad y frescura fuera de serie, difícil de explicar con palabras. También se dispone de una nevera con cervezas propias y colaboraciones, unidades limitadas, como todo lo que elaboran estos magos, que cuentan con una clientela consolidada y experta que van pasando a cuenta gotas y acaban con las existencias en tiempos record, de hecho le pregunté por su mítica Berliner Weisse de fruta del Dragón, número uno en Ratebeer del estilo y me dijeron que la última vez que la elaboraron, la peña acampó en la calle para poder llevársela a casa, ya está todo dicho. Los días de más gente tienen un sistema rotativo de comida en el exterior, cada día una foodtrack diferente. Todo un referente.“
Suco 2032 days ago
80 /100 325 NW 24TH ST
“En el corazón de Wynwood. Amplia y agradable terraza, el interior tambien muy currado, luminoso, con sillones, banco corrido, una pared de piedras sueltas sujetadas por una verja metálica que llama bastante la atención, un asiento que era la parte delantera de un coche, la barra en forma ovalada que abarca tanto el interior como el exterior, y cristaleras gigantes donde se pueden observar las instalaciones de la fábrica. 15 surtidores de la casa, de los cuales 10 son tiradas limitadas, nos decantamos por la Pisco Sour y la Tropic of Passion, dos sours afrutadas y frescas que estaban buenas. Se dispone de juegos de mesa y un amplio merchandising. Un local cómodo y muy agradable.“
Suco 2032 days ago
80 /100 565 NW 24TH ST
“Nette Brewery in Wynwood. Ca 15 eigene taps. Ein Besuch lohnt sich.“
DrNosha 2056 days ago
88 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Top Brewery in Wynwood. 15 eigene Taps. Dazu leckere Empenadas. Hier ist ein Besuch Pflicht. Sehr netter Barstuff.“
DrNosha 2056 days ago
66 /100 55 NW 25TH ST
“Very lively place good list of beers on..Very noisy...“
Wirralbeerveg 2057 days ago
72 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Great place to visit was a little busy on a Saturday Afternoon..El Jefe was my favourate tipple..“
Wirralbeerveg 2057 days ago
88 /100 55 NW 25TH ST
“Schöne Brauerei. Viel Platz im Freien. Peruanisches Essen vom Foodtruck bis 1 am! Sehr lecker. Ca 15 eigene Taps. Lohnt sich. Sehr nette und schnelle Bedienungen!“
DrNosha 2057 days ago
80 /100 325 NW 24TH ST
“Schöner Brauereiausschank. Ca 10 eigene Taps + lokale Gastbiere. Hin gehen!“
DrNosha 2057 days ago
70 /100 900 S MIAMI AVE, STE 130
“Not a bad joint it has a few decent craft brews was good..“
Wirralbeerveg 2058 days ago
72 /100
Boxelder (Bar)
“rather small, but still spaceously designed space. Left side was a wall filled with bottles to go - I assume you can also drink em in - on the right side was a bar. Service was OK, the beer selection was quite nice. Prices were to the higher side, but no extremes. About a dozen taps, but nothing all to interesting. No prices on the bottles to go, which is extremely annoying since you contantly have to check with the bartender ( who also has other things to do, I imagine ). Worth a stop, but not a trip .“
kraddel 2058 days ago
86 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“went here to pick up the Wakefest bottles, and couldn't not stop into this taproom, since wakefest is currently one of my favorite breweries ! the service was friendly, but perhaps a bit hasty. I can give them a freecard for that, regarding the fact they have this big fest coming up, they must be stressing like hell. The taplist was pretty extensive, and contained some cool beers ( pecans are forever is NOT a good breakfast, BTW ) , they also do flights for the more basic stuff ( which was surprisingly less great than expected, knowing only their raved-about beers, but still more than decent ! ) the prices were OK. To go ( in the brewpub ) there was only 1 bottle ( a sour ), or 4-packs of cans ( no singles ) of regular beers. There were shirts, but barely any left ( again, at this time, i can understand that ) . The interior is nice, not compeltely my style, but nicely done for sure. We met Jonathan himself, who kindly shared 2 great beers with us. Overall, as a place, this might not be thé place to go. As a Brewery, i would still recomend it very much though. And with all the other stuff going on in Florida right now, you can righteously say a combination of stops like this, is well worth an ( international ) trip !“
kraddel 2058 days ago
66 /100
Batch Gastropub (Restaurant)
“Large Gastro pub restruant very busy. It has a half decent beer list on is a little echoey and noisy though..“
Wirralbeerveg 2058 days ago
74 /100 565 NW 24TH ST
“Another good find 17 taps on ....“
Wirralbeerveg 2062 days ago
90 /100 325 NW 24TH ST
“This is a fantastic place to visit .. well worth the walk to it ..“
Wirralbeerveg 2062 days ago
52 /100 900 S MIAMI AVE, STE 130
“Normal American Sports Bar. Larger Selection of Drafts and Bottles. Usual stuff but some locals. Slow service, no knowledge about beer menue. Food okay. Pulled Pork very good, but sweet potatoes too cold.“
Sven1973 2064 days ago
50 /100 10400 NW 33RD ST
“It’s quite the drive from the heart of Miami—about 30 minutes from Wynwood / Little Havana. Located in an industrial area, the place itself is quite cool, with a very modern feel and is darkly lit. Huge number of taps, with a couple dozen or more of their own, plus a bunch of guest taps. 5 oz pours available of everything, ranging from $3-5, which is absurdly pricey but would be okay if the beer quality delivered, which it does not. I sampled a half dozen and two were decent, the rest barely drinkable, if that. All in all, bad overpriced beer.“
mcberko 2216 days ago
44 /100 565 NW 24TH ST
“In a more industrial part of Wynwood, it’s walking distance from J. Wakefield. Big taplist of their own stuff with flights of 4 available for about $9-10, pretty reasonable for Miami. Very fast and efficient service. Unfortunately the beer is quite poor, with a couple average ones and the rest were poor or horrendous over the course of 2 flights. It’s a cool spot, but the beer quality is so bad that I can’t recommend it.“
mcberko 2216 days ago
78 /100 1547 SW 8TH ST,
“Really cool place in the heart of Little Havana. Listed here as a bottle shop, it’s really more of a bar. Small place, with maybe 5-6 tables. 20 or so taps, with some very good stuff on there, including J. Wakefield stuff and some other cool Floridian micros. Flights of 4 available - mine came to about $15, typical for Miami. Very friendly service. This was a highlight in Miami’s starved craft beer scene.“
mcberko 2216 days ago
68 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Located in a trendy neighbourhood that was packed on a Saturday night, the tasting room is very beautiful, with Star Wars artwork all over the walls. Just over a dozen tap when I went, with 5 oz pours of anything on tap. Prices are beyond absurd, ranging from $3 / 5 oz for the basic stuff (hef, amber and brown) and $4-7 / 5 oz for some of the fruited sours. Beer quality was frankly not overly impressive - everything we had was decent to good, with nothing better than that. Even the highly priced fruited berliners that were on tap were kind of lacklustre. Service was friendly. Maybe I happened upon a less worthy taplist, or maybe they are just overhyped. Either way, it was just a solid stop.“
mcberko 2217 days ago
80 /100 120 NW 24TH STREET
“Had a great time here. Lots of taps, beer is very good. Pretty pricey, even for sample sizes - pretty much a buck an ounce for most things in the sample size level. I mean, they have a fucken kolsch on today for $5 for a 5-oz pour. But whatever.“
BVery 2236 days ago
72 /100 7360 SW 41 ST
“Large space, including loft and back patio; mixed decour; 13 own beers on tap when I visited; harried bartenders including the first one I have seen wearing Tinder shirt...; WiFi supposedly here but did not work; no food on premises but there was a trailer behind with decent if limited fare; 5oz pours available between 2.50-4.50; average to good beer.“
thorongil2 2246 days ago
38 /100 565 NW 24TH ST
“Too expensive for "not that great" beers.“
DraftStein20 2264 days ago
66 /100 10400 NW 33RD ST
“Great place, sometimes a little too loud. Beers are just ok but the variety is amazing.“
DraftStein20 2264 days ago
100 /100 325 NW 24TH ST
“Amazing brewery in the heart of wynwood. Beautiful ambient with both outdoor and indoor sitting. Beer variety is just perfect, probably the best quality beer in town, been in this industry for a while I can tell for sure, this people knows what they are doing. They have one of the few World Cup Awarded beer in town. Oh, and prices are not ridiculous.“
DraftStein20 2264 days ago
76 /100
Boxelder (Bar)
“Great selection. Had Civil Society, RAR, Dancing Gnome, Equilibrium, and other good stuff when I was there. Good selection of local bottles and taps. Prices are consistent with other places in the area with a similar offerings. Service was acceptable. Definitely worth a stop.“
jhamp9 2266 days ago
82 /100 7360 SW 41 ST
“This is my current favorite South Florida brewery and place to drink. Their taps rotate regularly, with new offerings almost every week. Without fail a friendly vibe, very Miami. Food comes from a rotating truck out back. Often there are guest taps but at times their house brew list is long enough to fill all the taps. They do fabulous, creative collaboration brews with known and emerging breweries. Currently they make the house beer Captain Kush for the Lokal restaurant in the Grove. Beers range from sours to smoked beers to light lagers and imperial stouts. Beers are mostly hit, the seasonals are the most interesting and unique. The location is perfect for me, it is walking distance from mom's house. Family friendly, especially during the day and on the back patio. Easy access of the Palmetto. Their live music program is incredible. Nothing but good to say, so grateful to have them in the area, there is nothing else like this around.“
Beershine 2316 days ago
84 /100 10400 NW 33RD ST
“This is a relatively large place out in Doral, Florida. There are a great many taps, which means there are a great many beers available for sampling. Service was friendly. Food was solid. Soccer game on TV. Small samples allowed... but most flights are premade. You can also get a flight of 54... I have seen pictures.“
mansquito 2338 days ago
88 /100 1547 SW 8TH ST,
“This is a pretty cool place with a pro-wrestling theme. Bartenders are extremely friendly, as are the regulars. Beer selection is solid on draught and complemented by a number of bottles for there or to go. Also there is pretty good Mexican food in the back. Good vibes. Good place. Would recommend. They also have a secret stash with super rare bottles, which are not for sale, but may be broken out for shares or trades.“
mansquito 2338 days ago