Ocean Wine & Spirits (Wegman's)

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  • AMBIANCE 3/5
  • SERVICE 7/10
  • SELECTION 9/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 5/10
  • OVERALL 14/20
ganache  (282) New Jersey | January 13, 2019
Independently owned and operated but attached to and part of Wegman's. Selection not particularly great considering how far we’ve come over the years, do have a decent mix-a-six for $10.99 and lots of sampler boxes; overall prices seem to be about 5-10% higher than they should be, not a gouge, but a sure annoyance. They did have sixers of Edelstoff and Maximator, which always gets my attention. I was hoping to find something from Kane, which is right around the corner, but only a single six-pack of their flagship IPA in the cooler. Some other close-ish NJ breweries represented, and from a bit farther away (Cape May) but only 2-3 varieties and only a few sixers – better to just make a series of trips to individual breweries for their stuff. Respectable, friendly help and they had four registers open and humming at an off-peak hour. [2019.01.12: 66]

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