Zhang Men Brewery Taproom - Songshan

Taps: 22 |
Located in Breeze shopping mall, ground floor
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  • AMBIANCE 4/5
  • SERVICE 10/10
  • SELECTION 11/15
  • FOOD N/A
  • VALUE 2/10
  • OVERALL 13/20
mcberko  (2530) Vancouver, British Columbia | August 11, 2019
A bit hard to find if you’re using Google Maps. Enter the Breeze mall from wherever, and head to the ground floor - then you have to enter this outside courtyard to enter the place. If you have trouble finding it, find an info map inside the mall and it will give you step-by-step instructions on how to get there. Okay, the place itself... 22 taps, all their own. Custom flights of 6 for the outrageous price of 600 NTD, though the bartender who served me was generous with the free samples. Beer quality ranged from poor to good - their IPAs were no good, but some of their others were decent. Couldn’t have had friendlier service - his English was good for Taipei standards. Worth a visit, even despite the prices and middling beer quality.

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