Kozaemon Miyama Nishiki Tokubetsu Junmai Sake

Brewed by Nakashima Sake Brewing
Style: Saké - Tokubetsu
Mizunami-shi, Japan
Serve in Guinomi, Masu, Ochoko


on tap


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RATINGS: 17   MEAN: 3.45/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.35/5   SEASONAL: Summer   EST. CALORIES: 465   ABV: 15.5%
小左衛門 美山錦 特別純米酒
Rice: Nagano Miyamanishiki
Polishing Ratio: 55%

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labeerinthum (5897) - Milano, ITALY - OCT 28, 2019
UPDATED: OCT 28, 2019 [as Kozaemon Tokubetsu Junmai Shinano Miyamanishiki Sake ] Bevuto a temperatura ambiente (una delle temperature consigliate). L'aspetto del liquido è limpido, senza colore e trasparente. L'intensità olfattiva è elevata e la persistenza olfattiva è apprezzabile. Il gusto al naso - aroma dominante è di riso maltato Koji. Il gusto al naso - aromi secondari dona impressioni di melone, fruttato e secco. La prima impressione di intensità in bocca è di sake robusto per un gusto morbido e ricco. Il corpo è rotondo. L'intensità gustativa è normale e la persistenza gustativa è sufficiente. Il gusto è piacevole. Le sensazioni boccali finali sono di pronta beva. Al gusto vengono assegnati toni di anice, pino, vaniglia, melone, albicocca appassita, mela verde e pepe.

Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - FEB 17, 2018
Bottle - Aromatic green apple and melon. Rich body. Light acidity. Anise in the finish. Nice with a surprisingly fresh nose.
Earlier Rating: 5/20/2016 Total Score: 3.6
Bottle - Lots of sweet citrus and vinegar, floral and some green apple. Clear. Nice sweetness, you can feel the heat but well balanced and some heavy pear notes. Very interesting and nice.

AndySnow (12784) - Huddinge, SWEDEN - JUN 13, 2017
How: Bottle.
Where: Grand Hotel, Stockholm.
Appearance: Clear colour with no head.
Aroma: Rice, fruit, apples.
Body: Medium body with a smooth mouthfeel, no carbonation.
Flavour: Rice, fruit, some spices,

fonefan (69306) - VestJylland, DENMARK - DEC 3, 2016

Bottle 300ml. green glass @ [ (Chris and Ruth’s pre-GBBF tasting 2015) by chriso - London ].

[ As Kozaemon Miyama Nishiki Tokubetsu Junmai Sake ].
Clear light yellow - crystal clear color with virtually no head. Aroma is moderate to light heavy rice, pineapple, coconut, sweet soft fruit. Flavor is moderate sweet with a long duration, pineapple, rice, tropical fruit, soft fruit. Body is medium, texture is watery, carbonation is flat, finish feel is light alcoholic. [20150808]

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - MAR 16, 2016
Bottle shared at the 2015 chriso Pre-GBBF tasting - London. Cheers! Pours clear. The nose holds light anise, pine, vanilla. Medium to big sweet flavour, with notes of creamy vanilla and alcohol. Full bodied and lightly oily. Warming on the finish, creamy, with vanilla frosting, pineapple and subtle herbs. Nice.

The_Osprey (10582) - WALES - SEP 18, 2015
Bottle share at Chriso’s. Clear, no colour, no head. Aroma is fruity, strawberry, banana. Body is medium, smooth, low carbonation. Taste is gin, alcohol burn, dry, flowery, touch of pineapple sweetness. Pretty characterful for a sake.

Desverger (23261) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - AUG 26, 2015
Bottle@Chris and Ruth’s Pre-GBBF 2015, London - clear yellow white coloured pour with no head. Aroma and taste is rice, light tropical fruity, with some pineapple, melon nuances, some light fruity spices into the finish.

planky84 (6605) - Lee, Greater London, ENGLAND - AUG 24, 2015
Bottle at Chris & Ruth’s pre-GBBF shindig, 2015. Atypical light gold pour. Lots of dessert pear in the aroma. Smooth, sweet fruit flavours. Tangy, sweet finish. I like this.

cgarvieuk (34084) - Edinburgh, SCOTLAND - AUG 17, 2015
bottle at home.. massive thanks to KyotoLefty ... lightest yellow... soft pineapple...mellow rice nose ...big soft alcohol .. soft rice ... sweet fruits .. mellow fruits ... ligth pineapple... light chalky mineral tones...light alcohol finish

Scopey (21884) - Oldmeldrum, SCOTLAND - AUG 16, 2015
Bottle at ChrisO’s Pre - GBBF tasting 2015. It is unsurprisingly clear. The nose is sweet, oily, light green veg, oily, tropical fruits, rice cake, custard apple and alcohol. The taste is sweet, oily, melon, greengage, nectarine, spicy alcohol, starchy feel, pineapple and custard with a dry finish. Medium body and slick mouth - feel. Pretty fruity and rather tasty.

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