Aecht Schlenkerla Eiche Doppelbock Jahrgangsbier 20xx

Brewed by Heller-Bräu Trum
Style: Smoked - Rauchbier
Bamberg, Germany


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RATINGS: 50   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.71/5   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
The vintage version of the Oak Smoke double bock has been bottled unfiltered and matured for 5 years in the historic rock cellars of "Stephansberg" under the Schlenkerla brewery. This vintage version of the classic "Schlenkerla Eiche" is also unfiltered and with it’s high ABV it’s possible to store for many years. The flavors will be refined ’cause of the yeast over the time, giving every year a different taste.
General info on Eiche: Following century old recipes all malts made at the Schlenkerla brewery are dried by wood fire. While for the classic Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier traditionally beech has been and still is used, the malt for Schlenkerla Oak Smoke is kilned with oak wood. The resulting Oak Smoke Malt has a smoother and more multi layered smoky note than the intensely aromatic Beech Smoke Malt. The hence complex smokiness in Schlenkerla Oak Smoke is paired with the multifaceted bitterness of finest Hallertau aroma hops. With 8% alcohol and amber color it matures for months in the deep brewery cellars underneath Bamberg into a special treat for smoke beer lovers for Christmas.

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msbernac (4220) - Krakow, POLAND - DEC 11, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 11, 2021 Bottle Aroma-smoke Appearance-dark amber, clear, tan head Taste-medium sweetness, light bitternss and sourness Palate-meduum body, slick, lively carbonation, long finish Overall-very good

jtclockwork (21083) - , New Jersey, USA - JUN 29, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 29, 2021 Bottle - pours dark brown - nose/taste of smoked paper. Very oxidized. 2010 vintage.

koorchuck (3326) - Nacpolsk, POLAND - FEB 27, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 27, 2021 2014. Barwa bordowa, rubinowe refleksy, zmętnione przy pierwszym nalaniu, przy drugim już właściwie błoto. Piana niska, w miarę trwała. W aromacie dogasające ognisko, dębina, wędliny, karmel, słód, kwas chlebowy, ziemia. W smaku solidna podbudowa słodowa, w tle wędzonka, ale nie jakoś specjalnie intensywna, nuty ziemisto-drewniane, zioła. Świetnie to wszystko zbalansowane, jest i trochę goryczki. Bardzo pijalne, szlachetne, świetnie zrobione piwo.

djoeye (12317) - Tromsø, NORWAY - JAN 2, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 2, 2021 Aroma; straw, wurst, ham, oak, wood, bark, malts, peat, honey. Look; off-white to fawn big tall beautiful head on veiled mahogany body. Taste; herbs, peat, wurst, bacon, wood, sweet malts, caramel, syrup, plum, oak, vanilla, and finishes lingering, with it all. Feel; good body n nice co². Overall; its bamberfantastischhhhh :)) [eine Flasche auf einer der dänischen Getränkemärkte gekauft, und in der Wohnung der PywothekH7 getrunken]

FrothyTamer60 (427) - POLAND - DEC 24, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2020 Rocznik 2014 Piwo klarowne, ciemnoczerwona barwa, piana ładna, zostawia przyjemny dla oka lacing. W aromacie piękna boczkowa wędzonka, słodowość, lekka piwniczność, oscypek. W smaku klasyczny rauchbock, zostawia dymny posmak. Trochę mało ciała, niektóre mniej ekstraktywne piwa z tego browaru były pełniejsze. Generalnie piwa leżakowane ze Schlenkerli zyskują taką nutę sera camembert, co nadaje im fajnego sznytu i jak najbardziej współgra z wędzonką.

rotaman14 (1785) - Bielsko-Biala, POLAND - NOV 5, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 5, 2020 This beer proves that aging beers is not always a good idea. 2014 bottle. Aroma of Coca Cola, caramel, ham and bread. Light bitter taste, woody, some sweetness. Barely any smoke flavors. Thin body. Meh. The fresh Aecht Schlenkerlas are much, much better.

kerenmk (6966) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - AUG 11, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 11, 2020 Bottle from Erzengel 2018, 2011. Deep red-brown. Oak, mellowed-down smoke, caramel and a bit of earth in the nose, smoky and caramel in the mouth. Full body, fizzy, smoky bitterness finish and slightly alcoholic. Past its prime, but hell, it's Schlenkerla, so it's still good.

Geiserich (5614) - Linz, AUSTRIA - JUL 24, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 24, 2020 2014: Brown, copper color. Malty, medium smoked nose. Flavor is malty, roasty, medium smoked, wood fire, ash, cacao powder, sweetness, some alcohol. Very good.

charlotte (7594) - rødovre, DENMARK - MAR 15, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 15, 2020 Bottle.Muddy brown colour with no head.Aroma of bacon and wood nice rich smoked with nice full body and warming finish,this bottle from 2014.

Fin (15185) - Attenkirchen, Bavaria, GERMANY - DEC 10, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 10, 2019 Bottle shared with the RateBeer Munich Tasting Group, Tuesday 10th December 2019 at Jonas's, Garching. Pours amber with a white head, lovely, just lovely, soft carbonation, I'm having a sneezing fit, not sure if it's this one or the 9 year old Schlenkerla we just had. This is superb, absolutely gorgeous. Sorry for the lack of details I'm still sneezing. It's great.

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