RATINGS: 12   MEAN: 3.95/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.54/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
This American strong style bitter was created in celebration of our brewpub’s anniversary. It has rich malt characteristics and high hop flavor, aroma, and bitterness.

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ceejmomeechmo (58) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - JUN 12, 2005
On tap at the clybourn location...Poured a rich brown with a thick lasting tan head. Left great lacing all the way down. Aromas were very malty with hints of orange and citrus. Flavors were similar to aromas with added hop notes and a bold mouthfeel. Very characteristic of a good ESB, very enjoyable from start to finish.

frankenkitty (2013) - Oak Lawn, Illinois, USA - JUN 10, 2005
Light mahogany in color with a creamy, ecru film that stayed and produced an excellent lace. Heavy malt aromas were roasted and cookie-ish with a light citrus undertone. Very well-balanced (aroma to flavor) with the taste showcasing the hops, starting moderately sweet but ending heavily bitter with a light, citric acidity. Smooth. Creamy. Excellent.

<font size=-4>On tap at <a href=http://www.ratebeer.com/Places/ShowPlace.asp? Island Beer Company (Clybourn), Chicago, IL<font size=-1>

NobleSquirrel (3437) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - JUN 2, 2005
Tap. Deep cloudy amber. This was a big one, and not at all what I expected. Very high hop character, thick and chewy body. This was a surprise. Smell was hoppy in an English way, very nice and pretty to look at. Taste was clean malts, a little fruity. No dust, which was good. Hops were a combination of the best English coupled with Bold Americans, I’d guess. Bitter and fresh. Well balanced across the tongue. A damn fine ESB from GI.

Braudog (8154) - Yorktown, Virginia, USA - MAY 31, 2005
On tap at the brewery: Dark orange/brown, earthy/chewy goodness with a solid mouthfeel and rich bitterness. Excellent big beer.

iwantalambic (1478) - St. Louis, Missouri, USA - MAY 29, 2005
Cask: picturesque off the beer engine – slightly hazed darkly bronzed body with a full and retentive, thick tan cream. Perfect serving temperature. Dusty, soft malted fruit aroma with strawberries, hone suckle & sweet caramel. Palate is a bit too thin, but is soft and smooth. Flavours of lightly toasted grains, sticky fruits (berries & pears) and a nice long, dry finish of bitter grapefruity hops. Another stellar showing from the Goose Casks….

BBB63 (6567) - La Porte, Indiana, USA - MAY 29, 2005
Tap at Clybourn: Hazy deep coppery hue with a small creamy head and very good lacing on my MBA glassware. The aroma has notes of apple and apricot, walnut, toffee, floral and light piney hops, and dusty esters. The taste starts with a fruity twang and has a nice rounded bitter component. Some light mocha, nutty and bready malt undertones add some complexity to palate. Has a yeasty and lingering bitter finish. The feel is refreshing and smooth with just a bit of hop bite to keep you interested. A top notch beer but not quite to British standards. I liked it enough to take a growler home. I would have loved to have tried this on a cask pour, but alas the cask beer of the day was the Golden Ale, sniff...

scraff (2125) - Baltimore, Maryland, USA - MAY 23, 2005
Cask @ Clybourn. Deep crimson and copper, super thick creamy off white head. Aroma was very nice with fruity English tones, nutty caramel, with a lighter tone of cherry lurking. The citric tones get near perfect balance with the dark sweet caramel-like malt. I could drink this stuff all day! Medium bodied, pillowy carbonation, soft fruity finish. One of the best ESB’s I’ve ever had...

jeffin7 (613) - Silver Spring, Maryland, USA - MAY 21, 2005
Cask at Goose Island. Pours copper with a fluffy head. Aroma is mixed citrus hops, english yeasty fruitiness. Flavor is creamy, soft caramel, slight english fruity yeast. Soft mellow, velvety, satisfing.

htsprint1 (53) - Urbana, Illinois, USA - MAY 21, 2005
On cask @ GI Clybourn. Copper-colored with a big, creamy off-white head. A subtle nutty, fruity, malty aroma that’s pleasing but not overpowering. Very smooth and easy to drink... the cask matches up with this one perfectly. Flavor is bitter, spicy, a little fruit sweetness. Best ESB I’ve had to date. Delicious

Zeswaft (1790) - Edmonds, Washington, USA - MAY 14, 2005
UPDATED: JUN 3, 2005 On tap. Deep Copper color. Fruity aroma. Very good. Probably the best of the goose island beers that i sampeled. There is a strong hop presence that was refreshing.

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