Brewed by Buxton Brewery
Style: Quadrupel / Abt
Buxton, England


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RATINGS: 27   MEAN: 4.08/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.94/5   EST. CALORIES: 360   ABV: 12%
Special barrel aged version of the fourth beer in our Belgian Family series
Buxton have been barrel ageing their famed Quadrupel – the fourth beer in their Belgian family series. Dark, rich and sweet, Quadrupel is part of Buxton’s lineage series exploring Belgian brewing traditions. With flavours of red berries, raisins and a hint of spice followed by roasted malts, caramel and dark chocolate notes, this 12% barrel aged upgrade is a disco dance for your taste buds.

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Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - DEC 19, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2020 Bottle at home in Hackney - sourced from online. Pours mostly clear red-brown with a creamy beige head. Rich, fairly sweet, nice toffee, toasted brown bread, nips of vanilla and toasted caramel and wood, modest alcohol, raisins and other dried fruits. Medium to full bodied, lightly chewy, with fine carbonation. Warming finish, further stewed berries, toffee, toasted malts. Extremely drinkable. Exceptional overall.

DSG (22780) - Tel Aviv, ISRAEL - AUG 18, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 18, 2020 Bottle sample at a tasting at troubles' place. Thanks Tom L. Brown. Oxidation, dark fruits, wood, caramel, a bit of chocolate, some vanilla, sweet, a bit umami, rounded mouthfeel.

zvikar (11915) - Ramat Gan, ISRAEL - JUL 26, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 26, 2020 At Dror's place, pours brown with a beige head, aroma of chocolate, caramel, toffee, salt, umami, flavor of chocolate, caramel, toffee, salt, umami, medium bodied, nice

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - JUN 25, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 25, 2020 Bottle at home, 25/06/20. Rich chestnut brown with a beige cap. Nose is dried fruits, vinous notes, raisins, sultanas, bourbon, oak, brown sugars. Taste comprises figgy jam, fruit cake, oak, toffee, raisins, toasted brown sugar, vinous twang, sweet malts, tangy red berries. Full bodied, fine carbonation, semi drying close with a balanced rising boost. Solid BA quad.

Christian (16103) - Odense, DENMARK - MAR 3, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 3, 2020 Jazzy Hours, Ratebeer Odense, March 2020. Hazy chestnut with a lasting off-white head. Aroma of dried fruit and dark sugar with a touch of caramel. Sweet malty flavour with caramel and dried fruit.

Dedollewaitor (19875) - Odense, DENMARK - MAR 3, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 3, 2020 Bottle @ Jazzy Hours, Oluf Bagers Gade, Ratebeer Odense, March 2020. Pours Ruby unclear amber with a creamy beige head. Nose is deep and vinous. Nuts and Rye. Dark fruit, Wood and ryebread. Vinous and warming sipper. Nice

jesperhammer (6705) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - JAN 28, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 28, 2020 17-JAN-2019, bottle @Ulkløbben Generalforsamling, @Frank. Hazy brown with a lasting, low, tan head. Bourbon, bread, candied sugar. Sweet, bitter. Really good.

BeerMonger102 (5) - - DEC 17, 2019 does not count
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2019 Needs aging but then it is a super smooth complex beer Just make sure you keep it a few months first.

biilz (1529) - SPAIN - JUN 16, 2019
UPDATED: JUN 16, 2019 В аромате уже при открытие ощущается сладкие нотки от виски и бочки из под нее. Много солода, сладкие тона, немного цветочных и пряных ноток, много от бочки соответственно. Цвет коричневый, пенка хорошая, зернистая. Вкус более мягкий чем я думал, снова бочка но нету ярких сладких ноток от виски или бурбона, немного карамели. При глотке нотки алкоголя, снова солод, изюм с намёком на миндаль, пряный вкус плавно переходит в кофе. Хороший квад но был бы лучше без бочки, лично мое мнение.

adster (1158) - HUNGARY - DEC 14, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2018 Már illata is elárulja, minőségi sörélményben lesz része a fogyasztójának, azonban már ekkor kiderül, hogy valami nem stimmel a típusbeli besorolást illetően. Ezt azonban jelen esetben a főzde számlájára írhatjuk, hiszen a címke annak ellenére hirdeti a quadrupel jelleget, s a belga mondanivalójú sorozat tematikájába történő illeszkedését, hogy ennél vegytisztább, brit karakterisztikájú barley wine-nal csak elvétve találkozni. Komlóhangú, aszalványos színezetű, csipkebogyós, áfonyás aromák alapozzák meg a hangulatot, majd cukrozott malátás, borókabogyós, marmaládés elemek cipelik tovább a hátukon a brit típusjegyek súlyát. A tonnányi maláta jelenléte minden további nélkül, a belga jellemvonások azonban annál kevésbé vehetőek ki, s bár a hordóérlelés nyomai néhol tetten érhetőek, véleményem szerint az elnevezése finoman szólva is több ponton kikezdhető.

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