Port Brewing Midnight Expression Lager (Moon Lit Sessions)

RATINGS: 586   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.67/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
It’s not often that a great summer swell coincides with a full moon, but when they collide, nature affords us a rare opportunity to paddle out long after everyone has called it a day. These moments are a solitary pursuit with empty lineups, but those who carve graceful lines under a full moon understand how things can be dark lonely and rewarding at the same time. So next time you paddle in from an overcrowded beach break, remember that nothing tastes better than a cold beer after a session. We suggest a glass of this smooth roasty black lager for contemplating empty lineups and waves that go on for days. Most likely, you’ll long for epic summer swells under moon lit sessions opening the doors to isolation and empty secret spots of an age trying to pass us by. Note: Formerly Midnight Sessions Lager.

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badpuppy69 (825) - Orange, California, USA - MAR 12, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 12, 2021 From a can to a glass. Pours a dark brown color with a medium tan frothy creamy silky head. Aroma is roasted coffee upfront, roasted malts and cocoa nibs. Taste follows the aroma with a medium light mouthfeel. A bit on the watery side and lacks a good malt backbone. Meh!

Cristobal37 (2249) - Tustin, California, USA - FEB 6, 2021
UPDATED: FEB 6, 2021 Can pours black with beige head and good lacing. Sweet roasty malt aroma like a German dunkel. Light body, very very roasted malt forward, toast, mild chocolate bitterness. Finish is very dry n bitter. Like other Port beers in it's hoppy for sure, maybe more so than I'd prefer, but still really tasty.

BREWMUSKCLES (3098) - New Jersey, USA - DEC 19, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2019 25 ounce bottled on 12/20/2011! did not notice until I drank half of it. rum and cocoa and caramel. plum pudding mildly sweet. full tasting and moderate to light moderate in the body. low alcohol makes this great for drinking. dark malt and toasty almost to a char.

Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - NOV 15, 2017
From May 2008 I bought this bottle from South Bay Drugs & Liquor. Thanks Joey! Ahh, a Schwarzbier..I haven't too many of them... It pours a very dark brown, almost black, actually. A nice 1 finger head of tannish foam and some nice lacing. Nice looking brew. The foam shrinks to just a ring around the glass a few minutes into the session. Taking a few whiffs, I get a very bitter chocolate smell matched by a very roasted malt nose, and it's nice. The taste..well...it's damn tasty! A lot of roasted malt and chocolate up front and then some coffee notes sneak in and in the background, I taste just a touch of citrus. Yummy. Now I'm getting some smokiness that I didn't expect. Dang. 5%abv, eh? Plenty of flavour here. ;^) It has a light body , which I expected, the carbonation is fairly brisk, also expected, and it finishes with a bitter bite from the roasted and dark chocolate malt. A very nice and quite bitter brew.

ordybill (1815) - Douglasville, Georgia, USA - NOV 7, 2016
Poured from a 25 OZ bomber into a pint glass. The appearance is midnight black with a medium sized tan head. Rich malt aroma with a hint of coffee. The taste is pure malt goodness with a mild finish.

Saeglopur (3713) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - OCT 3, 2016
650 ml bitte shared by Werckmeister, thanks!
Black body, with a quite small, fizzy, coffee-colored head.
Aroma of coffee, liquorice, toast, dried fruits, some cocoa powder.
Taste follows this, with quite a lot of sourish fruits and some caramel.
Medium, slick mouthfeel, with an average carbonation.
Finishes medium roasty, medium sour-fruity, with cocoa, some coffee, some liquorice.

Nice one, but not oustanding. A bit light bodied for the style and with some unusual sourish fruits, that aren’t bad though. Overall not among my favourite style examples, while still a nice one.

Werckmeister (6298) - Vienna, AUSTRIA - OCT 3, 2016
0,66l bottle at home from Ex-De Molen webshop. No BB date. As Port Brewing Midnight Sessions Lager 5% ABV. almost black color, small coffee-colored head. smells earthy, lightly acidic, light berry notes, hints of smoke, light vanilla, some bitter chocolate, light licorice. nice smell. medium body, rather bubbly carbonation, slick mouthfeel. tastes citric, earthy, lightly sour, light vanilla, some licorice, light green apples. finishes lightly sour with notes of green apples and some earthy notes. overall good, but dont like the sourness (especially on the taste) on this one. Might be that its too old, but its a bit distracting from the otherwise good beer.

dfearnley (3422) - Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA - JUL 4, 2015
Bottle to stange glass Oat, rye, cherry, bread. Dark brown with a creamy tan head. Bitter, some sourness, and malt.

Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 4, 2015
Draft - Dark roast and some toasty notes. Jet black with a decent brown head. Dark roast and toasty notes. Decent.

Marheb (6366) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - MAR 17, 2015
(En fût au Pizza Port Solana Beach): Un liquide délicieusement torréfié, caramel salé et esters fruités dans une bombe de buvabilité terriblement efficace.

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