Le Trou du Diable La Buteuse Brassin Spécial (Calvados)

Brewed by Le Trou du Diable (Six Pints - Molson Coors)
Style: Tripel
Shawinigan, Canada


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RATINGS: 253   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.93/5   EST. CALORIES: 300   ABV: 10%
Bière triple épicée, torréfiée et vanillée, élevée en fûts de calvados pendant 6 mois. Cette bière exceptionnelle, fermentée grâce à trois levures différentes, a séjourné six mois en barriques de chêne ayant préalablement accueilli du brandy de pommes. Le nez présente des notes vanillées, épicées, torréfiées et animales. En bouche, s’entremêlent le caramel brûlé, la pêche, le tabac frais. et de suaves notes d’alcool portées par de fines bulles champenoises.

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AleGuru2 (416) - Houten, NETHERLANDS - APR 6, 2021
UPDATED: APR 6, 2021 Een bijzonder bier voor mij omdat het artwork iets weg heeft van mijn inmiddels overleden vader in zijn jonge jaren. Hoewel er bij het inschenken een wat grillige en snel inzakkende witte schuimkraag ontstaat, zijn er de typische geuren van groene appels, vanille, perzik en Belgische gist. In de smaak vind ik de Calvados een hele mooie zurige aanvulling.

nickd717 (7568) - San Francisco, California, USA - SEP 1, 2019
UPDATED: SEP 1, 2019 Bottle from the Tavez. 'Butt-ooze?' Maybe. Oh well. It pours hazy bright golden with a large fluffy white head. Aroma is nice, floral, Belgian, Calvados, oak, light bread. Flavor is nice, medium sweet, Belgian, some appley astringency and tannins. Medium full body, lively carbonation, some booze. Pretty solid but if I have to gripe I'd like it slightly less tannic.
Earlier Rating: 6/9/2011 Total Score: 3.6
Thanks to flipper2gv for this. 750ml bottle. Hazy copper in color with a one finger white head that leaves a thick foam. The aroma is very nice. Floral and oaky with spice, vanilla, and fruitiness. The flavor is pretty good and complex. Sweet caramel malt, brandy, apple, peach, spices, and tobacco. Medium-full bodied with a slightly syrupy mouthfeel and average carbonation. Overall pretty good. A well-crafted beer with a lot to it.

agervy (93) - , Quebec, CANADA - MAR 7, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2019 Assez dispendieuse, mais c'est un luxe que je m'étais octroyé. Excellente décision. Une bonne bière avec un goût citronné d'agrumes et une légère amertume juste assez subtile en finale. Haut taux d'alcool (10,2%) pour une bouteille de 750ml. Se partage très bien ou se délecte plus tranquillement seul évidemment.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - OCT 7, 2018
Poured at Shelton Festival, hazy yellow with medium white head. The aroma is yeast, oak, brandy, dark fruit. Slick body, oak, yeast, brandy, nice sweetness, very nice.

JaBier (12380) - Capital City, Ohio, USA - AUG 3, 2018
Bottle shared by a friend. Hazy orange pour with a thick off-white head. Aroma of funky brett, booze and tart fruit. Sweet malt and honey flavor with tart apple accents and slight booziness before a funky and dry finish.

KansaiBeerLvrs (7658) - Kyoto, JAPAN - JUL 27, 2018
Bottle from 2016 in Canada. Soft carbonation, a gusher and a funk cork fruity aroma. Soft round carbonation with a funky Brett flavor and the oaky apple brandy in the finish. Delicious but it hits hard. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

fiery1 (4103) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - JUL 11, 2018
750ml bottle @ Farees'. 2014 Vintage. Pours a hazy golden copper colour with a huge active head that settles finally to a manageable thin white head. Nose is peaches, light apricots, Brett, light oak, and hints toasted malts. Flavour is stone fruits, dry and funky Brett, moderate oak. Medium to light bodied, moderate carbonation, upfront sweetness, and finishes rather dry.

vincentvega72 (1680) - Terneuzen, NETHERLANDS - MAR 3, 2018
UPDATED: MAR 3, 2018 Goudblond bier met fijne parelende witte schuimkraag die redelijk snel inzakt. Appel, stroop, eik, vanille, brandy. Lichte tinteling op het tandvlees. Fris-zuur met droge afdronk. Mooi bier.

Alengrin (9649) - Gent, BELGIUM - FEB 28, 2018
‘Wild’ and wood aged version of this tripel by Trou du Diable, sampled at Gollem in Antwerp, thanks Jan for sharing. Shows a very thick and rocky, tightly papery lacing, eggshell-coloured head and cloudy peach blonde robe with warm, pale orange hue. Aroma of old wrinkly apple peel, fermenting hay, dried out banana peel, bread crust, overripe apricots, moldy oranges, old wet oak wood, wet leather, white grape juice, lemon flesh, gin. Estery onset, very fruity with sweeter impressions of ripe peach, sweet grapes and banana mingled with a mild gooseberry and green plum tartness; medium carbonation, smooth and full, pleasant body. Lovely bready malt sweet core with honeyish and fruity sweet notes on top, turning drie rand ‘Brettier’ towards the end with retronasal notes of damp hay, wet leather and fermenting fruit, dryish Sauvignon Blanc note below plus some wet wood and lingering banana and peach sweetness as well as the initial gooseberry, even vaguely lemony tartness that keeps effectuating a gently drying effect from onset to finish. Hop bitterness remains soft and in the background, some brandy-like alcohol adds pleasant ‘afterwarmth’. I like barrel aged and ‘Bretted’ interpretations of classic Belgian styles, such as – in this case – a sweetish tripel, and this one is a very good example of that concept. Very nice, should revisit this from an older bottle with more pronounced and complex Brettanomyces effects, though these are certainly already present in this sample in a more subtle form.

Bierridder_S (2086) - Oudenaarde, BELGIUM - JAN 12, 2018
09/01/2018 - draught glass @Moeder Lambic Fontainas. Dark golden with big yellowish head. Nose is sweet malts, fruits, bit oak. Taste is malts, fruity, bit caramel, bit vanilla, some oak, bit wine, Calvados touch, creamy feel. Nice.

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