Bitter - Premium / Strong / Extra Special (ESB)

The Strong Bitter, or Premium Bitter, is an average-strength to moderately-strong British bitter ale with a light amber to deep copper color. The balance may be fairly even between malt and hops to somewhat bitter. In America, the Extra Special Bitter (ESB), has been co-opted to describe a malty, bitter, reddish, standard-strength British-type ale. More evident malt and hop flavors than in a best bitter, as well as more alcohol. Stronger versions may overlap somewhat with British strong ales, although strong bitters will tend to be paler and more bitter. More malt flavor, particularly caramel, and esters than an American Pale Ale, with different finishing hop character.

Serve In:

Top Beers of the Style
Driftwood Naughty Hildegard ESB (3.767338)
Oakham Asylum (3.698761)
Three Floyds Lord Admiral Nelson (3.692766)
Hogshead Double Chin Wag ESB (3.617645)
Bedondaine et Bedons Ronds Amère Veilleuse (3.615956)