Pale Lager - International / Premium

The “International Pale Lager” is a highly-attenuated pale straw to gold colored lager without strong flavors, typically well-balanced and highly carbonated. The Pale Lagers tend to have fewer adjuncts than standard American lagers. This is a broad category of international mass-market lagers ranging from up-scale all-malt lagers to the typical export Lager. Often confusingly labeled as a Pilsner. The “Premium Pale Lager” is generally a marketing term sometimes used by brewers for products they wish to promote but it can be meaningfully applied to an all-malt product. Generally more bitter and filling than American lager. Less hoppy and bitter than a German Pils. Less body, malt flavor, and hop character than a Czech Pilsener. More robust versions can approach a Munich Helles in flavor, although with more of an adjunct quality. This style also includes the Svetlý Výcepní, a real Czech Premium Pale Lager.

Serve In:

Top Beers of the Style
Łańcut / Pinta K (3.697717)
OEC Coolship Lager Americana (3.666431)
Godspeed Světlé Výčepní Pivo 10º (3.659726)
Vinohradský Pivovar Svatováclavská 13 (3.639547)
Sante Adairius Lagger (3.605631)