Porter - Imperial

The Imperial Porter is a substantial, extra-strong dark malty beer with a complex and flavorful dark malt character with a restrained bitterness. It may have a range of roasted flavors, generally without burnt qualities, and often has a chocolate-caramel-malty profile. Stronger, more bitter and often with more dark malt qualities and dryness than of regular Porters but lack the overt roastiness of an Imperial Stout.

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Top Beers of the Style
Barley Johns The Dark Knight (Returns) (4.127996)
Mikkeller Brian BA Bourbon (4.111453)
Cigar City Outskirts (4.041025)
Tyranena BGW Whos Your Daddy? Bourbon Barrel-Aged Imperial Porter (4.015331)
Garage Project Cockswain's Courage Double Barrelled Edition (4.0124)