Amber Lager - Czech / Polotmavý

The Czech Amber Lager (Polotmavý which translates as half dark) is a malt-driven amber lager with hop character that can vary from low to quite significant. The malt flavors can vary quite a bit, leading to different interpretations ranging from drier, bready, and slightly biscuity to sweeter and somewhat caramelly. The style can be similar to a Vienna lager but with Saaz-type hop character, or that approaching an English bitter but significantly richer with more of a deep caramel character. Large brewery versions are generally similar to Czech Premium Pale Lager with slightly darker malt flavors and less hop, while smaller breweries often make versions with considerable hop character, malt complexity, or residual sweetness. This style includes the This style includes the Polotmavý Výcepní, the Polotmavý Ležák and the Polotmavé Speciální pivo styles.

Serve In:

Top Beers of the Style
Schilling Augustin 13˚ (3.668042)
Godspeed Polotmavý Ležák 11° Czech Amber Lager (3.58742)
Vinohradský Jantarová 13 (3.532253)
Svatý Norbert Jantar 13° (3.514954)
Vojanův dvůr Rubín (Rubínový Speciál) (3.408694)