Bock - Doppelbock

The Doppelbock is a strong, rich, and very malty German lager. Most versions are dark colored and may display the caramelizing of decoction mashing. The pale versions will not have the same richness and darker malt flavors of the dark versions, and may be a bit drier, hoppier and more bitter. A stronger, richer, more full-bodied version of either a Dunkler Bock or a Helles Bock. Pale versions will show higher attenuation and less dark fruity character than the darker versions.

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Top Beers of the Style
Ayinger Celebrator Doppelbock (4.025449)
Schloss Eggenberg Samichlaus Schwarzes (3.843233)
Vrooden Ur-Bock Signature (3.839443)
Hoppin' Frog Frogichlaus (3.83459)
Andechser Doppelbock Dunkel (3.829418)