Dark Lager - Dunkel / Tmavý

The Munich Dunkel is characterized by depth, richness and complexity typical of darker Munich malts. Deep copper to dark brown, deeply bready-toasty malt-balanced beer, often with chocolate-like flavors. Not as intense in maltiness as a bock, lacking the more roasted flavors of a Schwarzbier. Richer, more malt-centric, and less hoppy than a Czech Dark Lager. The Czech Dark Lager, or Tmavý, is a rich, dark, malty Czech lager with a roast character that can vary from almost absent to quite prominent, with variable levels of hopping but typically with greater malt richness and hop character than the Dunkel. This style includes the Tmavý Výcepní, the Tmavý Ležák and Tmavé Speciální pivo styles.

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Top Beers of the Style
Seinsheimer Dunkles Kellerbier (3.938772)
Calumet Dark (3.766951)
Schilling Modernism (3.676648)
Schilling Landbier Dunkel (3.675969)
Tired Hands Nothing (3.674933)