Red Ale - Irish

The Irish Red Ale, or simply Irish Ale, is an medium amber to medium reddish-copper colored ale, often with subtle flavors. Slightly malty in the balance sometimes with an initial soft toffee/caramel sweetness, relatively low in hops and a touch of roasted dryness in the finish. American versions are often more alcoholic versions of the Irish traditional Export examples. A less-bitter and hoppy Irish equivalent to an English Bitter, with a dryish finish due to roasted barley. More attenuated with less caramel flavor and body than equivalent-strength Scottish ales.

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Top Beers of the Style
Three Floyds Brian Boru (3.716546)
armando_otchoa's Marschall Amplify Ale (3.685864)
PINTA Call Me Simon 6.9% (3.595411)
Totenhopfen Mahut (3.567858)
Cigar City Hornswoggled (3.5656)