Lambic - Faro

The Faro is a complex, pleasantly sour and sweet wild Belgian golden wheat beer that is highly carbonated. The Faro is traditionally produced by mixing one, two, and three-year old lambic with an addition of sugar. Young lambic contains fermentable sugars while old lambic has the characteristic wild taste of the Senne River valley. These are well-carbonated, and are sweeter and more refreshing than traditional Gueuze. The flavor is often straightforward and sugary, with lighter barnyard and funk notes than other lambic styles. The odd variant contains other spices as flavoring.

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Top Beers of the Style
3 Fonteinen Straffe Winter (3.841398)
Funk Factory Faro (3.724598)
Oud Beersel Oude Faro (3.693583)
3 Fonteinen Faro Classic (3.666265)
3 Fonteinen Faro Traditional (3.59144)