Stout - Extra / Foreign / Tropical

The Foreign Stout, sometimes also seen as Export Stout, Extra Stout is a very deep brown to black colored, moderately strong, fairly dry, stout with prominent roast flavors. Similar in balance to a Stout, but with more alcohol. Not as big or intense as a Imperial Stout. Lacking the strong bitterness and high late hops of American Stouts. Similar gravity as Tropical Stout, but with a drier finish, higher bitterness, and less esters. The Tropical Stout is a very dark, sweet, fruity, moderately strong ale with smooth roasty flavors without a burnt harshness. It tastes like a scaled-up sweet stout with higher fruitiness. Similar to some Imperial Stouts without the high bitterness, strong/burnt roastiness, and late hops, and with lower alcohol. Much more sweet and less hoppy than American Stouts. Much sweeter and less bitter than the Export Stouts.

Serve In:

Top Beers of the Style
The Kernel Export Stout London 1890 (3.959823)
Amager / Goose Island RyeKing (3.900221)
Artezan Too Young To Be Herod 2016 Bourbon BA (3.897566)
Artezan Too Young To Be Herod 2016 (3.890977)
Cloudwater / Salt Proper (3.878173)