Malt Liquor

The Malt Liquor is a highly-attenuated pale to amber colored North American strong lager, in which lots of adjuncts - mainly corn, rice or sugar - are added to the malted barley to boost the total amount of fermentable sugars in the wort, resulting in an dry beer with higher alcohol concentration and fusel alcohol. Like a very dry North American Pale Lager with a stronger alcohol kick. It is often typical for those beers to be sold in 40oz formats.

Serve In:

Top Beers of the Style
Founders DKML (3.500118)
Moonlight Toast (Slightly Burned) Malt Liquor (3.47422)
Mikkeller MAD4 Malt Liquor (3.405155)
Three Magnets Brass Froggy (3.368958)
Smuttynose Smuttlabs Granite State Destroyer (3.309768)