RATINGS: 186   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.79/5   SEASONAL: Autumn   EST. CALORIES: 184   ABV: 6.13%
Abita Fallfest is an Octoberfest lager/ It is brewed with German Hersbrucker hops and pale, crystal and chocolate malts.The result is a full-bodied, malty beer with a strong hop character and a beautiful amber color. Available September-November.

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Fritz123 (1535) - Boca Raton, Florida, USA - APR 19, 2015
12oz bottle at home in a snifter. Very clear, golden amber pour with very little head. Aroma is mild caramel, Wurthers candies, un-iced doughnut, and butter. Taste is very mild (almost bland) caramel, butter, toffee, doughnut. Very thin mouth, rather slick oil. Pretty unimpressive.

alexsdad06 (16451) - West Chester, Ohio, USA - SEP 27, 2014
12 oz bottle from notes. Pours a clear dark golden/light brown color with a small off white head. The aroma and flavor have lightly toasted bready malts, straw, light fruit, mild earthy hops, rather bland.

DrinkinWell (389) - - DEC 30, 2013
Pours coppery orange with white foamy head and minimal lacing. An underwhelming fall ale that has very few aromas and tastes like citrus and sweet malts. My least favorite Abita beer so far.

joeyplush (648) - Garnet Valley, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 28, 2013
Found this one to be a bit watered down. Aside from that it’s what you would expect from a fall beer - on the darker side, with a maltier taste. Was not impressed.

Ibrew2or3 (10208) - Tempe, Arizona, USA - NOV 6, 2013
12oz bottle pours with a crystal clear copper body that has thick gold edges and supports a thin mocha colored head. The aroma offers up winter spices, a spicy maple note and some malts. The taste has some nice winter spiciness and a bit of spicy maple like notes and then it slides deep into sugar sweet maltiness. Behind those notes are some sweet apple and pear like fruity esters that only build onto the sweetness. This would be more enjoyable if it had better balance between all the sweetness and the slightly roasty to spicy notes.

samsmith33 (772) - - OCT 31, 2013
Aroma Is sour pissy, pilsner. Color is clear dark yellow. Zero head. Tastes is crisp hops and barley, but no depth. Sour aftertaste. Feel is flat. Disappointed. Poor beer. Yuck.

SDalkoholic (2459) - San Diego, California, USA - OCT 24, 2013
Bottle from North Park Liquor store: Created a thin layer of film covering for a head while the color of the beer is a solid gold as if king Midas himself had touched the liquid. My nose detects a faint aroma of grained wheat and grassy hops with an ever present chance of alcohol. The flavor is bitter with minor amount of wheat like malt and very little notice of grassy sour notes of hops almost in a European like fashion. Overall, this is a poor attempt at a Marzen style, but this did come from Abita which hasn’t been known to impress me.

RABinCO (1511) - Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA - OCT 19, 2013
Bottle into a glass. Pours amber. Aroma of skunkiness and sweet malt. Taste is skunkiness, cereal,a slight hop bite. Good boost level though.

Bif (2972) - St. Charles, Missouri, USA - OCT 12, 2013
Pours a clear amber color with a small head that fades to bits of lacing. Aroma is on the mild side with roasted malt, bit of malt sweetness and a bit of hops in the background. Taste of roasted malt, bit of caramel sweetness and a hint of chocolate. Has a subtle bitterness and a clean finish. Fairly medium body, crisp, quite smooth and refreshing. Not a fancy Oktoberfest, but still enjoyable.

Bamsen78 (7609) - Sønderborg, DENMARK - OCT 5, 2013
Draught @ The Ginger Man, NYC. Pours clear amber with smll off-white head. Clear aroma of malt with hoppy and estery touches. Sweetish, eatery flavour with a good deal of skunk and malt. Skunky aftertaste. Nothing really special.

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