Serve in Shaker, Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 966   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.23/5   IBU: 55   EST. CALORIES: 195   ABV: 6.5%
Acme IPA is profoundly hoppy, finished with over a pound of fresh whole hops per barrel. The result of this generous hopping is a beer that is deliciously dry, and eminently drinkable in spite of its apparent strength.
2012 vintage: 6.9% abv

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Beese (12774) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - APR 25, 2020
UPDATED: APR 25, 2020 12oz bottle at Bottleworks, Seattle, WA on 07/09/2008. A solid IPA, with nice zesty and piney notes. Citrus in the flavour. Bitter finish.

coachd (2388) - O'Fallon, Missouri, USA - APR 14, 2018
Malty aroma, somewhat lemony. Hazy orange with a white clingy head. Muddled hops in the taste with a malty sweet aftertaste. Uninspired palate. Not very good.

drjoeng (2228) - SINGAPORE - JAN 12, 2018
6.5%ABV. IPA. Poured out gold. 6ºSRM. Nose has saltwater taffy and pine oil aromas. Mouthfeel is soapy. Palate has flavors of taffy and malted candy and maltesers. Other palate flavors strongly suggesting grass jelly with herbal, sweet, grass flavors. Hop flavors are pine needles, pine sap and resin. Finish is long with a resin, bittermelon flavor profile. Overall a sweet, aggressively hop forward ale. Good, but not necessarily well-balanced. Good if you’re looking for that lingering bitter after taste in an IPA or APA.

SlimHabib (529) - Winchester, California, USA - JUL 29, 2017
Bottle pour. Clear dark golden with a soapy white head. Aroma is orange peel, grass and light floral. Medium body. Medium lasting bitter with a salty finish. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Chadhami (628) - - MAY 12, 2017
Nothing too special about this IPA. No strong bite, goes down smooth. Average, not bad, just average.

Yased (339) - MEXICO - MAY 6, 2017
De la cervecería North Coast(E.U.A) esta American IPA de nombre “ACME” esta cervecera es muy conocida por su famosa receta Russian Imperial Stout “Old Rasputín ” que anteriormente ya reseñe, ahora probemos la receta del estilo en el que las cervecerías californianas se especializan, cuenta con 6.9% ABV y 55 IBU’s. En apariencia cuenta con una ligera corona de espuma de perlas compactas color blanquecina, mediana retención y poca actividad de carbonatación, tiene un intenso color dorado con bastante turbiedad, cuerpo mediano. En aroma esta bien marcado el lúpulo, muy cítrica a toronja, naranja, lima, piña y resinosidad, ligero toque a grano final, su intensidad es media y cumple bastante bien al carácter India Pale Ale. En paladar están equilibrados los elementos de forma interesante el amargor sobresale seguido de un rico carácter a grano que aunque no luce tanto hace presencia dándole una tomabilidad bastante aceptable para lo que en muchas ocasiones es una American IPA, se pueden encontrar sabores pináceos y herbales ademas de cítricos como toronja, naranja, tropical como piña y dulzor a miel, estándar perfecto y balance igual, seguramente no es de las mejores IPA pero no falla en nada, recomendable.

papat444 (136) - Carignan, Quebec, CANADA - FEB 10, 2017
ppearance: Pours a clear, golden body with 2 finger head and lots of bubbles. Smell: Faint aroma of bitterness & hops, citrus? Taste: Grapefuit-like hops taste with medium bitterness in the finish. Mouthfeel: Astringent but not overbearing, as it warms more subdued with hops still in the foreground with wisps of floral (grassy?) notes. Reviewed on: 07-14-2008

574deadzone (1420) - North Central, Indiana, USA - AUG 20, 2016
Bottled 12-28-15, so not fresh in the least. Pours a clearish golden-copper with a sizable eggshell head that settles to a foamy collar and leaves some assorted spotted and ropey lace. Nose involves dried fruit and herbs, some hints at zesty spice, toasted bread dough and sugar cookie. Lightly sweet, decently bitter. Light to medium bodied, somewhat oily, drying and tannic with a woody hop finish. Held up fairly well, though I’m guessing the aromatics would have popped more once upon a time. Still, another nice mildly hoppy one from North Coast.

fuzzcro (295) - Illinois, USA - AUG 11, 2016
I expected more. Aroma was average and appearance was appealing. On the plus side it was not overly pine tree tasting...on the down side it was simply not anything special. I’ll probably pass if offered again.

ALIBALI (4265) - Kiel, GERMANY - AUG 7, 2016
Optisch solide. Hell und ein klein wenig trüb, die kleine Krone fällt schnell ein. In der Nase Melone & Würze, vielleicht Harz/Pinie. Der Trunk dann kräftig gehopft, mit einem schlanken Korpus ausgestattet und nicht gerade frisch. Der Nachhall ist zwar angenehm lang und hoppy, aber auch eindimensional weissbeerig. Für einen IPA Lover guter amerikanischer Standard. 335ml Flasche vom BROLTERS Bremen. Kurz abgelaufen für 2 Euro.

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