RATINGS: 46   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.78/5   EST. CALORIES: 411   ABV: 13.7%
The biggest and most robust beer we have brewed yet. The regular version of this double stout is strong enough to wake the dead. Ranges 13%-13.7% abv. As of 2018 it's 13.7%. There is a place where the restless souls wander. Burdened by the weight of their own sadness, they cannot enter heaven. So they wait; trapped between our world and the next. Searching for a way to rid themselves of their pain - in the hope that somehow, someday they will be reunited with the ones they love.

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Thomas_W1 (3036) - Rastatt, GERMANY - DEC 29, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2021 Dose 0,473l: Schwarz, kräftige Trübung, kräftiger + sehr stabiler mittelporiger brauner Schaum; fruchtige + kräftig malzige Nase, kräftige Süße, kräftig Hopfen, fruchtige Säure, Milchsäurebakterien, Laktose, getrocknete/eingelegte Früchte, Röstaromen, kräftig Malz, Malzzucker, dunkles Karamell, fruchtig-würzige Bitterkeit; fruchtiger + kräftig würziger Körper, fruchtige Säure, dunkle/eingelegte Früchte, nussig, Kakao, dunkle Schokolade, Röstaromen, Hopfen, kräftig Malz, dunkles Karamell, sehr cremig, kräftige Kohlensäure, kräftige Hefearomen, Laktose; schokoladig-würziger Nachgang

crossovert (17015) - Chicago, Illinois, USA - DEC 17, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2021 473ml can. Pours dark brown/black tan head. Aromas is berries and cocoa, sweet. flavor is sweet dark fruits, thin and peppery, boozy and bitter, but a ouch sweet. Its pretty disjointed, or complex, however your palate reads. I would like to pair a cigar with it but i already had one and its too cold out for a second.

DWestrick (1781) - Ft Wayne, Indiana, USA - NOV 26, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 26, 2021 12oz can - saved from old Tavour order. black, coffee, quite bitter - liked as a classic imperial stout. good

nickd717 (7568) - San Francisco, California, USA - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 Can from the sick beer Arroyo Shell station in Pasadena. Darkest brown with a half finger of tan head. Aroma is dark chocolate, vanilla, roast, coffee, molasses. Flavor is rich dark chocolate, molasses, medium sweet, toasty with medium bitterness. Full bodied, mouth coating with some warmth. Nice RIS

bdleedahl (4795) - , Saxony, GERMANY - NOV 4, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 4, 2021 Solid base beer. Good smooth creamy body. It is wuite sweet thoough, and lacking a bit of spice that i would expect from the coffee to balance it out. Beer trmple ams

Lore (5131) - Budapest, HUNGARY - OCT 24, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 24, 2021 almost black colour, some beige lacing; aroma of coffee, unripe plum-like fruitiness; dark chocolate and maybe slight anise; taste has the same notes with some unripe fruity 'sourness'; good one

kapusil (2195) - Budapest, HUNGARY - OCT 24, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 24, 2021 From the can thanks to Lore. Black body with a brown head. Chocolate and coffee shows up first both in the aroma and the taste. Hops are fairly restrained in the beer giving way to the smooth, rich coffee notes. Not aot of roast either but some smoke is there for sure. Very nice.

Yorker (4276) - Nowhere in particular, DENMARK - OCT 21, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 21, 2021 47 cl can @ home. Pours black with a tan head. Aroma and flavour are roasted malt, liquorice, anise, and cocoa - with a dry finish. ABV is hidden quite well.

jesperhammer (6705) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - OCT 9, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 9, 2021 09-OCT-2021, draft @Peders. Black with a low tan head. Sweet roast aroma. Taste is chocolate, toffee, tar. Sweet, alcoholic. Very good but the Coven was better.

Thisis12ptfont (2663) - Los Angeles, CA, California, USA - SEP 8, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2021 Aromas of deep roasted malts chocolate toffee toasted bread smoky malts campfire ash and licorice. Taste is strong roasted malts roasted barley toffee burnt biscotti chocolate cocoa nibs campfire ash licorice star anise and charcoal. Overall, very dry and roasty. Tastes like training wheels for imperial stout, very basic..

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