Brewed by Heller-Bräu Trum
Style: Smoked - Rauchbier
Bamberg, Germany


on tap

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RATINGS: 395   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.65/5   SEASONAL: Summer   EST. CALORIES: 135   ABV: 4.5%
Als „Kräusen“ beschreibt der Bierbrauer die vielen Schaumblasen, die sich während der Gärung des Jungbieres bilden. Die Zugabe von einer kleinen Menge solchen Jungbieres zu einem bereits ausgereiften Bier wird als „Aufkräusen“ bezeichnet. Durch das Aufkräusen wird die volle Geschmacksreife des gelagerten Bieres um die Spritzigkeit des Jungbieres ergänzt. Aecht Schlenkerla Kräusen ist ein bernsteinfarbenes, unfiltriertes Lagerbier mit leichtem Rauchgeschmack. Es reift in den tiefen Stollen unter dem Bamberger Stephansberg und wird kurz vor dem Ausschank mit klassischem Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier aufgekräust. Süffig und mit nicht zu viel Alkohol ist es die ideale Erfrischung für die warme Jahreszeit. Daten: Stammwürze 11,7% Alkohol 4,5% Bittere 30 Ausschank: Im Brauereiausschank vom Holzfass ab 1. Juni bis Ende August. Export in die USA. English Translation: "Kräusen" describes the bubbles that form during the fermentation of green (young) beer. The addition of a small amount of such green beer to an already mature beer is called "Kräusening". Kräusening adds the full flavor maturity of the stored beer to the liveliness of the green beer that is added. Schlenkerla Kräusen is an amber, unfiltered lager with a slight smoky taste. It ripens in the deep tunnels under Bamberg until just before adding the classic Schlenkerla smoked beer. Tasty and not too much alcohol, it is the perfect refreshment for a warm season. Data: Original gravity 11.7% Alcohol 4.5% Bitter 30 Serving: In the brewery from the keg from 1 June to late August. Exports to the United States.

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mike_77 (11723) - Breda, NETHERLANDS - DEC 29, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 29, 2021 Dark blond colour with lasting lacy head. Starts out with smoky bacon notes. Nice malt body. A little bitterness in the aftertaste.

CraftBeerNick (6534) - Wokingham, Berkshire, ENGLAND - DEC 27, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2021 Bottle at home 27th December 2021. Pours a clear chestnut brown, with a massive annoying and growing head, I had to shot gun a load of foam to start it off. Aroma is light smoke and meat. Taste is caramel and light smoke, yeast and malts, east drinking, some meat, roasted notes and bacon, pretty good, but not as luxurious and intense as some of this brewers offerings

LagerGuide122 (803) - - DEC 22, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 22, 2021 500ml bottle brewed in Germany at 4.5%. Lightly unclear deep gold with a generous, good-duration head. Grassy, slightly zesty-fruity and spicy, almost heathery German lager aroma with a small side helping of meaty smoke, somewhat sulphurous. Moderate carbonation and texture, refreshing in the finish. Nice grassy lager tones, a hint of heather honey, but more than merely featuring a modest meaty smoke developing, the lager benefits from the darker malts in the finish, similar to a Marzen. Of course, Schlenkerla do a Marzen, as well as a Helles - so how much is this hybrid worth tracking down? Well, there's the bonus fruity points from being unfiltered to consider, and it's a nice refreshing yet flavoursome brew when all's said and done. Have it alongside their Helles and Marzen and take notes for some fun.

ricardostercios (1454) - Castelló de la Plana, SPAIN - DEC 4, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 4, 2021 Color naranja oscuro, levemente turbia, traslucida. Espuma blanca de más de dos dedos de espesor y buena retención. Aroma medio intenso, cereal, bacon, ceniza y humo, pan y notas de miel. Sabor intenso, bacon, brasas, carbón, humo y cenizas, cereal y pan tostado, final medio de dulzor maltoso y posgusto ahumado aunque 'fresco', alcohol bien integrado. Textura semisedosa. Carbonatación baja. Todos los tonos ahumados imaginables característicos de la casa, esta vez con un acompañamiento fresco muy agradable.

as216 (380) - SCOTLAND - NOV 21, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 21, 2021 Hazy amber. Aroma is very smokey, almost like bacon with malts accompanying it. Flavour is smokey with malts and slight fruity hints.

jookos (8492) - FINLAND - NOV 16, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2021 Bottle. Smokey, light ham on nose, still sort of pale lagery. Med light, quite easy drink, a little bitter grassy smokey finish. Quite ok, well carbonated, pretty dry and thin

PilsnerDoctor32 (2165) - madrid, SPAIN - NOV 5, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 5, 2021 Botella 500ml de Labirratorium. Color ambar, ligeramente opaca, espuma blanca, mediana, retencion media, burbujas de diferentes tamaños. Aroma malta, madera, beicon ahumado. Sabor beicon ahumado dominante, malta, ligero amargor que se queda prolongado en postgusto. Clásica

Musicoholic (369) - Szczecin, POLAND - NOV 2, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 2, 2021 Barwa ciemnobursztynowa, piana dziurawa, dość brzydka. W aromacie lager+wędzonka. Całkiem nieźle suszonymi owocami pachnie, do tego trochę kiełbasy. W smaku znacznie lepiej, ten lager ucieka. Jest fajna wędzoność. Przyjemne.

koorchuck (3326) - Nacpolsk, POLAND - OCT 17, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 17, 2021 Barwa bursztynowa, klarowne, piana obfita, gęsta, trwała. W aromacie karmel, słód, wędzonka, ale niezbyt intensywna. W smaku wędzonka, ziemia, melanoidyny, słód, lekka mineralność. Wytrawne, ciało niskie, goryczka nie za wysoka, ale wyczuwalna. Dobre, choć jedno ze słabszych w całej rodzinie.

IPALegion55 (893) - Szczecin, POLAND - OCT 16, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 16, 2021 Nalewa się głeboko-złote, lekko zmętnione, ładna, bardzo obfita piana. W zapachu mocno wędzonka, taka a'la wędzony boczek, troche karmelu, ziołowe W smaku dosyć wodniste, wędzone, wyraźnie ziołowe, są też takie ziemiste, surowe nuty. Goryczka ziołowa, wyraźna, przyjemna. Ogólnie, słodkie, słodowe, fajna goryczka, ale całościowo smacznie ale mi trochę nie gra, taki session marzen z wyraźną gorczyką z tego wychodzi.

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