Against the Grain Chris Framboise (All Funked Up Series)

RATINGS: 76   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.32/5   IBU: 16   EST. CALORIES: 213   ABV: 7.1%
Flamboyant, highly technical, and a bit unbalanced, like the wrestler himself, this brettanomyces-aged raspberry saison will send you to the mat. A variety of light malts blend to create a slightly spicy, intricate malt body that was dried out with farmhouse saison yeast in primary fermentation before being moved to our wild room for blending with raspberry puree and three strains of brettanomyces. The wild yeast create a secondary fermentation with all the raspberry sugars to yield a dry, tart, fruity, farmy treat that is sure to please hardcore beer geeks and lovers of girly-drinks alike.

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kaserov (2320) - Oviedo, SPAIN - JAN 21, 2018
Color naranja, ligeramente rosado, con capa de espuma blanca de dos dedos de grosor y retención decente. Carbonatación media. Textura acuosa y ligeramente chispeante. Aroma a frambuesa y malta caramelizada, ligeros recuerdos herbales. Algo básico pero placentero. Frambuesa bien integrada y reconocible. En boca es algo mundanal. Frambuesa reconocible, de nuevo, en contraposición a otras cervezas del estilo, en las que solo reconozco fruto rojo genérico. Algo de malta caramelizada. Toques herbales. Brett muy difuso. Pero... ¿Dónde está la acidez? ¿Y el Brett? Es como si estuviera probando algo distinto de lo que relata la descripción. Por no tener no tiene siquiera una acidez ligera. Tampoco es un sirope de frambuesa, pero desde luego le sobra dulzor y le falta entusiasmo. Tendría problemas a la hora de considerarla Saison, también hay que decirlo. No está mal pero esperaba algo muy distinto.

DocLock (11543) - Lower Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania, USA - NOV 13, 2017
750 from Smith's. Pours turbid coppery ruby with fizzy body. Nose is tart raspberry, yeasty funk, malt. Tastes malty, with raspberry flavor, some tartness, medium body and complexity.

melush (11220) - SPAIN - SEP 18, 2017
75cl Bottle @ Cervezalandia, Vall d'Uixo, Spain Hazy amber colour with a thin white head. Aroma is yeast, raspberries, brett. Taste is yeast, raspberries, malt, sweet, slightly tart. Medium body, average carbonation.

Brigadier (4590) - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - APR 30, 2017
750 ml bottle
This unlabeled bottle has been in the cellar since before Against the Grain was distributing widely outside the Louisville market. I should have cracked it open sooner - the profile does everything you would expect without too much flair. It is not quite on par with the best Against the Grain releases yet it still does the things that a sour-ish saison should these days.

Aroma / Appearance - A bronze semitransparent body glimmers idly. The calm presence belies the depth and intensity of the nose. The blend of raspberry pie, tart vinegar, and malt compare favorably to other sours. It mixes the idea of a saison with the heart of a Flemish sour brown.

Flavor / Palate - Malt, raspberries, and tart fill the mouth. By now it is a trace thin as if slowly fading into a mundane bottle of alcohol. Even so it remains very drinkable though if another batch comes through northeastern Ohio I would grab it to see how it fares fresh. Once again Against the Grain hits out of the local ballpark (Slugger Field).

Korcz (3388) - Warsaw, POLAND - NOV 1, 2016
Backlog, ocena przepisana z untappd, w ramach uzupełniania profilu na ratebeer.

Bov (14983) - Bienne, SWITZERLAND - SEP 18, 2015
courtesy of Toni Flükiger - hazy amber-orange beer without foam; fair sweetish raspberriesnose, a bit bubblegum-like; sweet (fairly) and sour (a bit), fizzy, chewy and long sweet&sour raspberry finish

CaptainTilven (202) - Nancy, FRANCE - AUG 28, 2015
Orange copper, luminous while cloudy; white foam, fine, bubbles of varied sizes. Smells of rapsberry, peach, yeast, nuts. Refreshing, not sweet, expressive bretts; final bitterness that is strong and structured. Outstanding with spicy meals.

ogniskowicz (1163) - POLAND - AUG 14, 2015
Prezent urodzinowy - trochę czekał na swoją kolejkę, więc jedziemy z koksem. W aromacie piękna, świeżutka malina, skórka pomarańczy, trochę saisonowej przyprawowości i lekka nuta dzikusów. Bardziej kiszona niż stajniana. Lekko zróżowione złoto z ładną pianą, wysycenie średnie w kierunku wysokiego. W smaku bardzo wytrawne, z lekko słodkim muśnięciem malin i o dziwo średnią goryczką (ale nie wydaje mi się chmielowa). Bardzo przyjemny owocowy posmak na podniebieniu, niemniej jednak spodziewałem się odrobinę więcej po aromacie. Dobry, uczciwy, przekombinowany saison ;)

mateuszk (2769) - Poznan, POLAND - JUL 22, 2015
Hazy orange, orange-ish head. In aroma bretts and raspberries (meidum level). In taste tart raspberries, bretts. Medium sour finish. Tastes like raspberry Orval :), well done, very nice, easy drinking beer.

bursprak (3282) - Aarhus, DENMARK - JUL 21, 2015
Bottle split a few ways. Pour is milky orangish with lots of yeast and a light head. Nose is raspberries and some funk. Taste is weird, plastic, raspberries and yoghurt.

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