RATINGS: 692   WEIGHTED AVG: 4.13/5   SEASONAL: Special   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
This Barrel-Aged version of our American Barleywine Ale is matured in premium bourbon barrels for up to one year to develop its rich and intense flavor profile. The result is an amazingy complex beer that balances the caramel and toasted malt character of the Old Numbskull with notes of vanilla, oak, and bourbon from the barrel aged process. Savor this one now or continue to age it in the bottle for years to come.

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ineedbeer (3410) - California, USA - DEC 28, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 28, 2021 Poured from a 750 ml, 2012 vintage bottle. Aroma is caramel forward with notes of dark and light caramel. Lighter notes of toasted bread, burnt sugar and treacle. Hints of raisins, nuts and herbal, resinous hop notes. Light oak, bourbon and alcohol notes. Light oxidation notes of honey, sherry, and hints of cardboard. Pours a slightly murky brown with dark ruby hues on the edges. Medium sized, medium thick tan head that recedes to the edges quickly where it lingers for a bit. Faint lacing and fairly long legs. Flavor is fairly sweet with moderate caramel notes and lighter notes of toasted bread, burnt sugar and treacle. Hints of roast, nuts and raisins. Moderate bitterness and light alcohol notes. Faint notes of oak and bourbon. Hints of herbal, spicy hop notes. Medium light notes of oxidation including sherry, honey and lighter cardboard. Mouthfeel is medium full bodied with medium light carbonation. Low astringency and low alcohol warmth. Overall, a really solid barley wine that has aged amazingly well. Great malt notes with solid barrel character that work well with the oxidation that age has brought on. Alcohol is well integrated.

vcsa (341) - - SEP 6, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 6, 2021 vintage 2020 Appearance: Pours opaque deep brown with creamy tan head, no lacing. 外观:深棕色,不透明。细腻的米色泡沫,无挂杯。 4/5 Aroma: Strong hints of soy sauce and koji, with dried fig, preserved plum, raisin, dark chocolate, pastry, vanilla and five-spices. 气味:浓郁的酱油和曲味,伴随着无花果干、话梅、葡萄干、黑巧克力、油酥点心、 Dried dark fruits, salty soy sauce and spices with heavy bourbon oak. Medium sweetness suppressed by bitterness, chili spices and distinct alcohol burn. Lingering warm bitter salty spicy finish. 味道:深色水果干、酱油的咸味和香料,伴随着重度波本桶风味。甜度适中,被苦度、辛辣和酒 Medium to full bodied, soft carbonated. Texture is oily and smooth. 口感:酒体较重,杀口感柔和。质地油润顺滑。 4/5 Overall Hot, chili, salty and spicy. The beer was just a salty-spiced preserved plum. 热、辣、咸、辛。整个酒简直就是一个盐津五香话梅。 15/20

Zymurgeist2 (4143) - Redwood City, California, USA - NOV 14, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2020 Bottle to tulip. 2020 version at 15.8%!! Massive alcohol on this! Sweet malt and plumb aromas. Brown and murky with minimal tan head. Cloying sweetness and dark fruit.

angel77 (5969) - oviedo, SPAIN - SEP 29, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 27, 2020 Caña en el lúpulo feroz Oviedo 29..09..2020. Coor marron oscuro casi negro con pequeña capa de espuma beige oscuro que desaparece al poco tiempo por completo. Sabores intensos acaramelados liligeras maltas tostadas con una sobredosis de bourbon que lo domina todo por completo. Cuerpo medio a intenso con buena sensación alcohólica desde el principio y bastante sabor, licorosa, algo seca. Todo un cervezon con una dosis dw bourbon apoteosica. Para repetir sin duda alguna.

fombe89 (8313) - Asturias, SPAIN - SEP 27, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 27, 2020 On tap@El Lúpulo Feroz, Oviedo. 27/09/2020 Color ambarino, pequeña corona de espuma blanca, se desvanece rápido, aromas caramelo, malta, notas a madera, sabor dulce, carmelo, notas a toffee, cuerpo sedoso.

OminouSC2 (3027) - Mora, SWEDEN - JUN 22, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 22, 2020 Dark brown color, minimal beige head. Aromas of bourbon, dried figs, raisins, dates, vanilla, almonds and cherries. Taste of bourbon, dried fruit, alcohol, vanilla, candi sugar and marmalade.

fkoolen (3514) - Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS - MAY 22, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 22, 2020 Bottle at home, bought @ brewery. Dark brown, viscous, bubbly beige head. Sweet toffee, fudge, brown sugar, vinous porto fruits, nutty, vanilla, biscuit, lightly bitter - incredible balance. Nice toffee boozy linger. Good body, fine carbonation, sticky mouthfeel.

williamstome (3617) - Denver, Colorado, USA - MAR 7, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 7, 2020 Deep Ruby mahogany pour, foamy tannish head. Caramel, toffee, butterscotch, with molasses, port, gingery spice, oak, vanilla.

tiong (13617) - Espoo, FINLAND - JAN 4, 2020
UPDATED: JAN 4, 2020 355ml bottle. Sweet, heavy with caramely malty notes, toffee, bourbon, plums, oak and fudge. Heavy and sweet. Okay.

adster (1158) - HUNGARY - JAN 5, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 5, 2019 Fenséges test látványa fogadja a hordóérlelt barley wine után sóvárgó fogyasztót, amely mahagóni reflexeket megcsillantó gesztenyebarna színben pompázik, bézs színű habja pedig vékonyka gyűrű formájában marad örökérvényűnek ható. Királyi az illata is, s bár hordóérlelt Alesmith-hez egyetlen alkalommal volt szerencsém, azt a főzetet azóta is a legjobbnak tekintem, amit valaha ittam. Ilyesmi aromák lépkednek elő ebből a palackból is, úgy tűnik, a főzdénél nem tréfálnak, ha érlelésről van szó. Tölgyfa, whiskey, vanília tehát az aromák között, karamell, shortbread, likőrös, fahordós karakter az ízében. A szerkezet szinte minden oldalról kikezdhetetlen, van íve, mélysége, kellőképpen rétegzett, nem az az első pillanatban kitárulkozó, pillanatok alatt megfejthető jelleg. A kortyok teltek, gyantásak, sárgabarack-aszalványos, karamell-öntetes színezetűek, melyekre a bourbon fás, cseppet sem éles, lekerekített karakterű jegyei olvadnak rá finoman. Amint azonban melegszik kissé, cseppet veszít az értékéből, legalábbis számomra tűnik úgy, hogy kissé eltávolodnak egymástól a borókabogyós, gyantás, kekszes elemek. Ugyanakkor valószínűleg senkinek nem esik nehezére hamar elfogyasztani az italt, az utóbbi kritika így lényegében érvényét is veszti.

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