RATINGS: 22   MEAN: 3.84/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.71/5   EST. CALORIES: 183   ABV: 6.1%
Unfiltered Opinion is low in bitterness, but high on flavor and personality. Brewed as a Northeast-style IPA, this hoppy beer explodes with unsolicited Simcoe and Mosaic aromas of lime zest, mango, and blueberry. Juicy, cloudy, and opinionated, this hazy IPA doesn't hold back on anything except bitterness.

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nearbeer (7699) - Knoxville, Tennessee, USA - JUL 24, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 24, 2021 4 pack of pints, canned 02/25/21. Slightly hazy, golden with a film of creamy foam. Nose of peach, pineapple, orange, grapefruit and dank resinous herb. Tastes the same with a touch of garlic and some pithy wood in the finish. Light-medium body has medium-plus fizz and a nice balance.

brokensail (18691) - Bay Area, California, USA - JUL 3, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 3, 2021 On tap @ Beer Revolution. Cloudy golden beer with a white head. Pretty nice hop aroma of grapefruit, tropical fruits, and some wood/pine notes. Slight herbal quality, too. A touch of berry? Nice balance of sweet malt and pithy and herbal bitterness. Solid all around beer.

superspak (9600) - Greensboro, North Carolina, USA - DEC 23, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2020 16 ounce can into tulip glass, canned on 3/16/2020. Pours lightly hazy deep golden amber color with a 1 finger fairly dense and fluffy white head with great retention, that reduces to a small cap that lingering. Nice spotty foamy lacing clings on the glass, with a moderate amount of streaming carbonation. Aromas of big tangerine, red grapefruit, lemon, lime, peach, pineapple, passion fruit, mango, honeydew melon, berries, citrus peel/rind, wood, peppercorn, pine, wheat, cracker, white bread dough, biscuit, light toast, and herbal/floral/grassy earthiness. Damn nice aromas with great balance and complexity of citrus/fruity/tropical/earthy hops and bready malt notes; with big strength. Taste of big tangerine, red grapefruit, lemon, lime, peach, pineapple, passion fruit, mango, honeydew melon, berries, citrus peel/rind, wood, peppercorn, pine, wheat, cracker, white bread dough, biscuit, light toast, and herbal/floral/grassy earthiness. Light-moderate pine, citrus peel/rind, herbal, floral, woody, grassy, peppery bitterness on the finish. Lingering notes of tangerine, red grapefruit, lemon, lime, peach, pineapple, passion fruit, mango, honeydew melon, berries, citrus peel/rind, wood, peppercorn, pine, wheat, cracker, white bread dough, biscuit, and herbal/floral/grassy earthiness on the finish for a good bit. Great complexity, robustness, and balance of citrus/fruity/tropical/earthy hops and bready malt flavors; with a great malt/bitterness balance, and no lingering hop astringency after the finish. Light-moderate increasing dryness from lingering bitterness. Medium carbonation and body; with a very smooth, moderately creamy/bready/grainy, and sticky/resinous/rindy balanced mouthfeel that is great. Minimal warming alcohol for 6.1%, or lingering hop burn after the finish. Overall this is an excellent hazy IPA. All around great complexity, robustness, and balance of citrus/fruity/tropical/earthy hops and bready malt flavors; very smooth and easy to drink with the modestly bitter/resinous/drying finish; not overly aggressive. Great Simcoe/Mosaic profile. Very juicy, vibrant, dank, and earthy hops; with a nice bready malt backbone. Minimal residual sweetness with lingering resin dryness. A very enjoyable offering, and impressive style example. Loved the hop profile as expected.

AirForceHops (12438) - Epping, New Hampshire, USA - MAR 10, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 10, 2020 Can in a trade with tfontana, thanks Tom! Can date 12/02/19. Aroma of grapefruit, pineapple chunks. Flavor is the aroma with muted lime. Juicy with no bitterness. It is with the Brewer advertised.

tfontana (3801) - Fremont, New Hampshire, USA - FEB 28, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 28, 2020 Can (12/02/19) pour from Valley Beverage Company. Appearance is a very cloudy (almost opaque), yellow-light brown with tons of sparkle, finger-width white foamy head with excellent retention and trace lacing. Aroma is strong citrus, blueberry, mango, melon. Taste is strong berry (mostly sweet over light tart) over mango and citrus. Mouthfeel is light-to-medium bodied with smooth, thin texture, soft carbonation and finish as taste with offsetting pleasant minimal bitterness. Overall, everything is pretty spot on except the mouthfeel is a bit thin for the style. Add a little bit of oats to the body and this would really be something.

slowrunner77 (19086) - Reno, Nevada, USA - FEB 2, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 2, 2019 Murky golden orange pour. Yeasty, with a tropical amngo berry and earthy hop aroma and flavor. Good if not my favorite Almanac.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - OCT 27, 2018
Can. Pours very hazy yellow, medium creamy white head, dissipates slowly, nice lacing. Aroma is pine, grapefruit, pineapples. Flavor is light sweet and light bitter. Medium body,

CObiased (690) - Bayfield, Colorado, USA - SEP 9, 2018
UPDATED: SEP 9, 2018 1 pint can - hazy flat golden yellow appearance with a med fluffy white head. Big fruity aroma of oranges, mango, citrus pith and melon. Tasty layered flavors of citrus, mango, grapefruit pith and very light malt.

zoucrew102 (4959) - - SEP 9, 2018
Pint can. Bright mango aroma with notes of melon, lime, blueberry and some grapefruit. Pours hazy, pale golden colored with a large off white head that has good retention and lacing. Starts with juicy mango, melon and some hints of blueberry flavors. Finishes smooth and still quite juicy with lime and little bit of grapefruit joining in. This is a wonderful example of the hazy IPA.

Ernest (9030) - Boulder, Colorado, USA - AUG 31, 2018
Can (Jun 25, 2018 canning). Head is initially average sized, frothy, white, mostly diminishing. Body is murky light to medium yellow. Aroma is lightly malty (grain), lightly to moderately hoppy (orange, apricot, ), with notes of onion, plastic, and fabric softener sheets. Flavor is moderately sweet, lightly to moderately acidic, lightly bitter. Finish is lightly sweet, lightly to moderately acidic, lightly to moderately bitter, unclean. Medium body, watery texture, lively carbonation. Another fruity IPA ruined by the typical off notes. Very hard to enjoy.

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