RATINGS: 17   MEAN: 3.92/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.74/5   IBU: 22   EST. CALORIES: 153   ABV: 5.1%
Single hop Mexican-style lager with Citra. Heaps of lychee, mango and grapefruit hop aroma & flavor in this perfect, post-surf quencher.

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douglas88 (12184) - Portland, Oregon, USA - AUG 29, 2020
UPDATED: AUG 29, 2020 16 ounce can from Uptown. Pours a clear yellow hue with a small white head. A big fruity hop citrus nose. Toast, smooth grainy body, big sweet citrus hops. Really smooth. Very good. A touch of honey.

ineedbeer (3410) - California, USA - JUN 21, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 21, 2020 Poured from a 16 oz can dated June 10, 2020. Aroma is somewhat hop forward with nice citrus notes and hints of piney, resinous dank notes. Light grain notes. Pours a rather clear, pale yellow-gold with a medium large, medium thick, frothy white head that recedes steadily to a small film that lingers on the edges. Faint lacing and no legs. Flavor is slightly sweet with light grain notes. Medium low bitterness and a hint of alcohol. Moderately strong hop notes of citrus with lighter dank, resin notes. Slightly grassy. Mouthfeel is light bodied with medium carbonation. Low astringency and low alcohol warmth. Overall, a nice hop-forward lager. Light malt character allows the hops to shine.

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - MAY 28, 2018
Keg at Bottlecraft - San Diego. Pours clear yellow with a frothy, white head. The nose holds pithy grapefruit, lemon, pale biscuits. Light sweet flavour with more biscuity malts, low bitterness, lemon rind, pithy grapefruit, peach. Light bodied with average carbonation. Well balanced finish, more baicuits, lemon rind and pithy grapefruit, accents of lime and hay. Super drinkable gear. Bravo.

bp (1024) - New York, New York, USA - MAY 28, 2018
UPDATED: MAY 28, 2018 Draft at the brewery pub, light golden Amber with a thin white head, taste is grainy with a touch of hops. Nice beer.

wchesser (2434) - Denver, Colorado, USA - OCT 28, 2017
Extra can from bytemesis-thanks! Clear gold with decent head. Juicy and dank nose, taste is dry with juicy hop flavors, light grapefruit, some cereal/biscuit. Super refreshin and poundable.

Oakes (26757) - Gibsons, British Columbia, CANADA - OCT 18, 2017
Straw, thin head. Has a nice citra nose, all meyer lemon and goose berry. Sweet malts, light citrus taste...clean, light and balanced.

bhensonb (20185) - Woodland, California, USA - SEP 26, 2017
Can from Cap Tap. Pours pale gold with a transient white head. Aroma of citrus, mango and lots of other things. Med body or so. Flavor is citrus, mango, nearly unnoticeably bready, with mixed tropical I can't parse. Might be getting passionfruit. Pretty certain about guava. Surprisingly surprising when expecting a typical Mexican style lager. Quite flavorful.

Homer321 (5364) - Melboring, Florida, USA - JUN 8, 2017
Can from bytemesis. Nose is yummy hops and corn. Taste follows. Not bad but not great. Quenching.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - MAY 25, 2017
Can. Pours crystal clear pale golden, small white fizzy head, dissipates quickly with some lacing. Aroma is passionfruit, guava, pot, garlic. Flavor is light sweet, light bitter, hints of graininess. Light body, clean and slammable.

PhillyCraft (11988) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA - SEP 3, 2016
Can from Joe, pours a hazy golden color with medium to large white head. The aroma is really impressive with watermelon, grapefruit, passionfruit, and mango cream. Ultra bright! Flavor isn’t as nice but still solid enough with lots of super dank citra coming through. A touch boozy for only 4.8(current can abv) but still very enjoyable

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