Serve in Snifter, Tulip, Tumbler


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RATINGS: 87   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.75/5   EST. CALORIES: 180   ABV: 6%
Farmhouse ale aged in oak tanks.

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mR_fr0g (23876) - Hertfordshire, ENGLAND - JUL 21, 2019
Bottle shared at Cotteridge Convention 23/06/18. From Bierhalle Deconinck. A light hazed orange golden coloured pour with a small white head. Aroma is light sour, apple grape, hint of vinegar, spicy notes. Flavour isc omposed of vanilla, white wine, musty grape, funk, grape. Palate is semi swweet, tangy sour, hihish carbonation. Good.

back (4235) - Holstebro, DENMARK - MAR 26, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 26, 2019 Gylden klar skum lidt Træ gær stald salt Malt citrus Bitter meget syrlig modrate Tør livlig @døe

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - OCT 21, 2018
Bottle shared at Cotteridge Convention 2018 - cheers all! Pours hazy gold with a frothy, white head. Good stuff, with nips of pale wood, light funk, tangy tangerine. Light tot medium bodied with fine, massaging carbonation. Finishes with subdued juicy citrus character, more tangerine, some farmyard elements. Solid.

cubs (10772) - Fort Collins, Colorado, USA - SEP 29, 2018
2015 vintage 750mL bottle opened at home. Fairly clear golden orange appearance with a thing white head. The flavor is bubblegum, banana, white wine, apple, honey, and oak. A little thick on the tongue. A bit too sweet as well. Phenols are a bit heavy. Light chemical notes as well. Shows promise but a little off in a few dimensions.

BeardedAvenger (5128) - New Haw, Surrey, ENGLAND - JUL 5, 2018
Bottle shared at Cotteridge get together. Funky citrus aroma. Attractive cloudy amber. Bubbly off-white head. Sour with a smooth edge. Medium bodied. Slick. Flat bodied. Astringent. Decent sipper.

BlackHaddock (12580) - The County Time Forgot, Shropshire, ENGLAND - JUN 29, 2018
Shared bottle at the 23rd June 2018 Cotteridge gathering. Hazy golden body, still produced a decent white head when I got hold of the bottle. Semi-sour, semi-sweet with light fruit esters and flavours, mild oak notes and some yeast hanging around. Almost liked it.

Theydon_Bois (33079) - Hazlemere, the lower Xhitlerns, Buckinghamshire, ENGLAND - JUN 27, 2018
Bottle split at Cotteridge Convention IV, many thanks, 23/06/18. Hazed golden pour with a decent off white cap. Nose is tangy citric peel, oak dust, funk, on the turn melon. Taste comprises lemon tinged straw, barnyard esters, grains, damp wood, mellow funk. Medium bodied, fine carbonation, drying close. Ok sour.

RichTheVillan (10565) - Birmingham, West Midlands, ENGLAND - JUN 26, 2018
Bottle shared during Cott Wines Convention; hazy golden orange pour with a bubbly off white head, aroma has light citrus and sour pineapple, taste has slight peach, citrus, sour undercurrent.

Mr_Pink_152 (11086) - The Shire, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, ENGLAND - JUN 24, 2018
UPDATED: JUN 24, 2018 Tried at the RateBeer tasting at Cotteridge. Hazy golden colour with a white head. Orange citrus and light yeasty aroma. Taste light sweet to slight sour. Rich smooth body.

Fin (15185) - Attenkirchen, Bavaria, GERMANY - JUN 24, 2018
Had this at the Ratebeer Tasting and Cotteridge Gathering, Cotteridge Wines, Cotteridge, Birmingham, Saturday 23rd June 2018. Third beer in and this is a sharp one, also quite fruity, dry and oaky. Good farmhouses touches, funky. I've had a few from these guys now and none of them have disappointed me. A7 A4 T7 P4 Ov14 3.6

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