RATINGS: 3820   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.32/5   IBU: 33   EST. CALORIES: 147   ABV: 4.9%
First Brewed: 1896, First Modern Bottling: 1971

Alc. by Volume: 4.9%, Availability: Year-round, Malt: Blend of 2-Row Pale & Caramel, Hops: Northern Brewer

Anchor Steam® Beer owes its deep amber color, thick, creamy head, and rich, distinctive flavor to a historic brewing process like none other. It is a process that combines deep respect for craft brewing tradition with many decades of evolution to arrive at a unique approach: a blend of pale and caramel malts, fermentation with lager yeast at warmer ale temperatures in shallow open-air fermenters, and gentle carbonation in our cellars through an all-natural process called kräusening.

Anchor Steam® Beer derives its unusual name from the 19th century when “steam” was a nickname for beer brewed on the West Coast of America under primitive conditions and without ice. While the origin of the name remains shrouded in mystery, it likely relates to the original practice of fermenting the beer on San Francisco’s rooftops in a cool climate. In lieu of ice, the foggy night air naturally cooled the fermenting beer, creating steam off the warm open pans. Once a nickname for any Californian or West Coast beer brewed under these conditions, today the name “steam” is a trademark of Anchor Brewing and applies only to the singular process and taste of our flagship brand - San Francisco’s original Anchor Steam® Beer. The classic of American brewing tradition since 1896.

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o_Merlin_o (283) - Denver, Colorado, USA - NOV 14, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 14, 2021 Blind taste test notes: * Pours a honey amber * Aroma of molasses * Quite aqueous / watered down * Blah...tasteless beer

llachapu (59) - SPAIN - OCT 27, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 27, 2021 Color ámbar, espuma cremosa y levemente carbonatada. Aroma a malta tostada, toques afrutados. Vaso pinta americana

JordBEERg (108) - FINLAND - SEP 20, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 20, 2021 Follow the trip in instagram @juurperi #olutmaailmanympärimatka #beerworldtour Beer country number 1 USA

camay1997 (288) - patton, California, USA - AUG 23, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 23, 2021 Funny how I've never reviewed this beer before despite it being commonly available. Thick tan head on top of a clear Amber body. It smells quite yeasty. It's good but it's not really my cup of tea there's a bit of an aftertaste I'm not fond of.

2OLD4BS (931) - west windsor, New Jersey, USA - AUG 16, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 16, 2021 This is a good summer beer. Very light and fruity. Lots of carbonation that is pleasant on the palate. Mild bitter finish. Refreshing with pleasant aftertaste.

PivoPavel (11) - Columbia, MO, USA - MAY 29, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 29, 2021 Beautiful deep copper color. Dry and herbal bitterness, malty. Creamy feel at the top of the mouth, sharpish carbonation on the tongue. Easy to drink. Not bad!

maciejgmaciej (2562) - POLAND - APR 21, 2021
UPDATED: APR 21, 2021 W aromacie bardzo rześki, czysty karmel, czerwone owoce, ziołowe i kwiatowe lekko nuty. Znakomity aromat. Wygląd to piękna czerwonawa, zmetniona barwa i idealna piana. W smaku również świetnie, bardzo wyraziste, znów rześko karmelowe, ale wcale nie słodkie, bo od razu przyjemnie kontrowane przez ziemistą goryczkę. Smukłe ciało, niskie wysycenie, trochę w tle też nut czewonych owoców i kwiatów, finisz dość wytrawny. Piwo niezwykle wyraziste, ale też wyjątkowo zbalansowane i pijalne. Trochę jak połączenie bittera i american pale ale. Znakomite piwo.

jarvo (1347) - Abingdon, Oxfordshire, ENGLAND - MAR 31, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 31, 2021 Pours a copper colour with a persistent white head. Aroma is malt forward, with caramel. Taste is dry, malty with caramel malts. Years since I had one of these and it stood up pretty well.

dragnet101 (2331) - Birmingham, West Midlands, ENGLAND - MAR 19, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 19, 2021 355 ml bottle from Honest Brew. Clear copper colour with small white head which leads to a nice creamy consistent top. Aroma of malts, caramel, grass and something almost resembling a mixed berry compote. Taste is malty, caramel, light berry notes, grass, earth, herb like bitterness. Light to medium bodied, smooth, soft carbonation, dry. Enjoyable.

Jerseyislandbeer (3514) - JERSEY - MAR 16, 2021
UPDATED: MAR 16, 2021 Old rating from 2014 - 330ml bottle. Pours amber with a white creamy head. Aromas & tastes of grains, caramel, bread, citrus, flora, earth & malt. Medium body. Dry long moderate bitter finish

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