Brewed by De Hoorn (Brouwerij Palm - Swinkels Family Brewers)
Style: IPA
Steenhuffel, Londerzeel, Belgium
Serve in Shaker, Tulip


on tap


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RATINGS: 18   MEAN: 3.37/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.29/5   SEASONAL: Series   IBU: 50   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%
Cascade & Simcoe & Target Tall, and tan and lovely. Yes, it is The Boy from IPA.nema. Invite him in, and you’re guaranteed to have a party. Dancing through the night to samba rhythms. Laughing until you’re out of breath. Passionate embraces on the balcony, watching the sun turn a beautiful apricot orange. “His spirit is reflected in our new IPA, which I created with love. A strong beer with an alcohol content of 8%, which perfectly offsets the extra bitter taste.”

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corkyrory66 (5311) - BELGIUM - MAY 20, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 20, 2020 Ipa de 8 % abv et 50 ebu, houblonnée en cascade, simcoe et target. Mon exemplaire en 75 cl, bouchonné de liège, était à 25 mois et 4 jours après son brassage. Couleur auburn aux reflets cuivré foncé, bronze et clarté pure. Superbe. Bulles moyennes, très nombreuses, en fontaine virevoltante. Mousse beige, bien crémeuse, stable à 5 mm. Arômes de pain gris, pain d'épices, froment, prune mûre. 1ère bouche souple, à l'entame malt grillé et prunes sur l'arbre. Arrière-bouche équilibrée, à l'amertume assez sèche. 2ème bouche plus fruitée, très agréable. Arrière-bouche à l'amertume fruitée, un rien zestée. Longueur qui va combiner sans arrêt le malt grillé avec cette amertume fruitée et zestée, ainsi que des notes originales et équilibrées. Jambes fines, serrées, longues. Levure correcte. Alcool très bien, volontaire, progressif, il arrive à point pour soutenir la longueur et donner un coup de fouet aux premières bouches. Finale qui est un peu sous la longueur, moins noble dans ses saveurs. CONCLUSION : cette ipa est originale par son aspect grillé que sa couleur laissait déjà présager, de même que son nez. Elle va constituer ce que l'on pourrait appeler une ' brown ipa ' .. Comme quoi la Belgique est à la pointe de la technique brassicole, et se réfère même aux quartiers branchés de Rio de Janeiro … (le nom), ou se distribue en Australie via Heron Tower beverages .. (l'étiquette) (8/5/8/4/18)

Iznogud (10166) - Zagreb, CROATIA - DEC 2, 2019
UPDATED: DEC 2, 2019 Bottle 750 ml courtesy of kajser27. Shared with him, Max and Fran. Dark orange, white head. Quite sweet, caramel, medium carbonation, some fruit, bit herbal. Medium bodied.

dutchdarthvader (1868) - NETHERLANDS - AUG 10, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 4, 2021 Tap @ Le Trappiste, Brugge VIII 2019. Volle zoete fruitige licht hoppige smaak met een zachte zoete bitter. Heeft iets van kandij. Geslaagde kruising tussen een Amber en een dubbele IPA waarin duidelijk de Belgische bier kenmerken behouden zijn. Zacht maar redelijk droog. Zeer fruitig van onder ander abrikoos en lichte citrus. Maar vooral sterk zoet. Geur licht kruidig. Amberkleurig met crèmekleurige schuimkraag. Origineel glas

BlackHaddock (12580) - The County Time Forgot, Shropshire, ENGLAND - JUL 15, 2019
UPDATED: JUL 15, 2019 On tap in Café Cambrinus, Brugge on 10th July 2019. Golden/amber body, slight haze, white top. Grassy, malty and hoppy in that order, nice beer.

mutz (1667) - NETHERLANDS - MAY 12, 2019
UPDATED: MAY 12, 2019 Tap@ Brouwersplaats. Helder goud. Ruikt moutig, licht citrusfruitig. Smaakt idem, clean, parfumachtig.

Alengrin (9649) - Gent, BELGIUM - FEB 25, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 25, 2019 The fourteenth Arthur’s Legacy, again from a 75 cl bottle, bought at the Delhaize supermarket in Lokeren and shared with Craftmember. Very thick, foamy and frothy, egg-white, tightly paper-lacing, stable head over an initially clear, deeply amber-hued orange beer, turning misty with sediment. Aroma of dried orange peel, soaking wet peanuts, straw, raw potato juice, soap, cloves, freshly ironed cotton cloth, roasted carrots, rosewater, vague background dried mango, pumice, cloves, apple peel, some bubblegum. Sweet onset, fruity with notes of ripe peach, ripe orange and banana, fizzy carbonation but not overly harsh, with a slick, soapy mouthfeel ensuing, quite full-bodied as expected from an 8% ABV beer; pleasant smooth sweetbready and caramelly malt sweetness fills the mouth, peanutty at its edges with a vague toasty bitterishness to it that merges with a herbal, floral and thinly dried citrus peel-like hop bitterishness, while soapiness, clove-like ‘Belgian’ phenols and lingering fruity esters remain prominent. A carrot-like earthy factor, present from the start, grows a bit stronger in the tail. Not a bad beer per se, easily drinkable for it strength and pleasantly smooth yet full at the same time – but as is often the case when larger Belgian traditionalists attempt to cash in on the global hop forward trend, the New World hops that went in here (Cascade, Simcoe) have been applied in such a subtle way that their typical features remain hugely understated, if recognizable at all. This beer is simply a (decent yet rather sweet) Belgian ‘ambrée’, but by no means deserving of the IPA status, neither in aroma, nor in bitterness – another testimony of the fact that Palm, now under Bavaria, completely missed the craft beer train in spite of what this Arthur’s Legacy series keeps claiming. Point off for claiming Cascade and Simcoe while not delivering them.

77ships (14200) - Antwerpen, BELGIUM - FEB 3, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 3, 2019 Thanks for sharing tderoeck + Rubin77 + nathanvc! Sampled 750 ml. bottle @ Bierfestival Brugge 2019. Amber, little white head. Nose is sweet stale grain, caramel, there is low grapefruit oil but berried behind the malt. Taste weird malty medicinal bitter, grainy, caramel bodied, not very good, like some kind of imperial Spéciale Belge of sorts. Malty body, hilarious lack of hop and pretty much everything an IPA should not be, Arthur’s Legacy remains a joke from a craft perspective and overprized nonsense from a non-craft perspective I suppose.

nathanvc (4147) - Gent, BELGIUM - FEB 3, 2019
UPDATED: FEB 3, 2019 2 February 2019. At Brugs Bierfestival. Cheers to tderoeck, 77ships, Rubin77, Jerre, Kevin & Anke! Clear dark golden with a lasting, thin, unstable, frothy, off-white head. Aroma of mouldy apple & orange peel, wet straw, lime juice, soda, caramel. Taste is light to medium malty sweet, notes of caramel, cookie dough & red apple balanced by a nutty edge of almond; light hoppy bitter then, a bit spicy, faint cinnamon-like effect. Dryish, bit grassy hoppy finish, lingering malty sweetness, dough & caramel. Medium body, slick-creamy texture, fizzy carbonation. Very funny IPA, haha. Nice 'attempt at' beer, right Anke & Eugene?

Icedwarf (3487) - Etten-Leur, NETHERLANDS - JAN 19, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 19, 2019 Amberkleurig levendig bier met dikke schuimkraag. Smaak is licht bitter hoppig en licht zoet met iets van grapefruit en sinaasappel. Erg zoet voor een IPA maar daarom zeker niet minder lekker.

Rubin77 (7197) - Brussels, BELGIUM - JAN 10, 2019
UPDATED: JAN 10, 2019 F: huge, bit tan, long lasting. C: amber to coppery, light hazy. A: malty, mellow tropical fruits, bit citrus, grassy, caramel. T: malty, mellow fruity, bit spicy, grassy, caramel, not very for IPA yet not bad, medium body and carbonation, enjoyed, bit orange aftertaste and I personally don’t feel 50 IBU here, 75cl from Delhaize Chazal in Brussels.

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