RATINGS: 37   MEAN: 3.87/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.78/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
Bière houblonnée de fermentation basse et de longue maturation à froid (lagering).

Bottom fermenting beer with a long cold lagering.

12°P Lager. Inspiration Světlý Ležák, Bohemian Pils. Interprétation libre.

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ZayZay (450) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - OCT 18, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 18, 2021 Bouteille. Robe dorée, trouble, peu scintillante, effervescence minimale. Faible mousse blanche hétérogène. Tenue de mousse éphémère. Arômes: céréales, herbacé, orange. Saveurs: assez sèche en bouche, faible amertume durable en finale. Texture: corps mince, carbonation faible, bonne buvabilité.

neongolden (3888) - Quebec City, Quebec, CANADA - MAR 30, 2020
UPDATED: MAR 30, 2020 (500ml bottle from L'Axe du Malt, Quebec City) Pours clear bright gold with a moderate sized fine white head that was quite stable with lots of lace. Aroma of slightly honeyed pils malt with some cracker tones, sweet lemon, fresh flowers, grass and dried earth. Flavour is nice semi-sweet crackery floral honey pils malt, not much sulphur, meadow-like cut grass and flowers, subtle citrus, peppery hop bitterness, quite dry into the finish, a little mineral and crisp with lingering bitter aftertaste. Medium-bodied, slick, smooth soft carbonation. Pilsner isn't really my thing and this is definitely a pils, but a good one and nice with pizza. Good yeast and hop vibes here.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - AUG 2, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 2, 2019 On tap at Joe Beef. Pours a cloudy orange gold with medium white head. The aroma is earthy malt and pine. Slick body, pine, citrus, light crisp finish, very good.

beerplace (6389) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - NOV 17, 2017
500ml bottle (thx, Francis A.!). Bottled 2017-06-28, BB 2017-10-28. Pours a hazy golden with a white head. Aroma is European hops with some flowery and honey notes. Taste is crispy, with European hops bitterness. Whoa, what a good job Auval, really authentic taste, I bet nobody would tell it was brewed in Canada and would be sure it was done somewhere in the Czech Republic. The only reason for relatively low rating - I had too much of the lagers when I used to live in Europe. But this one is definitely well done.

pushkinwow (3602) - Ottawa, CANADA - OCT 2, 2017
Bottle. Clear vibrant straw with a billowy white head. Crisp pilsner with a herbaceous aroma, some grass, light hop, some pepper and cave, moderate carbonation and light body. Well done but just not my thing...something just sets my tastebuds off in a negative way...

BeerGolem (829) - Quebec, CANADA - JUL 14, 2017
Bouteille embouteillée le 28 juin. Achetée à la brasserie. Arôme de malt pilsner, de houblons, de citron, d’herbe et d’épices. Un goût bien équilibré. Rafraichissante. Bien que n’étant pas habituellement un grand amateur du style, je reconnais là une assez bonne réussite!

rchataigner (24) - - JUL 4, 2017
Classic pils, lightly bitter ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

TaktikMTL (8008) - Montréal, Quebec, CANADA - NOV 30, 2016
En fût. Verre de 12 oz dégusté au Pub Pit Caribou (Montréal, QC) au coût de 7,00$. Arôme: Odeur de céréales avec une pointe florale. Apparence: La couleur est orangée légèrement voilée avec très faible densité de bulle. Présence d’un mince col mousseux et d’une fine dentelle sur le verre. Saveur: Goût de céréales avec une pointe de citron. Durée moyenne de l’arrière goût. Palette: Le corps est moyen avec une texture légèrement minérale. Moyenne effervescence en bouche. Légère présence de céréales en arrière goût. (Rating #7117)

Bierdimpfe (640) - Quebec, CANADA - NOV 17, 2016
Hazy straw color with dull activity. Faint creamy beige 2 finger head, lasting around 5 minutes, with faint legs. Flavors of sweet grains, lemon, faint grapefruits and esters, with floral spices. Thick bready sugary malts with a soft caramel feel. The smell is extremely faint. Slick oily full body with bland carbonation. Light finish that lingers with a sugary flowery bouquet, grassy and spicy hops, almost peppery and salty, making it quite salivating. The freshness is passable because of missing sharpness, crispiness, and some zest. Although with some more tweaking this Pils could be awesome because the flavors are quite tasty, and the finish is incredibly rich and complex. Overall very good quality craft.

mcberko (34280) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - NOV 7, 2016
500mL bottle, sent from yourilevesque (thanks a lot, Youri), pours a cloudy golden with a small white head. Aroma brings out lovely grassy biting hops and crisp crackery malt. Flavour is along the same lines, with a lovely grassy hop bite and crisp crackery malt. Very hoppy for a pilsner, with a dry crisp finish.

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