Avery Barrel-Aged Series 7 - Dihos Dactylion

RATINGS: 142   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.82/5   SEASONAL: Series   EST. CALORIES: 322   ABV: 10.74%
Aged for eighteen months in fresh Cabernet Sauvignon wine barrels, Dihos Dactylion features a primary fermentation using a proprietary blend of saison yeasts, a secondary fermentation of our house brettanomyces wild yeast strain, along with lactobacillus and pediococcus bacteria added to sour things up. Dihos Dactylion bursts with aggressive aromas of red wine and a touch of brett; delightfully sour to the taste, initial lactic acid flavors hit high in the cheekbones before transitioning to complex layers of soft fruit, oaky-tannins and red wine.

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BuckeyeBoy (14695) - Boise, Idaho, USA - JAN 25, 2018
12oz bottle pours out golden topped with a white head. Nose is nice crisp sour funk tart notes vanilla barrel kick. Tatse is more of the nice sour tart some sweetness.

nuplastikk (8158) - Madison, Wisconsin, USA - JAN 25, 2018
RBWG 2018 morning beer. Unfiltered amber-brown body. Not much of a head. Big, juicy, deep brett tones. Maybe a little faded...it is about 7 years old. Great balance between the sour and barrel, they actually meld together and complement each other very well. Big alcohol for the style, but it works really well. A lot more finesse than most wine barrel aged beers. Solid.

Ferris (23109) - Burnaby, British Columbia, CANADA - JAN 25, 2018
Bottle - Sour caramel malts. Cloudy copper with almost no head. Soured dark malts and oak notes. Tart and pleasant.

Dogbrick (17956) - Columbus, Ohio, USA - JAN 15, 2018
This beer pours a clear dark copper-orange color with a thin white head that recedes quickly to an outer ring. Short strings of lace. Aroma of oak, funky yeast, tart fruit and malt. Medium to full body with flavors of vinous oak, brett yeast, tart cherry and doughy malt. The finish is mildly funky and oaky with a lingering red wine aftertaste. Good beer all around.

drsordr (3984) - Loveland, Ohio, USA - SEP 18, 2016
Bottle shared by alexsdad06 pour lightly hazy copper with thin ecru head. Nose light tart, cherry, light funk, sweet malt. Taste tart up front, sour fruit, Brett, and fruity malt. Light funky finish. Fairly flavorful for a 6 year old beer.

Aniela (4215) - Göteborg, SWEDEN - JUN 8, 2015
From my backlogg: Bottle during RBESG 2014. Hazy amber beer with an offwhite head. Sourish rubber vinegar sweetish floral fruity aroma. Sourish vinous fruity caramell woody tart funky flavour. Really a nice beer :-)

Martinus (5018) - Baarle-Nassau, NETHERLANDS - MAR 12, 2015
Brown red colour, white head. Sour aroma, lactic acid, acetic acid, wood, caramel, raisins, red fruits and nail polish remover. Sour flavour, sour candy (rode zure matten), light cherry, white wine. Sour finish, sour candy.
(from bottle @ Mother Kelly’s, RBESG 2014, London)

wedgie9 (2703) - Nashville, Tennessee, USA - FEB 3, 2015
Tasted on 11/16/13 from a capped 12oz bottle at our Avery Barrel-Aged tasting. Pours clear bright orange with a thin off-white head that leaves a thin collar. The nose is sour and very vinous, white wine vinegar, and faint oak. The flavor is very balanced, with the vinous fruit balancing the very sour white wine vinegar, along with just a touch of oak. The body is full with average but stinging carbonation and a long sour and very vinous finish. Almost like drinking a wine made from very under ripe Cabernet.

BiiruBierBeer (1101) - Phoenix, Arizona, USA - JAN 3, 2015
General sour smell. Taste is somewhat sour with a good brett character to it. It has a good mouthfeel to it.

djd07 (26246) - Houston, Texas, USA - DEC 29, 2014
Bottle thanks to Tom. Pours a dark orange copper with small off white head that diminishes to nothing. The aroma is strong oak, grape, berries, wood. Thin mouthfeel with strong grape skin, oak, sour finish, good.

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