RATINGS: 2081   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.96/5   IBU: 102   EST. CALORIES: 306   ABV: 10.2%
Maharaja is derived from the sanskrit words mahat, - "great" and rajan - "king". Much like its namesake, this imperial IPA is regal, intense and mighty. With hops and malts as his servants, he rules both with a heavy hand. The Maharaja flaunts his authority over a deranged amount of hops: tangy, vibrant and pungent along with an insane amount of malted barley - fashioning a dark amber hue and exquisite malt essence. This newest Avery Dictator completes the "Dictator Series" joining the likes of The Kaiser & The Czar. Be aware that The Maharaja is a limited release only available for the summer. Welcome to his kingdom!

Editor’s Note: the 2007 version was 9.78%.
2014 - 10.2%

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Cheeseboard (2971) - Somerset, ENGLAND - DEC 23, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 23, 2021 Beer Republic advent day 23. Pours light hazed golden orange, with a beige cap. Aroma: malt, grapefruit citrus, dank. Taste: light to moderate sweet & moderate bitter, super malty, grapefruit, caramel, citrus, resin. Medium body with soft carbonation. Hefty old school imperial IPA

HKdIPA (1286) - HONG KONG - SEP 10, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 10, 2021 Can from Craftissimo at home. Medium dark ruby copper clear pour with puffy white head. Aroma is dank pineapple and pine with alcohol. Taste is huge alcohol and resinous bitterness with a bread and biscuit. Palate is slightly rich with light carbonation. West coastish. Good!

Livendadream (483) - New Mexico, USA - APR 10, 2021
UPDATED: APR 10, 2021 Can pours a slightly hazy light amber color with a big soapy, frothy off white head that lingers on leaving lots of lace on glass. Aromas of pine, citrus, perfume and spice. Tastes of resin, grapefruit, lemon, some sweet caramel and pepper (rye) maybe? Medium to heavy body, tingly carbonation, soft mouthfeel and a mildly bitter finish. This is big, bold and balanced. The B’s! Alcohol is hidden well and the hop flavors are smooth! Well done.

linus (509) - - JAN 26, 2021
UPDATED: JAN 26, 2021 Lots of pines. Very bitter and grassy. Lots of alcohol warmth. Beastly amount of hops. Lol. Full bodied. Malty. Some caramel sweetness. Bold flavours. Definitely tasty, just not too balanced. Smooth.

Piw (2128) - Rüsselsheim, GERMANY - SEP 23, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 23, 2020 355ml Dose. Klar und dunkelgolden mit mittelgroßer Schaumkrone. Aroma von tropischen Früchten. Voller Körper.

tfontana (3801) - Fremont, New Hampshire, USA - SEP 17, 2020
UPDATED: SEP 17, 2020 Can from Total Wine & More, Brentwood. Appearance is clear golden yellow with moderate sparkle, finger-width white foamy head with fair retention and no lacing. Aroma is citrus, pine and florals. Taste is bitter over flavor. The flavor that’s there is pine and that’s about it. Mouthfeel is light-to-medium bodied with smooth, thin, frothy texture, soft carbonation and crisp, dry, bitter finish as taste. Overall much ado about nothing. Yes, it’s bitter but not exceptionally so relative to peers, with little flavor.

Guaro (288) - Ello, ITALY - JUN 29, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 29, 2020 Arancio opalescente con splendidi riflessi oro, schiuma bianca ed abbondante. Profumo di agrumi, pesca, frutta tropicale, pino, ed un delizioso accenno di vaniglia. Al palato la muscolosa componente amaricante è supportata da un ottima base maltata, biscotto e miele. La Le note fruttata non mancano come quella resinosa. Al palato il sorso è morbido e tondo tranne nel finale dove l’amaro e l’alcol si fanno sentire. Buona, bilanciata e ben fatta nonostante il lungo viaggio ed i quattro mesi sulle spalle.

AleMaestro53 (27) - Texas, USA - JUN 24, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 24, 2020 Tasty IIPA. Basically all it is. Bitter, piney and 10%. Boring and expensive but not a bad beer by any means. Would not buy this again but I would drink a free one ;)

rumore (3109) - Rimini, ITALY - JUN 5, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 5, 2020 Growler from FOB, Rimini, Italy. Pours hazy orange gold with minimal foam. Aroma is fruity, tropical, earthy. Body is fairly dense, with moderate carbonation. Taste is medium-high bitter, with good underlying sweetness. Final is long and bitter.

bdleedahl (4795) - , Saxony, GERMANY - FEB 28, 2020
UPDATED: FEB 28, 2020 It’s not my style, so this still comes across too bitter and a bit unbalanced. But it is classic to style, but i compare it to pliny, and it’s just not quite there for me. Avery boulder

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