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RATINGS: 283   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.36/5   EST. CALORIES: 159   ABV: 5.3%
The Bavarian brewers have been masters in their trade for centuries and therefore also brew excellent pils beers. Indeed it was a Bavarian master brewer that brewed the first beer according to the pilsner method in the town of Pilsen! The glimmering, light-yellow Ayinger Bairisch Pils has the fragrance of aromatic hops from the “Hallertau” region of Bavaria (only these are used in the Ayinger beer specialties!). The beer is highly fermented and therefore smooth on the initial taste sensation, but also mild and sparkling in body. Our pils is accentuated by the floweriness of the hops aroma and has a more pronounced bitterness on swallowing, which quickly fades from the taste buds. 11.8°

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Moretum (866) - Vienna, AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA - JAN 6, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 6, 2022 Klare gelbe Farbe mit weißer Schaumkrone. Hopfig grasiger, malziger Geruch. Geschmacklich grasig hopfig, malzig. Leicht süß mit mittlerer Bitterkeit, leichter Körper mit spürbarer Kohlensäure.

edward78 (838) - West Wickham, Kent, ENGLAND - DEC 17, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2021 Bottle online from Beers Of Europe. Pours a slightly hazy light golden/straw colour with a large fluffy white head. Aromas of grains, hay, grass, bread with a little peppery spice and a hint of floral. Taste is toasty grains, hay and more peppery spice with a little bit of honey and a touch herbal. A mild grassy and also slightly floral finish. Medium to full body, low carbonation and very smooth mouthfeel. Nice beer and a unique style of Pils.

MikeBeermaster (1801) - POLAND - DEC 12, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 12, 2021 Fresh hops in the aroma with a signs of floral notes and significant malty base. Taste is semi dryish with a rustic dry hints, bread, light hay. Refreshing and classy.

AmEricanbrew (8281) - Oaklatx, Louisiana, USA - NOV 22, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 22, 2021 Bottle at Red River trailer park. Clear golden pour with white sheen. Nice light fruit, herbal, white bread aromas. Malty smooth dusty white bread , herbal flavors —- easy clean finish __\ tasty pils

Botrytis (294) - Illmitz, AUSTRIA - OCT 23, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 23, 2021 Optisch gut goldgelb. Die Perlage erinnert beinahe an Champagner. Die weiße, feinporige Schaumkrone geht rasch in eine Grobporigkeit über, ist sehr stabil und ganz gut haltbar. In der Nase nimmt man ein wunderbar getreidiges Malzaroma wahr. Einerseits eher untypisch für ein Pils, andererseits aber sehr typisch für Ayinger. Leicht florale Noten schwingen hintergründig mit. Der Antrunk kommt sanft spritzig, frisch und süßlich-herb. Am Gaumen erwarten uns deutliche getreidige bis brotige Malzaromatik, sowie gut ausgeprägte heuige bis florale Hopfennoten. Eine überraschend gute Würze spielt hier ebenso sehr gut mit. Im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Pils ist dieses hier alles andere als schlank. Ja, auf jeden Fall schlanker als die meisten bayerischen Biere und definitiv schlanker als andere Biere von Ayinger. Die Vollmundigkeit dieses Pils ist außergewöhnlich, schafft ein hervorragendes Mundgefühl und eine sehr gute Süffigkeit. Im Abgang baut der Malzcharakter relativ rasch ab und eine erst fruchtig-florale, etwas später eine heuige trockene Hopfenherbe macht sich breit.

6bottlepack (1560) - Devon, ENGLAND - OCT 10, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 10, 2021 Bottle from Hops and Crafts Exeter. Pours clear light lemon with a big white head. Aroma of lemon zest,hay and bread. Taste of more lemon, hay , bread and some spicy pepper. Lightish bodied with a full smooth mouthfeel & ok carbonation. The finish is slightly dry and bittersweet with more spicy pepper, lemon, hay and bread. Easy drinking!

andrewje41 (6568) - Monroe, Washington, USA - SEP 25, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 25, 2021 Draft pour to a mug at Hop and Hound Oktoberfest 2021. Most clean golden appearance with a rocky mousse foam head. Really nice hop quality to this pils. Bready malts balance well. Thicker body than your average brew within the style. Somewhat waxy finish. Overall a smooth taste though. Good brew.

kustie (3602) - Tampere, FINLAND - SEP 2, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 2, 2021 Clear golden color with medium off-white head. Aroma has caramel, grass, floral hops and malt. Taste is malty sweet with long bitter and dry aftertaste. Flavors of caramel, grass, floral hops and malt.

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - AUG 29, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 29, 2021 Bottle at the flat in Sofia - picked up from a shop downtown, that German beer and sausage place. Pours totally clear yellow with a frothy, pure white head. Lightly sweet, some crispy cereal, a little grass, nips of paper, straw. Light bodied with average carbonation. Dry finish, further bitter straw, grass, cereal, faint biscuity notes. Drinks fine.

GDTRFB (7867) - Marblehead, Massachusetts, USA - AUG 2, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 2, 2021 Pours clear yellow into a shaker. Bright white head with good retention recedes leaving spot lacing. Sourdough and hay aromas. Soft with sweet hay and earthy pith and peel front to back. Lasting, dry, bitter apple finish.

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