RATINGS: 84   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.58/5   SEASONAL: Winter   EST. CALORIES: 225   ABV: 7.5%
This traditional Scotch Ale is rich and malty with notes of caramel and a warm finish. Certain to make any occasion festive, or at least a bit more bearable. Enjoy with the company of friends and family.
This is different from the Christmas Ale (-2016), since they completely revamped the recipe for 2017.

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Bif (2972) - St. Charles, Missouri, USA - JAN 1, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 1, 2022 On tap. Pours a clear nice amber color with a small tan head. aroma of toasted malt and caramel. taste of caramel, roasted malt and hint of dark fruit. Nominal bitterness with a clean, dry finish. Moderate body, smooth and tansy with a nice touch of caramel. Nicely done.

MNAle (640) - Minnesota, USA - DEC 31, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 31, 2021 Clear ruby red with active carbonation below a ½ inch off white head. The head retention is short with little lacing until I tip the glass. Fairly weak aroma but a pleasant one. Fruity and malty, almost a fruit jam sweetness. The taste is as foreshadowed by the aroma: fruit and sweet malts. Some spiciness in the middle, along with a mild bittering. The finish also develops a bit of an earthy flavor. While I would not describe this beer's flavor as complex by any means, it does have enough going on to keep it interesting. The body is medium, if a bit thin for the style (for the style, not objectively thin). The mouth feel is easy and mild. Overall, a pleasant drinking holiday beer. Probably too quaffable for its ABV. Not the best Scotch Ale, but a good beer for this time of year.

bth122 (2087) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA - DEC 28, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 28, 2021 Bottle. Pours a clear mahogany color with medium head. Aroma of caramel biscuit malt, toffee, molasses. Medium to medium heavy body. Some spices with caramel, molasses taste, vanilla. Definitely an improvement from the original recipe.

Aggiebob (3426) - Huntsville, Alabama, USA - DEC 16, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 16, 2021 Mahogany color pour with a thin tan lace ring. Roasty malt aroma with spiced caramel notes. Slightly sweet.

Mr.Spooks (4080) - Tennessee, USA - DEC 16, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 16, 2021 Straightforward scotch ale, with a massive caramel front mixed laced with brown sugar, dried date, and a little cocoa, followed by a gentle back end of toasted pumpernickel and the slightest bit of bitterness. Indulgent, but tasty.

solar (128) - - DEC 8, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 8, 2021 Served in pint glass on tap. Nice looking ale presentation. Nose of malts, bread, biscuit and something sweet. Flavor was great…. A full bodied malty Scotch Ale with subtle sweetness from some combo of spices used to distinguish it as a “Christmas Ale”. Very enjoyable and not too heavy a hitter at 7.5% ABV. Went down smoothly and all was fine. Would definitely have again. Merry Christmas!

scotchzombie (818) - Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - DEC 2, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 2, 2021 Pours dark brown with a moderate off white head. Aroma is lightly roasted malt with some nuttiness. Mild. Flavor brings more depth with molasses and caramel maltiness. Not boozy; moderately dry and carbonated - neutral mouthfeel. A very solid Scotch Ale but don’t expect pine because of the Christmas tree.

lukedarock (352) - Howell, Michigan, USA - NOV 20, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2021 Malty earthy molasses Caramel slight hops and a balanced approach. Not bad for a Xmas brew 👌

Drake (18900) - Appleton, Wisconsin, USA - NOV 19, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 19, 2021 12 ounce bottle from Total Wine Greenfield, 11/7/21. Clear dark amber, medium fizzy tan head, good retention. Aroma of toffee and cherry. Taste is toffee, cherry, anise, molasses, vanilla. Full bodied, decent balance, warming. Very nice. Apparently a new recipe since I last ticked it, and it fits the season well. Except it’s the 60s… in Wisconsin… in November.. .and I’m sitting outside.

Braudog (8154) - Yorktown, Virginia, USA - NOV 13, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 13, 2021 Bottle. Bright, fire engine red. Thin top. Sweet malty aroma. Rich caramel is the expected, dominate feature. Smooth and soothing. Nice changeup from the nonstop IPA parade. (#8076, 11/2021)

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