RATINGS: 158   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.77/5   SEASONAL: Special   IBU: 91   EST. CALORIES: 330   ABV: 11%
Everything you love about our classic Two Hearted Ale - now in a double IPA. With two and a half times the amount of Centennial hops, Double Two Hearted has intense pine and citrus notes, a resinous hop aroma, and rich malt character.

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ads135 (7114) - Omaha, Nebraska, USA - DEC 27, 2021
UPDATED: DEC 27, 2021 Part of what I like about Two Hearted is its balance. It isn't super agressive, has a nice malty, west coast character. I was afraid, this might tip the balance, but the increased hops is more than compensated for here with a malt bill that deepens its caramel character. Solid.

hayayoshi (621) - Colorado, USA - OCT 9, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 9, 2021 Aroma of sticky hops, floral, and pine. Clear and orange ish amber. Thick fluffy head. Taste is hoppy, citrus, pine, medium-mellow bitterness on the end. Don't taste the alcohol much but definitely feel it in the belly. Big beer, impressively easy to drink.

Zymurgeist2 (4143) - Redwood City, California, USA - OCT 4, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 4, 2021 Bottle about two months old to glass. Clear copper-orange with minimal white head. Aroma is grain, slight citrus and alcoholic malt. Flavor is cloying malt and slight fruit. Alcohol pronounced throughout. Cloying. A bit like an American Barleywine. Moderate grass.

ClarkVV (9063) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - SEP 25, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 25, 2021 Bottled 7/26/21, drunk 9/25/21.
Clear, bright amber-to-deep-copper with an off-white head atop showing good retention.
Treating this one like a barleywine, so I'm not too worried about it being 2 months old. I will definitely give it a try fresh on tap/freshly bottled if I ever see it, however. Nose shows some booze, slightly twangy hops and heavily worked yeast yielding an almost sour-like character (perhaps the interaction with the malt?). Fruity and Bells-like, for sure, something in the vein of Third Coast Old Ale.
Flavor-wise, it's, again, notably lightly sour-ish. Not wild yeast/bacteria sour, but just a plethora of alcohol and strong yeast with medium malts interacting to give sourdough. Peppery dryness with more alcohol on the finish. Fruity esters throughout. Moderately bitter and reasonably attenuated for its size. But yeah, other than if you're really looking for a barleywine, which I almost never am, I don't see much allure in all this malt, alcohol and sourdough character. More hop character when fresher would be nice, but then I'd be worried about rampant alcohol and syrupy malt character.

KevinReddirt (1138) - Midland, Texas, USA - SEP 23, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 23, 2021 A 12 oz bottle acquired in Santa Fe a month or so back as I recall. Been looking forward to having this brew. I tilt into a snifter to see a clear, gold body topped by an off-white, healthy head of foam. A distinct nose, honey, hay and alcohol. And an interesting taste with essence of DFH 120 Minutes. Caramel, hops, malt, a booziness, grain and straw. An IPA that is not so much IPAish, more of a cocktail. Loaded. Cool.

bytemesis (13152) - Sunnyvale, California, USA - SEP 19, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 19, 2021 Tap. Pours clear orange, small beige head, good lacing. Aroma is heavy caramel malt, pine. Flavor is medium sweet, medium bitter. Hot. Fullish body.

williamstome (3617) - Denver, Colorado, USA - SEP 18, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 18, 2021 Caramel pour, big foamy off-white head. Aroma is malt forward: caramel, nutty, roasty. Taste follows, very nutty, roasty, caramel and orange. Nice full body, creamy. Phenomenal.

benpickens (685) - Madison, Alabama, USA - SEP 8, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 8, 2021 Pours golden amber with a white frothy head that holds well and leaves ample lacing; richly redolent with pine and citrus; bitter, oily palate with a sweet then bitter lingering finish.

Aggiebob (3426) - Huntsville, Alabama, USA - AUG 30, 2021
UPDATED: SEP 4, 2021 Orange gold color pour with a nice white head that leaves light lacing. Hoppy citrus and pine aroma with a resinous note on the backend. It has a malty caramel like finish as well. It is moderately bitter. Boozy but still tasty.

ronaldtheriot (2495) - Laplace, Louisiana, USA - AUG 28, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 28, 2021 Double Two Hearted Ale has a medium, off-white head and a translucent, bubbly, orange appearance, with moderate lacing. The aroma is of muted juice and pale malt. The taste is of bold, sweet white bread and bread crust, with strong, but not harsh bitterness. Double Two Hearted Ale has a high-medium body and a dry, sticky finish. RJT

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