RATINGS: 14   MEAN: 2.86/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 2.88/5   EST. CALORIES: 120   ABV: 4%
Pale gold in color with light body and delicate flavor.

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bigbish (760) - Fairfax, Virginia, USA - NOV 28, 2015
Didn’t take tasting notes. Just wrote down the score so I’m typing just enough words.

snoworsummer (9157) - baltimore, Maryland, USA - JUL 16, 2013
Draft. Pours clear light brown/gold. Tastes like funk, woody, wheaty. Smells funky and fermented. Light body and carbonation.

badlizard (5532) - Berkeley, California, USA - JUN 8, 2011
On tap at brewery. Clear golden with a fizzy white head. Sweet bread aroma and taste with a vanilla malt and cereal grain finish.

502Che (999) - @, CAMBODIA - AUG 15, 2010
On tap. I can only assume the ratings of this beer are coming from bad or old bottles/kegs, or from people who can;t appreciate the subtleties of this style. This was one of the better Kolsches I have ever had, and usually I am pretty skeptical and judgmental of BBC. It pour a very nice copper color. Crystal clear, nice white head and lace. It exhibited a very nice hop profile on the nose and flavor. The hops are most certainly there, but carried out with a nice subtlety, making them very on point with the style. Medium to light bodied with minimal carbonation. Nice and smooth. Overall: I could session on this beer all day.

kidmartinek (5021) - austin, Texas, USA - JUL 25, 2010
Beautiful golden, grassy aroma and flavor, tinge of sour in the malt, mineral rocky taste. Medium body. Very refeshing.

ContemplateBeer (2089) - Louisville, Kentucky, USA - JUL 3, 2010
Aroma of lemongrass, honey and light fruit. Appearance is gold with creamy head. Flavor matches the nose. Palate is creamy. Pretty ordinary, but drinkable.

hammerbeck (101) - Kentucky, USA - DEC 28, 2007
Not too shabby. Very light flavored beer, but very pretty to look at. It’s got excellent body and head retention.

TheBeerOrg (2145) - Louisville, Kentucky, USA - NOV 12, 2007
UPDATED: AUG 8, 2009 Billed as the Organic Kolsch Pours light golden iwth a thin foamy off-white head. Aroma is buttery, light malty notes of cookie and honey. Tastes of sweet malt, buttery grain and coarse graininess. Mouthfeel is light to medium bodied with lively carbonation.

Ar 6 Ap 4 Fl 6 Mf 4 Ov 12 = 3.2

Billed as "Roo’s Kolsch" Pours bright amber with a fully receding tan head. Notes of crackery malt, bready, munich malt, with a bit of caramel. Medium bodied with some herbal dryness and lively carbonation.

Ap 4 Ar 7 Ta 6 Mf 4 Ov 15

GeneralGao (3614) - Iowa City, Iowa, USA - NOV 5, 2007
Draft at the brewpub (4th St location). Poured a clear golden color. Head was white and left some decent lace behind. Subtle, but pleasant aromas including buttery caramel, sweet cream, and cereal grain. Flavor was similar with the addition of minimal noble hops. Fresh cereal grain flavor in the finish was an added bonus. Surprisingly good kolsch.

Tmoney99 (19268) - Cincinnati, Ohio, USA - FEB 23, 2006
Draft at brewpub. Straw color with an average frothy white head. Light hoppy aroma. Light body with a watery texture. Soft sweet hoppy flavor with a short finish.

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