Boulevard Smokestack Series: Two Jokers Double-Wit

RATINGS: 331   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.62/5   SEASONAL: Series   IBU: 15   EST. CALORIES: 240   ABV: 8%

No. 8 in the Boulevard Smokestack Series. "Double Witbier"

Conventional wisdom holds that there are two sides to every story. Though our new Two Jokers Double-Wit is hardly conventional, there are in fact two distinct pieces to its personality. On the one hand, it’s a revival of the classic Belgian “wit,” or “white” beer, a style dating back to the late 1800s. The use of lactic fermentation and ingredients like coriander and orange peel are hallmarks of the style, as are the cloudiness and the pale color that give the beer its name. On the other hand, it’s a modern, uniquely American specialty brew; big, flavorful, and spiced with cardamom, lavender, and grains of paradise. Two Jokers has a refreshing tartness, nicely balanced by a well rounded malt bill graced by notes of caramel. Belgian yeast brings floral aromas with hints of banana and clove, and a citrusy zing to the tongue. Two Jokers Double-Wit pairs well with the lighter fare of spring and summer, such as grilled fish or chicken, feta cheese, fresh garden salads, and fruit compotes.

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Sammy (17445) - Toronto, Ontario, CANADA - NOV 18, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 18, 2020 A malt liquor, a mixed style, and decent spice. Holds up after six years in looks as well.

wlajwl (10859) - Quad Cities, Iowa, USA - DEC 10, 2017
Aroma and flavor is coriander/spices, wheat, citrus and a tart/very mildly alcoholic finish.

Svesse (12015) - Hässelby, SWEDEN - OCT 13, 2017
(Bottle) Golden colour with frothy, white head. Fruity, floral nose with off-white bread, citrus, peaches, coriander, spices and a touch of lavender. Fruity, wheaty taste with notes of citrus, orange peel, white bread, flowers, coriander, spices, and a slight tartness in a finish with a low bitterness. More than medium body, with a touch of sweetness. Tasty and well made wit, with floral and spicy notes. Nice one.

gopherfan99 (2001) - Minnesota, USA - JUL 8, 2017
Bottle; pours hazy orange gold with a white head; aroma of citrus and coriander with some caramel and floral hints; taste is sweet with citrus, caramel, and some herbal notes; dry, slightly tart finish with some spice

oh6gdx (26483) - Vasa, FINLAND - FEB 18, 2017
Bottled. Hazy orangeish yellow colour with a mediumsized white head. Aroma is floral, some funk, mild yeast as well as some citrus and mild caramel. Flavour is caramel, funk, citrus and some floral notes. Tasty and nicely floral and earthy/herbal aftertaste.

TEJA (5075) - Stockholm, SWEDEN - AUG 10, 2016
Sampled @ omhper, thanks. Big aroma that is both a tiny lactic but also typical wheat. The taste is very nice and complex.

JPDIPSO (6618) - Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA - JUL 11, 2016
Lightly hazed amber liquid with a taller light beige head. The aroma of bitters, with coriander, allspice, mace and bitter orange peel all in the mix. Lightly sweet and doughy in the front. Mild spice mix in the middle. Not an overpowering of any spice, but more like a pumpkin pie spice mix. I might think this was a pumpkin ale if given to me blind. Lavender does certainly show up at times. Seem more like a spicy ale, than a brew based on a wit. I like the spices though. I’d like it more if it did have more malt depth, but that wouldn’t fit the style. 7/10

thunderpup12 (24) - Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA - JUN 17, 2016
Bomber. Color is a dark orange with slight head. Taste is pleasantly slightly sour. This is a great wit.

fiveacestx (983) - Texas, USA - NOV 8, 2015
Bomber - deep orange color with practically no head. Floral and fruity aroma. A taste of apple juice and some peach, lemon and coriander. Medium body and a wet, fruity finish.

GreatDane1632 (1177) - North Dakota, USA - AUG 16, 2015
Rated based on notes taken 4 Nov 2012 -- Drank at the Alamo Theater, San Antonio. Dang good Wit. Interesting choice to turn into a double-version. Turned out pretty good though.

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