RATINGS: 1164   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.65/5   EST. CALORIES: 276   ABV: 9.2%
Hoppy? Brother, 471 redefines hoppy. 471 is a small batch, limited edition ale that was created by our Brewmaster to separate the weak from the strong. 471 is a double IPA, that combines Pale, Munich, Caramel-30, Carapils and Torrified Wheat malts, with Chinook, Centennial, Simcoe and Fuggles hops. It has a big sweet mouthfeel, followed by more hoppiness than you've ever had at one time. Enjoy. (Available at Breckenridge Pubs and Restaurants and bottled as 471 Small Batch Double Hopped IPA.)

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billb's rating

   AROMA 7/10   APPEARANCE 4/5   TASTE 8/10   PALATE 5/5   OVERALL 15/20
billb (245) - Acworth, Georgia, USA - APR 5, 2008
A good drinkable beer. I don’t know about redefining hoppy as the literature purports, but it’s certainly got some hops in it. But it’s well balanced with a nice smooth follow through. At 9.2%, the alcohol is surprisingly absent, which I give them extra credit for.

DarkElf (3424) - La Jolla, California, USA - MAR 5, 2019
UPDATED: MAR 5, 2019 16-Mar-13 (12-oz bottle: Purchased 16-Mar-13 for $3.49 at The Bine & Vine Bottle Shop in San Diego, CA)
I had this 6 years ago and liked it, but it's now available in SoCal, so I might as well give it another try. The beer pours a hazy, copper body with half an inch of off-white head that settles to a thin, unbroken sheet, leaving spotting lacing on the glass. Hops provides piney and fairly floral aromas while the malt is on the grainy and cereal side, with a bit of cheesiness in the background. On the palate, the hops are floral, grassy, and gently piney with moderate bitterness. Malts are cereal in flavor with some caramely character and medium sweetness. It's medium-plus in weight, average in carbonation, and somewhat drying from the hops. Overall, this Imperial IPA comes across as just average for the style, not bad, but not memorable either. I guess I'm pretty apathetic in general and I have no great desire to retaste this in the future. (6, 3, 6, 3, 13 = 3.1)

14-Jan-07 (22 oz bottle: Obtained in trade with whaleman, thanks David!) 471 Small Batch is unfortunately so small a batch, they didn't have enough beer to fill all the bottles properly. A very low fill here, the beer barely reaches the base of the neck of this bomber and unsurprisingly, the beer is a bit oxidized and tasting somewhat bready. But overlooking this, the sweet, caramely maltiness is a strong component and is balanced nicely by a piney and citrusy hoppiness with the moderate bitterness extending the finish quite some time. The beer seems fairly alcoholic, something I didn't expect from an aged beer. Medium-full in body with ample carbonation, but there is enough sweet maltiness here to prevent the hops from imparting a meaningful crispness in the finish to help combat the oxidation. The nose is sweet and malty, but fruity and modestly hoppy. Orange-amber in color and fairly hazy, especially on the second pour when sediment is released from the bottle. The tall, fluffy, off-white head settles unevenly, resulting in deep holes burrowed into the fluffy surroundings. Lacing is significant, delicate in structure and long-lasting. Smooth and easy-drinking, yet rich, malty and fairly bitter, so this is a well-rounded beer And since I'm not all that bothered by oxidation, this aspect seems to meld well with the other flavors, though it keeps me from wanting to drink more than a pint or so. (7, 4, 7, 3, 14 = 3.5)

Emeister84 (3280) - Charlottesville, Virginia, USA - JAN 28, 2019
UPDATED: AUG 17, 2019 12oz bottle from Beer Run. Aromas of citrus fruit, grapefruit, orange, some pine, somewhat herbal. Clear deep orange with a somewhat lasting white head. Dry, nicely bitter, pretty well balanced. Medium-full bodied.

DandyWolfFloyd (1839) - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, USA - MAR 5, 2018
Caramal malt combined with Pacific Northwest hops. Fairly bittered and dry in the finish.

Bitterbill (2959) - Casper, Wyoming, USA - NOV 3, 2017
From Feb 2008 I had this on tap at the Fire Rock Grill Feb 23, 2008. The pour reveals a cloudy rust gold with a 1 finger head of foam. Good head retention here and there's some very nice lacing. The smell is on the delicate side. All I get is some light notes of malt and floral hops. The taste is...my...very well balanced. It's big on caramel malt and biscuit, with some earthy tones, and big with the hop bitterness, both from some grapefruit and some floral, but the sweet-bitter thing going on here works very well! The mouthfeel is firmly on the medium side and it finishes with a slight bitterness that makes you want to take another sip. So easy drinking for the abv that it's scary. Btw, I was served this pint in a frosted glass,(I'll correct that next time I'm here) and as the beer warmed, all the flavours intensified and I enjoyed it even more. I think this is a very solid, very balanced, very easy drinking DIPA and I'm going to revisit the draught version, just $4.25 a pint, soon.(Botttles are still not in town)

Tommynh (168) - Nashua, New Hampshire, USA - AUG 20, 2017
Had from draft at Melt bar and grill. Light scent, medium golden color, light semi sweet taste without much aftertaste. Not a strong heavy IPA but had a high alcohol content (9-10%). Pretty good summer IPA ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

Leighton (30699) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - AUG 14, 2017
Bottle shared in MV. Pours unclear orange with a frothy, off-white head. The aroma has some rich bready malts, well ripened citrus, some berries. Medium sweet flavour with ample toasted caramel, more grainy malts, citrus peel. Medium to full bodied with fine carbonation. Finishes with light warmth, wigh some mild resinous pine, more citrus rind, some marmalade. A little punchy but not bad overall.

RickReallyBrew (111) - Franktown, Colorado, USA - JUN 24, 2017
Had this brew on tap at Breck Brewing in Littleton. This is a malty, tasty, strong IPA. Carmel in color. There’s a lot of IBU in this brew, but not as much nose or finish as some. Not arguing w the brewmaster’s description, about more hoppiness than you’ve ever tasted, butthe maltiness nicely counterbalances the generous hopping of this DIPA. Tastes like a hoppy Imperial pale ale. Amazing!

thesober (13) - Keller, Texas, USA - JUN 17, 2017
Nydelige IPA smagt på flaske hyggeligt selskab! Den er nok serveret i for kold flaske. ---Rated via Beer Buddy for iPhone

StefanSD (2449) - Ouray, Colorado, USA - MAY 31, 2017
UPDATED: JUN 1, 2017 Bottle. Amber colored with a big foamy off-white head that has good retention. The aroma is decent with pine, citrus and toffee. The taste was a bit of a letdown, I found this bitter just for bitters sake--no real hop flavor--like they dumped a boatload of magnum in the boil at flame on. The principal flavor was overly sweet caramel, and very bitter caramel at that. Bit of candied cardboard in there too. The palate was medium and a bit sticky. Overall: Im sure this would have been a first rate IPA in 2007, but today it just does not tickle my fancy..

KevinReddirt (1138) - Midland, Texas, USA - FEB 22, 2017
Purchased the first time I saw a four pack at a local HEB. Glad I did. Out of the bottle it comes a super nice hazy orange liquid putting up a thinnish white top. The nose is resin with some caramel. Tasting it I get a moderate hop kick, maltiness, surprising for an IPA and a toffee-like sweetness. The bitterness is present throughout. I detect the 9.2% abv lingering in the background. Brewer should be proud.

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