Brew Wharf / Marina Black Cat RyePA

Formerly brewed at Brew Wharf
Style: Specialty Grain - Rye / Roggenbier
Borough, England
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RATINGS: 18   MEAN: 3.39/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.23/5   IBU: 54   EST. CALORIES: 168   ABV: 5.6%
A variation of our previous red/golden rye ales. Brewed in collaboration with Cervesa Marina, Catalonia (honorable mention to Gazza from Steel City). We used Pale, CaraRed, Munich, 30% rye malts, Carafa Special III and local rice that the brothers brought over in their hand luggage. Hopped in kettle with Herkules, Centennial, Kohatu and Galaxy, Centennial & Simcoe in fv.

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clockk (210) - Lada / Langreo, SPAIN - APR 12, 2015
Color oscuro. Sabor a centeno en el primer trago y a maltas torrefactas. Espuma persistente y buen cuerpo

Beese (12774) - Tooting, London, Greater London, ENGLAND - AUG 6, 2014
Draught at The White Horse, Parson’s Green on 24 Nov 2012. Poured a hazy, dark brown, with a halo of beige head. Weird aroma; very earthy, lots of rye and mixed with some odd cranberry and tart fruit notes. Initial flavours were oily, with some peal and toasted malt. Palate was really very nice; good residual roasty flavours, rich marmalade and peat.

miquelcrush (2052) - Granollers, SPAIN - JUL 8, 2014
Bona cervesa, és bastant equilibrada i gustosa. Buena cerveza, es bastante equilibrada y sabrosa.

angel77 (5969) - oviedo, SPAIN - JAN 10, 2014
Botella de 66 cl en el Lupulo. Septiembre de 213 color negro con espuma algo oscura y persistente. Cuerpo medio sabores a cereales notándose bastante el centeno, dándole a la cerveza un toque espeso y aspero. toques de maltas tostadas y final amargo contenido. Demasiado maltosa y cereales para mi gusto pero interesante para descubrir nuevos cereales en una cerveza.

Theis (15148) - Frederiksberg, DENMARK - NOV 19, 2013
Bottle at Antiono’s - Thanks. Clear dark brown - offwhite head. Roasted, soapy, dryness, light bretty, roasted, nice but light bitterness, lemon, rye notes, breadish. Bitter finish.

yespr (54984) - Copenhagen, DENMARK - NOV 14, 2013
22 fl oz bottle. Pours hazy brown with a small tan head. Aroma is grapefruity, peachy and citrusy. Solid hoppy, floral and solid bitter. Lingering fruity and floral.

Ungstrup (47893) - Citizen of the universe, DENMARK - NOV 14, 2013
Bottled. A dark red-brown beer with a lazing brown head. The aroma has notes of alcohol, lemons, and rye. The flavor is sweet with notes of hops, lemons, rye, and bread, leading to bitter finish.

teddybeer (5525) - Madrid, SPAIN - JUN 15, 2013
Bottle shared with Lupuloadicto. Cloudy brown colour with an off-white head with medium lasting and lacing. Aroma is light hops, citrus notes with toasted malts and slightly chocolate. Flavor is toasted malts with black coffee. Notes of rye are mostly present. Bittery and dry final.

GBZ59 (1217) - BARCELONA (Catalonia), SPAIN - MAR 17, 2013
Botella de 660ml. Vaso Tumbler. Saboreada en mar´13. Color marrón oscuro y espuma beige que deja copos en las paredes y una capa persistente en la superficie. Aromas de maltas tostadas y torrefactas, notas terrosas, matices de pan negro y cacao, con ciertos trazos de granja o queso. Maltas torrefactas y cremosas con un toque de centeno al primer sorbo. Amargo limpio y resinoso con notas de pan. Cuerpo medio/intenso y carbonatación moderada. Paladar picante pero que permanece suave. Final con prolongado amargor. Retrogusto seco y áspero.Con evidente tendencia al lúpulo pero con maltas y adjuntos jugando un importante papel. Muy fácil asimilación y sensación sabrosa. Si nunca has probado una de centeno, con esta apreciarás su aroma, sabor y sensación en boca. Y si ya las has probado, entonces saborea esta ! 660ml bottle Tumbler glass. Enjoyed on mar´13. Dark brown in color. Beige froth leaves spots on sides & a lasting layer on top. Toasted & roasted malt aromas, earthy notes, black bread & slight cocoa hues, kind of barneyard/cheese hints. Creamy roasted malts & rye touch at first sip. Clean & resinous bitterness & bready notes follow. Medium to full body. Moderate carbonation.Spicy touch but palate keeps on being smooth. Long bitter finish. Dry & harsh aftertaste. Very easy drinkability & flavorful sensation. Evident hoppy tendency but malts & adjuncts play an importan role. Have you ever tried a Rye one ? If not. Then discovered in this rye smelling, flavor & mouthfeel. If yes, then enjoy this one!

MesandSim (7116) - London, Greater London, ENGLAND - JAN 19, 2013
A Sim rate (cask at the Brew Wharf): Aroma is bitter chocolate & caramel. Flavour’s got a mad bitter hit with some real citric hoppiness that really follows through. Finish is a lovely bitterness that makes you keep puckering not to miss it. Nicely balanced and tasty treat.

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