BrewDog / To Øl Mercurial Mælk

Brewed by BrewDog
Style: Stout - Imperial Flavored / Pastry
Ellon, Aberdeenshire, Scotland
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RATINGS: 81   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.81/5   IBU: 40   EST. CALORIES: 366   ABV: 12.2%
From day one we've collaborated. Listening to our customers and working with our peers. Honing our art and spreading the word. Our series of pan-European collaborations helps celebrate that spirit. Denmark via Aberdeen for this gypsy brewed milk stout. Rich and smooth with a creamy velvet texture. The chocolate sweetness and lightly roasted malt character ebb to a subtle coffee bitterness.

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Idiosynkrasie (13823) - Bielefeld, GERMANY - JAN 11, 2022
UPDATED: JAN 11, 2022 330ml bottle. Jet black colour with late awakening, small to average, thick, frothy to creamy, half-way to moderately lasting, minimally lacing, brown head. Sweet-ish, chocolately, dark malty, minimally boozy aroma, notes of milk chocolate, dark chocolate, a touch of roast, liquorice and marmite. Taste is sweet, caramel and chocolately, dark malty, notes of caramel, dark caramel, milk chocolate, some toffee, vanilla, a touch of brandy; minimally warming, alcoholic finish. Oily to viscous texture, smooth and soft, silky palate, fine, soft to flat carbonation. Nice malty flavours, likeable alcoholic support - almost too drinkable for a sipper.

hrabren (5491) - Zagreb, CROATIA - OCT 27, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 27, 2020 0.33 l bottle aged for a few years shared with little Dina. Oily dark brown, minimal brownish head. Alcoholic, chocolate liqueur, some brandy quality, sweet chocolate, molasses, figs and/or prunes. Quite intense, quite alcoholic. Very sticky, oversweet. Dark cherry dipped in chocolate, sweet coffee, almost no bitterness. A roasty character underneath. Very sugary sticky and sweet finish. Lacquer and glue develops after awhile. Oily texture. Quite a light finish, except for the alcohol heat. Has it's downsides, overall not bad and aged quite well.

Thomas_W1 (3036) - Rastatt, GERMANY - JUL 31, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 31, 2020 Flasche 0,33l: Schwarz, kräftige Trübung, mäßig stabiler beiger mittelporiger Schaum; würzige + fruchtige Nase, kräftig malzig, dunkle würzig-fruchtige Süße, Malz, Getreide, dunkles Karamell, dezente Hopfennoten, dunkle/eingelegte Früchte, Beeren, Röstaromen, Kaffee, Vanille; sehr süßer + sehr würziger Körper, dunkle/eingelegte Früchte, dunkle Beeren, Röstaromen, nussig, Röstmalz, Getreide, dunkles Karamell, cremig, kräftige Kohlensäure, dezente Hopfennoten, Kaffee, Kaffeelikör, dunkle Schokolade; angenehmer fruchtig-würziger Nachgang

pivnizub (12576) - Bochum, GERMANY - JUL 19, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 19, 2020 Bottle: As black as expected, thin tanned foamy layer, pretty sweet aroma of roasted malt and vanilla, fruity and chocolatey traces; solid, quite sweet flavour, full bodied, silky MF; lingering sweet roasty and fruity finish with a certain bitterness and a slight alcohol burn in the aftertaste. Nothing wrong with, just a bit too sweet..

Fisler (2189) - Bamberg, GERMANY - JUL 12, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 12, 2020 Ziemlich öliges Imperial, lässt sich aber trotzdem gut runter, dank Vanille, Nuss, Alkohol definitiv wahrnehmbar, ohne zu stören, wie so ein Ölteppich, plötzlich ist man drin und alles ist Wurscht. Lecker.

nephirem (1750) - CROATIA - JUL 11, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 11, 2020 Bottle, 0.33l. Black pour, thin frothy beige layer on top. Average lacing on the glass. Malty nose, sweet, strong caramel and sugar notes, mild forest fruits in the background. Full body, soft carbonation. Creamy, chewy texture, oily, thick and soft on the palate. Taste is mostly sweet with a touch of roasty bitterness later on. Heavily malty aroma, caramel, molasses, toasted, slightly roasty. Forest fruits, milk, latte. Brown sugar, cocoa, chocolate. Sticky. Hints of vanilla. Moderate alcohol presence, nicely warming and well balanced. Quite heavy and flavorful. Medium to long lasting finish, dry, liquory, mild bitter. Pretty good.

Habanero (5843) - Tranbjerg, DENMARK - JUN 15, 2020
UPDATED: JUL 4, 2020 Pours black with a small tan head. Aroma of roasted malt, chocolate, Coffee notes, dark fruit and alcohol notes. Sweet taste that ends up being slightly more dry. Medium to fully bodied, oily to creamy texture and flat carbonated. An excellent Impy. 🌟🌟🌟🌟

stouby (5860) - Holbæk, DENMARK - JUN 3, 2020
UPDATED: JUN 3, 2020 Bottle @ No5. Black w a small beige head. Aroma heavy malty (caramel, roasted, dark chocolate, coffee). Flavor medium+ sweet, chocolate, coffee, lactose, despite that not cloying. Full body, like velvet, soft carbonated, the strength is not felt.

MBlessing (4093) - Württemberg, GERMANY - MAY 10, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 10, 2020 Danke an DrNosha, dunkles Bier schaum is ok, im Geruch malt röstmalz Karamell, sehr süß im Geschmack malzig Karamell dazu ne Spur Schokolade und röstmalz, gut aber mir zu süß

DrNosha (6667) - Württemberg, GERMANY - MAY 3, 2020
UPDATED: MAY 3, 2020 0,33l Flasche. Schwarzes öliges Bier, brauner cremiger Schaum. Süsser Röstmalz Duft. Dattel, Feige, Schokolade. Öliger Antrunk. Extrem süss. Melasse, Rübenkraut, Dattel und Schokolade. Eher Liqueur denn Bier.

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