RATINGS: 2662   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.43/5   EST. CALORIES: 156   ABV: 5.2%
Brooklyn Lager, the Brewery's flagship label, is New York's "hometown" beer, brewed to a pre-Prohibition recipe that dates back to the days when Brooklyn was the brewing capital of the East Coast. Brooklyn Lager has won numerous awards. Wrote Michael Jackson in the Simon & Schuster Pocket Guide to Beer: "The dry-hopped, fresh, flowery, firm, flavourful, Brooklyn Lager **-*** started well, in 1988, and has gained in character since."

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HULK777 (1039) - - AUG 12, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 12, 2021 Grainy and hoppy aroma. Lots of caramel also. The taste is caramel, some coca-cola, and bitter hops. Quite fresh.

vinivini (7486) - Homiel, BELARUS - AUG 10, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 10, 2021 Appearance: clear amber with a decent off-white head. Aroma: grain, crackers, caramel, good herbal hop. Taste: light to medium sweet and light bitter. Malty and hoppy. Pure. Crackers, caramel, herbal hop. Mouth feel: medium minus body, average carbonation. Summary: a good lager, no doubt.

fernockibeer (988) - Olesno, POLAND - AUG 5, 2021
UPDATED: AUG 5, 2021 Kran w Trzech Księżycach w Kazimierzu Dolnym. Z wyglądu to miedziano-bursztynowa barwa, klarowne, ze średnią pianą. Z aromatu słodowo, troszkę może nawet chlebowości jest, trochę trawiastości. W smaku półsłodkie, słodowe, lekko kwiatowe. Nasycenie w stronę wysokiego, goryczka w stronę średniej. Ogólnie ciekawy, klasyczny, dobrze zrobiony Vienna lager.

mcjay (884) - Neenah, Wisconsin, USA - JUL 8, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 8, 2021 Golden color with a persistent foamy white head. Sweet and grainy aroma worth a hint of popcorn. Pale with notes of grass and straw. This is a very crisp and refreshing lager.

Pimot (1430) - Castelló de la Plana, SPAIN - JUL 1, 2021
UPDATED: JUL 1, 2021 Color ámbar translúcido con espuma medio-alta blanquecina de retención media y buen residuo. Aroma a malta tostada, resina y caramelo con notas a minerales y naranja confitada. Sabor a minerales, malta tostada, resina y hierba seca con notas a caramelo quemado, pan integral y ligero toffee. Dulzor ligero, alcohol medio-ligero y amargor medio con regusto medio. Textura acuosa, cuerpo ligero y carbonatación media.

zizzybalubba (2122) - Raleigh, North Carolina, USA - JUN 27, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 27, 2021 12 oz. bottle from Sam's Bottle Shop, Durham, NC (best before July 2021). Pale gold pour with a frothy off-white head. Aroma of pale malt, floral hops, and faint lemon zest. The taste features pleasant grassy and floral hop bitterness upfront with noted sweet biscuity malts on the finish. Not my favorite style by a long-shot but I certainly appreciate something such as this in the beer landscape. This would rank about as high as I could expect a lager to rank.

vladeath (2683) - RUSSIA - JUN 26, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 26, 2021 Dark amber, good foam. Nose. Hops in grass, straw, citrus, a little pine needles, malt, bread. Rich! Taste. Malt, citrus notes, bread and caramel, pleasant bitterness. This is a Difficult lager, Great beer.

tightslice (2689) - Austin, Texas, USA - JUN 26, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 26, 2021 On tap at Homeslice in Austin, TX. Aroma is nutty, bready, sweet malts. Taste is sweet roasted bread, soft nuttiness, crisp finish. One of the more enjoyable lagers I’ve had lately.

thomas.lacho (109) - - JUN 20, 2021
UPDATED: JUN 20, 2021 Légère et complexe pour une bière aussi accessible. Belle couleur, mousse légère mais persistante. Gout malté, nez subtile. J'adore.

TheWhaleNorman (459) - Moscow, RUSSIA - MAY 19, 2021
UPDATED: MAY 19, 2021 Прекрасное охмелённое 'венское'. Как любитель сорта получил большое удовольствие. Хлеб, солод, карамель, немного ёлки, жжёнки. Цветочные тона присутствуют. Отличный вариант во вкусвилле

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