RATINGS: 10   MEAN: 3.85/5.0   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.6/5   EST. CALORIES: 120   ABV: 4%
Saisons (pronounced “say-zohns”) are refreshingly crisp, dry beers traditionally brewed in the French-speaking southern part of Belgium known as Wallonia. Originally brewed for summertime consumption, they are now year-round standards at the family table. Le Saisonniere was brewed in the style of a grisette and named in honor of the saisonnieres, seasonal farm workers who toiled in the summer sun and were rewarded with and refreshed by this thirst-quenching beer. These were historically brewed to a lower alcohol content despite the recent industry precedent to create much stronger saisons.

Our grisette is a hazy gold from a complex grist of organic pilsner and wheat malts, oats, rye, and buckwheat. Subtly hopped with Spalt and Hallertauer hops which contribute balance and a hint of floral character, though the grains are really on display. Tart fruity, spicy grain flavors come from the rye and buckwheat and are bolstered by spice notes and hints of citrus from our special house Belgian yeast strain.

A session beer with Belgian ancestry, this seemingly simple biére de table is surprisingly complex. Served in a traditional tulip glass to emphasize the glowing effervescence and special nature of this delightful little beer.

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MartinT (10698) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - DEC 19, 2018
UPDATED: DEC 19, 2018 My Bottom Line:
This fluffy and dry Barrel-Aged Saison shares herbal hints and citrusy angles over bread dough in an intelligent dosage and sequence of flavors.

Further Personal Perceptions:
-A healthy head of foam covers the misty pale blond.
-Mouthfeel is ample and lean. Elegant stuff.
-White flowers grow within as well.
-Drinkability is very high.
-Cereal blend brings softness to the slender body.
-Gin fits in perfectly with the chosen hops.


DuffMan (10981) - the land of bitumen, beef & beer, Alberta, CANADA - FEB 21, 2018
Bottle shared at game night with Colton and phantomhennes. Pale yellow, hazy, with a lasting white head. Softly funky with fruity undertones, crackery pale malts, dry finish. The gin barrel is low key here, imparting more funk than actual spirit character. Very nice.

patricks110 (2897) - Alberta, CANADA - JAN 1, 2018
Awesome. Light oak and botanical presence, rrefreshing, delicate and subtle grainy malt notes. Dry finish with floral and grassy hop notes, mild estery base, crisp wheat and toasted malts. Bitterness is mild and works well with the light funk. Mild acetic sourness, barrel flavour is more prominent as it warms. Delightful beer

AirForceHops (12438) - Epping, New Hampshire, USA - NOV 11, 2017
750 ml bottle from Craft Beer Cellar, Amesbury about 5 months ago. It pours a near clear golden with a nice white head. The aroma was of yeast, lime peel, mild botanical and a good amount of citrus. Good wheat backbone. The gin barrel is subtle, and the botanical element is low. Soft mellow carbonation/ airy mouthfeel. Pretty nicely crafted.

AdamChandler (5974) - Enfield, New Hampshire, USA - NOV 11, 2017
75CL from AFH. Very nice clarity. no floats, a light straw yellow 1 finger off-white head. Smells realy well balanced. wheat, lemon, lime, juniper and other botanicals. Flavor is a little soapy with juniper, sugar, honey, the finish is light and very basic, no lingering flavors at all. The body is middle-weight and oily. Tasty, the soap is a put off. it's not a ton of gin.

j12601 (14609) - Poughkeepsie, New York, USA - FEB 12, 2017
Bottle. Pours a hazed gold with a medium sized white head. Musk, gin. Soft and fuzzy. Musk,a touch herbal. Lightly woody, musk, gentle and easy drinking.

lefossoyeur (615) - Montreal, Quebec, CANADA - JUL 5, 2016
Pours hazy blonde with a huge thick creamy white head. Gentle spicyness, juniper and yeasty notes. Light bodied, nice appropriate carbonation, light pepper with a dry finish with herbal reminiscence of gin. Very nice offering on this hot day.

jkwood04 (5777) - Connecticut, USA - APR 29, 2016
750ml bottle in a tulip. Pours light golden with a white head. Aroma of spicy yeast, hints of tartness, some pale malts, light gin, and light floral notes. Flavor the same with a nice blend. Average texture. A pretty good beer.

Bawelt (874) - Lyon, FRANCE - MAR 22, 2016
C’est bon ! Le concept est inattendu et absolument réussi. Le nez est très fin, le gin est assez perceptible mais (parce qu’à la base je déteste cela) se marie très bien avec de belles notes de vin blanc bien accompagnées de prunes. Toujours au nez, on croit trouver des traces de champagne. En bouche, très fine aussi, on a une attaque un petit peu acide mais assez moelleuse, comme une ale à base de blé. Soit les notes de gin puis de vin blanc demi sec. La finale part sur un houblonnage (très léger) assez vert qui s’équilibre avec les notes de prunes etc qu’on avait senti au nez et qui sont fidèles au rendez vous. Corps très léger mais pas fade du tout. Un équilibre global assez remarquable. Chapeau !

ClarkVV (9063) - Boston, Massachusetts, USA - MAR 8, 2016
750mL corked/caged bottle drunk 3/5/16.
Intense amount of off-white head shows strong retention atop a bright, copper-golden liquid with plentiful carbonation and a good clarity.
The gin is right there in the nose, but it’s softened by vanilla, wood, honey and the fruity Belgian esters. Very impressive. Dry and spicy, but not dominating the beer qualities, it feels exactly like a gin barrel aged saison should; namely saison-like with plenty of pepper, fruit and light honey, with soft wood and spices augmented by the barrel aging. No alcohol or flaws.
Reserved and very flavorful in the mouth, as well, with tight carbonation and a very soft mouthfeel. The non BA version wasn’t even this soft and there was much more grain to it. Here there’s a plethora of honey and vanilla character that more than soaks up the gin flavors, yet still allows them to add complexity. Tons of floral notes, with soft, chewy wood tannin and no astringency that is usually the downfall of gin barrel aging. The bottling project continues to impress. Can’t wait for brett Pearls of Wisdom!

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