Brewed by Cantillon
Style: Lambic - Unblended Jonge / Oude
Brussels, Belgium


on tap

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RATINGS: 1239   WEIGHTED AVG: 3.69/5   EST. CALORIES: 150   ABV: 5%
A classic, specially selected single batch of lambic, aged three years in the cask. The only unblended real lambic you can find anywhere.

DISCLAIMER: this entry stores the ratings for both the "Cantillon Bruocsella" no mather whether it’s organic or not.

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Taboada (4683) - Compostela (Galiza), SPAIN - NOV 20, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 20, 2021 750ml. bottle, taster. @'MBCC 2021', Copenhagen (Denmark). 23/10/2021 [#4.467 Global - #147 Belgium - #12 Cantillon] Pours hazy golden to orange with a minimal white head. Oak, funk, vinegar and lemon. Medium acidic finish. Next one please!

rafael52 (3404) - Łódź, POLAND - NOV 6, 2021
UPDATED: NOV 6, 2021 W zapachu intensywne aromaty dzikich drożdży, 'stajni', skóry. W smaku wytrawne, mocno dzikie, taniniczne, cierpkie, wyraźnie kwaśne.

pictoman (3080) - Vancouver, British Columbia, CANADA - OCT 5, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 5, 2021 Poured from 750mL bottle (2017/2018 vintage - bottled 24 Feb 2021). Hazy gold with thin white head. Oak, funk, flavours are a bit subdued, but become more expressive as it warms up. Once warmed, quite nice.

Speko (1055) - DENMARK - OCT 2, 2021
UPDATED: OCT 2, 2021 2017-2018. Pours slightly unclear orange with no head. Grapes, apple, vinegar, lemon, not to sour quite nice. Medium body and flat to none carbonation.

rejtable (3928) - Ontario, CANADA - DEC 24, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 24, 2020 Bottle from Cantillon. Pours clear golden no head or lacing. Notes are peach, lemon, vinegar. Taste medium tart light sweet. Light body no carbonation lasting acidic bitterness.

azzurro (1954) - Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA - DEC 17, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 17, 2020 A nice surprise to get this beer yesterday for supper (they received it the same day), great food and great beer, that is the trend so far. A nice Cantillon, a little something special for our Christmas outing, taking the opportunity of going out for supper, as we are still allowed.

MatiF96 (1282) - POLAND - DEC 14, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 14, 2020 Koń, derka, jakby brzoskwinia, generalnie ciekawy aromat. Niemal płaskie, mocno pestkowe. Kwaśność niewielka, ale nieco ściąga pod koniec. Takie dość niestandardowy lambik, wyróżnia się na tle innych.

borowik (1131) - Bytom, POLAND - DEC 13, 2020
UPDATED: DEC 13, 2020 Bardzo ciekawy lambik. Niezbyt kwaśny, za to dużo nut dzikich i 'funky'. Derka, koń, bez cierpkości za to z niskim wysyceniem, przez co sprawai wrażenie nieco słodkiego.

jarvo (1347) - Abingdon, Oxfordshire, ENGLAND - NOV 16, 2020
UPDATED: NOV 16, 2020 Pours a golden apple juice colour with a thin white head which disappears quickly. Aroma tart white wine, apples, touch of vinegar. Taste very similar, with a touch of funk.Medium carbonation.

rotaman14 (1785) - Bielsko-Biala, POLAND - OCT 22, 2020
UPDATED: OCT 22, 2020 2016-2017 vintage, according to the label. Aroma is brett, horseradish, honey, floral. Taste is sour, sour in the finish, the hops unfold later and carry on to the aftertaste. A bit watery.

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